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Softball Poems | Examples of Softball Poetry

Softball Poems - Examples of all types of softball poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for softball.
Premium Member My Son Kevin
My son Kevin is a fine young man With a positive attitude and the motto “yes I can”! His energy is amazing and there’s no challenge too great Results oriented like his mom, he’s a winner out the...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, father son, how i
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Do you Believe?
Do you honestly believe? Look deep into your soul, The magic we seek is like gold. I truly believe, As if it was foretold. The stories of old, Look and behold, Listen to your heart, There are many that disregard, Yet, our destiny has...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, celebration, courage, destiny, devotion,
Form: Rhyme

April 5 Get a sport into a poem Make Baseball Great Again!
April 5—Get a sport into a poem! Make Baseball Great Again! It is time to make American baseball Great again starting with creating a worldwide baseball competition with each season with the national champions competing in a World Cup...Read the rest...
Categories: america, baseball, softball,
Form: Political Verse
Play as you wish There are no boundaries Taste me eat me I am your dish Do as you wish There are no boundaries... Note.Johny Boy use me as a toy......Read the rest...
Categories: softball, crush, football, games, hockey,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Daughter of the Hills
She’s a daughter of those West Virginia hills. Each morning she comes down from the holler, And catches the bus going to another county. She goes to a fancy, newly consolidated school Some of the teachers think she’s a...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, anti bullying, appreciation, girl,
Form: Rhyme

Why You Coach
WHY YOU COACH? You will have one Parent that is unhappy. You will get a bad call from an umpire. Your pitcher may be having a bad day. Your batter may be scared to get...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, baseball, dedication, encouraging, hope,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Batter Up
If baseball were life and innings were seasons, I'd sometimes play the Center- a neutral spot with few extremes, time enough for Short Stop dreams. Don't care to be First- it takes too much ego Second is always forgotten. Three is definitely,...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, baseball, softball, sports,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Hooray! Wet grassy feet fill my soccer cleats. Hot sweaty teens run fast track meets. She skis down sugary mountain tops. ...Read the rest...
Categories: baseball, football, fun, softball,
Form: Rhyme
Send me elixir back and bless me with the rain The fruits of the sacred tree and the ointments of pain...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, beautiful, blessing, color, death
Form: Footle
Football - the Universal Game
This is Football, ...Read the rest...
Categories: career, cool, football, softball,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pure Love
Piercing screams slice the air Creating a sense of joy with laughter Coloring the moments in exhilaration Left behind from some child’s imagination Echoes of small feet darting and sprinting Leaving stirrings of complete abandonment The knowing that comes from sharing...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, child, childhood, children, heart,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member At a Child's Softball Game
If you’re lucky…if you’re blessed you can discover joy at any time…in any place…I remember the day I found it…of all places…upon a child’s face. I remember we were far removed from fortune and from fame…sitting...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, joy,
Form: Rhyme
Touch and Go
A sport that holds a special place in my heart, A memory that will live with me from the start. The day I hit my first home run, I knew my hard work was not...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, 12th grade, emotions, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Nagging Menace
There once lived a boy named Dennis Who was a nagging menace He gathered all the balls That flew over walls Then threw them at players of tennis!...Read the rest...
Categories: softball, boy, funny, humor, kid,
Form: Limerick
A Recipe For Fun
A RECIPE FOR FUN Author: Dennis Howe February 2001 Take ten seasoned ball players and throw in a large pinch of leather and aluminum. Put the mix on a dirt field in the shape of a diamond and add some green salad...Read the rest...
Categories: softball,
Form: Free verse

Specific Types of Softball Poems

Definition | What is Softball in Poetry?

Poems Related to Softball

football, softsell, soft sell, soft sell, softly, softshell, fastball,

Book: Shattered Sighs