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Snogging Poems - Poems about Snogging

Snogging Poems - Examples of all types of poems about snogging to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for snogging.

...I can't imagine him in bed, Chick lit needs to be read, Draw down his manly jocks, Does he leave on his socks? Imagine the thrills, Before our cardiac pills, Is this erotic? I say, Whose love......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, appreciation, beautiful, desire, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Snog Frog
...To snag a prince, ambitious ladies bet all their money on a snog but as a rule they end up getting... a frog.......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, animal, funny love, love,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Halloween Party
...I had to get out for I’d been too long single I rang round a couple of mates The Halloween party, I wanted to mingle Perhaps we could get us some dates Across the ballroom a witch with a broom ......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Kissing For Beginners
...Kissing For Beginners. Do you recall your first kiss That was supposed to fill you with heavenly bliss But filled you with nervous anticipation It looked simple enough on telly But I had butte......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, humorous, innocence, romance, youth,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Snogging
...What's a billabong, a bop on the noggin” In Oz, they speak funny, harkens back to their login They misunderstood Puters in all likelihood Thought it was a passing fad, much-preferred snog......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, paradise,
Form: Limerick

Leaving Boyhood Behind
...LEAVING BOYHOOD BEHIND White shirt 'n' school tie to blue-collar, dress-code is changing with age From schooldays to pay-days, from homework to hard work School bells and game playing to work......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, work, boy,
Form: I do not know?
I Am Sure
...I am sure A no brainer that fought like sin, Too much aggro for want of snogging, Lay in a fix of drugs in shooting gallery, Wearing the best of the bib and tucker, Became a crapsh......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, conflict, devotion, drug,
Form: Free verse
Educational Philosophy Parody On Theme For English B
...The instructor said, Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you-- Then, it will be true. I wonder if it’s that simple? I am twenty, an average girl, born in Chicago. I went......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, education, school, school,
Form: I do not know?
I Finally Fell...In Love
...I can’t believe I finally fell… in love Oh, what I felt in my heart locked up my lips The pleasant picture I saw rocked all my ribs This darling dame was like an angel from above We were drowni......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, love, romanceheart, sweet, summer,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Pretty Flower In the Deep Woods
...VINEYARDS of HAPPINESS --------------------- GARDEN of SORROW There is no greater Happiness,-----------when-----------Pulling away sorrow then being in my lover's arms,-------letting......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, beautiful, depression, happiness, life,
Form: Free verse
...' Happiness to me,is as easy as can be, a doughnut and a cup of English tetley tea. Lying on my beige leather sofa, Covered by a Woolen red tartan rug, Hugging and Kissing,Fondling and snoggin......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, happiness
Form: Light Verse
...Happiness to me,is as simple as can be, A Doughnut and a Cup Of English Tetley tea, Covered by a Woolen Soft blanket, Lying On a Comfy Sofa,Cuddling and Kissing, Hugging and Snogging,Watching t.......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, happiness
Form: I do not know?
Poor Aunt Maude
...POOR AUNT MAUDE Sitting bored I sat and sighed How inconvenient old aunt Maud had died I wouldn’t be here if the old bat was still talking Watching the relatives sipping and walking Gestures o......Read the rest...
Categories: snogging, funnyold, old,
Form: I do not know?