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Sport Poems - Poems about Sport

Sport Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sport to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sport.
A Fly Flew Onto A Ski
as a fly flew onto a ski his weight was just right you see so off down the mountain went he could his eyes be any larger? probably good job as before crashing into a tree he took flight did...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, fun, funny, humorous, nonsense,
Form: Light Verse
April 5 Get a sport into a poem Make Baseball Great Again!
April 5—Get a sport into a poem! Make Baseball Great Again! It is time to make American baseball Great again starting with creating a worldwide baseball competition with each season with the national champions competing in a World Cup...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, america, baseball, softball,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Sport
The political biochemistry of triumphs and defeats Lives its spasmodic life Consisting of precious milliseconds, Precise calculations and brutal muscle power. But this bodily activity Doesn't mean a thing Without the reports, the flags, the anthems, the politics of international...Read the rest...
Categories: confusion, sports, world,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

At the Wrestling Match
Rough n Tumble At the Royal Rumble! Sparkly tights Some funny sights! The excited kid's face Their new favourite place! Young upcoming acts Jumping around like acrobats! Behind the scenes though Its not all for-show.. The veteran with taped...Read the rest...
Categories: sports,
Form: Rhyme
The Bronzed coin Golden Championship Belt
Tjhe Cretans have centered there intentions made foly of the traditions stood in the Pool of Rightousness to drink the wines of endearment and affection callously they decieve for those who belive and shall rub the ointments of victory in there losses Might the...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, character, jealousy, language, mentor,
Form: Ballade

I Want to Know What It Feels Like To Be a Normal Teenager
To go out with friends Without having a care in the world To find people who just get me And accept me the way I am To be good at a sport And to be known To do well in school Yet not...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, 9th grade, body, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member His First Surf
. A Step ...Read the rest...
Categories: boy, sports, sunshine,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Death In the Sport But Love For the Game
Water the spirit of life. Rain Washing, it drowns. And floods The ground. Bemoan the dead. Looks like leather seats. This Luxury luckily Looming. Jet Black black car assuming, lurking. Then There's those painted deathly Lips strawberry shade...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, career, color, creation, culture,
Form: Alliteration
Making the Team
For 2 long years, I really did try, But every week I just seemed to be passed by. But then suddenly on the noticeboard, I saw something quite untoward, Suddenly my life was full of pride, I'd finally finally...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, child, childhood, football, soccer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Visually Impaired Tennis
Become a Tennis VIP, A Visually Impaired Player - just like me, No matter how your sight loss occurred, Your vision black, incomplete, or blurred, With adapted rules and cool soundball, It’s a great sport - designed to suit all, Don’t...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, courage, dedication, discrimination, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Dance On the Surf
. If only all of us could walk On water Fluid Grace. Free Poise Surfaces ...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, dance,
Form: Concrete
Wild Swimmers
We are all true wild swimmers You swim everyday and dive through the waves, Look great in a swimsuit and your hairdo behaves. You have all the gear and it coordinates, you always seem glam on...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, friendship love,
Form: Rhyme
I Do Not Trust Sport Trainers
There is a twinge in my left knee, right on the inside of the kneecap, under the bone. I’ll jump, sometimes. Tendons stretching, stretching, stretching— muscles flexing. My foot leave the ground (pointed, of course). My other leg is straight already...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, anti bullying, anxiety, pain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 'holy, Holy, Holy Is the Sport of Hosts'
The NBA's on NBC and CBS on Christmas Day Holiness is Big Time Sports ~ ...Read the rest...
Categories: christmas, satire, sports, technology,
Form: Rhyme
Pele Playing
Ronaldo, messi are nice but Pele had no price always made more than one goal with him in field no zero for sure...Read the rest...
Categories: sport, allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Clerihew

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