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Sorts Poems - Poems about Sorts

Sorts Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sorts to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sorts.
Last Exam: A Sijo of Sorts
My exam is over and everyone is plugged in on phones earbuds in, except for him, who sleeps, slumped on desk, bag in front with me the only one who can hear him snoring. ...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Sijo
Pass me by
I just feel disappointed with the answers that you give, I sit and wait patiently Whilst you go out and live. I just feel fed up With the way you’re acting now, I want to let ‘us’ go But really don’t...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, break up, first love,
Form: Rhyme

A Falling Out of Sorts; of the Kind That's Normal
I’ve had a tiff with my bestie, with the one who’s quite zesty. The one I rush to when I’m listless, when I need a true friend priceless. I’ve had a row with my reliable go-to, over an issue that...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, conflict, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Out of Sorts
I feel out of sorts and don’t lie When I say that I can’t explain why, Or rather I could But nobody would Make sense of it, though they might try. I have some decisions to make, Though nothing important’s at...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, how i feel,
Form: Limerick
An Emotionally Lethargic Seeker of Sorts
i am listening to this song there will never be another you tears roll down my face slowly i remember the look on her face i recall the eerie quiet i will never forget wishing that she could have died...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, i miss you, mom,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member We All Wear Masks of Sorts
We all wear masks of sorts... the politician more comfortable than most of us – his/hers made of latex – easier to contort into whatever image more advantageous; driven by public opinion...or which of the puppet makers will...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, america, evil, freedom, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Just I a Sweet Bending Flower of Sorts-
The doors of the harvest are open; Gathering the crops of our hearts; The living waters nourishing are ever distant parts; We see abundantly the newness starts; I am a reoccurring flower; And I am budding a loaf; For I am...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, analogy, appreciation, faith, flower,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Breakthrough of Sorts
I saw this thread hanging from my shirt the other day and was hit with a memory…back to my first year of teaching in Florida…and a young girl named Stephanie. Stephanie was a beautiful little girl…her...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, teacher,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On and On and On Beating Heart- Sorts Just Keeps Beating On-
The love of sorts completes flowing clear liquid exposed hosts into the air we breathe returns bright red set beating hearts enough said connect us so as each beat spreads goes beating on and on and...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, appreciation, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Marriage of Sorts
Wife: when I met her first, she was a dream me: she said if rich we could be a team father-in law: looked like would die next day me- he gave consent if I mend my way mother in...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, conflict, devotion, love,
Form: List
Premium Member Out of Sorts
All out of sorts odd quickening pulse What’s in your heart of hearts?...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, angst, emotions, feelings,
Form: Questionku
Damned No More
I am weak always Away from blame he sashays Faults to nitpick So who is the one sick It takes all sorts All with their own torts Forgiveness is His to give to those who wish to live...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, 12th grade, africa, christian,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Diamante of Sorts
Lady Of The Evening Former Godless Adulterous Nocturnal Friendly Sizzling Engaging ...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, addiction, desire, meaningful, sexy,
Form: Diamante
Out of Sorts, the Heathen
A wandering heathen compelled to wander and wonder, clinging to the subjective notions and half-baked personal philosophies that evolve with each new day and whisper with each pale night. Away from the Kingdom Hall, past temples more austere and churchyards more severe and cemeteries...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Genius of Sorts
genius of sorts scientific dna human completion...Read the rest...
Categories: sorts, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Haiku

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry