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Art Sonnet Poems

These Art Sonnet poems are examples of Sonnet poems about Art. These are the best examples of Sonnet Art poems written by international poets.

No One Is Looking
Cadence lowers its tenebrous tempo
Dulcet to a morose Memento Mori-bund
Lachrymose ribbon garnet fountain
Ruby rivulets in wine glass Chardonnay
Bubble floats to pop
Silence yet I sway

Miasma tang...

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Categories: art, beautiful, beauty, class,

Premium Member Thorns
Shall I reside in shadows of past years
like a silhouette where light appears dimmed
as life’s entangled path cuts deep like spears
of perforating thorns overly brimmed?

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Categories: faith, love,

The Spark Reignited

Today, my teacher asked why poems ceased,
I said, "My studies claimed my time and mind."
She smiled and spoke, "Let not your worries feast,
For in your...

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Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade,

Premium Member A New Start
Oh ad astra I have gazed from afar 
for some semblance of who I used to be;
All that remains is disheveled debris;
Somehow I left my...

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Categories: sonnet, confidence, emotions, feelings,

Premium Member Hercule and the Broken Birds de Bergerac

"Hercule and the Broken Birds de Bergerac"

lute wherefore art thou?
soft stroked like chords of velvet
wrapped around thee thou be art always 
in the bursting rose...

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Categories: muse,

Premium Member Heart gentle - Eye mindful
Beneath the moonlight, by the water's edge.
I harken to the songs splashing frogs sing 
and of the whippoorwill, an echoed pledge:
"Be still. Listen. My hand...

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Categories: art, blessing, christian, devotion,

The Centurion
The centurion, like kings and knights, possessed all powers.
He felt, as though, in front of Jesus, his might was mere mist.
Doesn't this mist, though tentative,...

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Categories: jesus,

Premium Member The Truth in Time
Materialised out of t’ foggy whorl.
Most people have speculated without fail 
from whence shores or dimension you have hail’d.
They agreed upon: You’re out of this...

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Categories: horse, mythology,

Two Builders
The Qin Shi Huang Empire built the marvelous China Wall.
The Flavian kings built the elegant Colosseum.
Just as the earth, an edifice needs to be safe...

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Categories: jesus,

Premium Member When Silence Speaks
When silence speaks there is no human word
or mouthing from an uncontented tongue.
Yet voiceless cries from hungry eyes are heard,
to those awaiting caring for someone.


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Categories: humanity, life, silence,

If Bane of Joys be to get Blase
Joy of pleasure, a child of poor parents,
Bliss alone founts from a perpetual spring,
Joy fancies scores of fond uncles and aunts, 
Never lasts long the...

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Categories: joy,

Premium Member Love
"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. The word is love.” 
~ Sophocles, Greek Poet

Love, where travels thou diminishing shade?

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Categories: death, depression, emotions, life,

Premium Member Confidence
A sly inflection shifts the paradigm.
Rambling renaissance men without a clue.
Notable declensions; mismanaged time.
Skewing the truth and balance of value.

When paying mind to another's success.

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Categories: analogy, art, character, confidence,

Your flaw endears Dear more than irks
No one nor you, me love, be free from flaws, 
A flaw endears more than it ever irks, 
It sounds strange, dimple a dire flaw...

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Categories: beauty, for her,

Premium Member Sonnet 18 and me!
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate
Rough winds do shake and darling buds of May and summer's lease...

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Categories: sonnet, adventure, anxiety, appreciation, beauty,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things