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Short Preoccupation Poems

Short Preoccupation Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Preoccupation by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Preoccupation by length and keyword.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
Preoccupation with rules
Orderly, rigid...

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Categories: preoccupation, angst, depression, health, life
Form: Haiku

It is so big, and yet so small,
preoccupation with oneself.
If you are small you would be tall,
a poor man, yet desiring wealth.
Be satisfied with your own lot,
strive to better it, indeed,
and look to him less fortunate,
be grateful you don't have his needs....

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Categories: preoccupation, philosophy,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Admiral Farragut's Preoccupation
The intrepid Admiral David Farragut during the Battle of Mobile Bay,

Urged his hapless seamen to battle with these immortal words that day:


Easy for you to say, Admiral!  (Who was safely ensconced in the 'head'!...

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Categories: preoccupation, humorous, leadership, war,
Form: Clerihew
, my preoccupation,
, my concern,
, my consternation,
, my ire, 
, my part,
, my grace,
, my fortune,
, my delight,
, my bliss,
, my light,
, my poise,
, my lady,
, my love,
, my life,
, for you,
, for Rin,
, for Minnie

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Categories: preoccupation, family, feelings, love,
Form: Free verse
It is so big, and yet so small, 
preoccupation with oneself. 
If you are small you would be tall, 
a poor man, yet desiring wealth. 

Be satisfied with your own lot 
and strive to better it, indeed, 
and look to him less fortunate, 
be grateful thou hast not his need....

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Categories: preoccupation, philosophy,
Form: Verse

A Mathematical Problem
Future of infinte pain,
+something you don't want to do x
the difference in these loving eyes,
carry the once and future king of england,
The sum of this is a very rich man.
This years preoccupation is written on the leaves that have fallen on the path i walked all year.
As leaves from trees.
Transience is gold dust under your fingernails....

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Categories: preoccupation, visionary
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Repristination
Repristination of our nation calls for hours of restoration. Political powers hold their station in hopes of that next election elation, glad of their occupation though to us it is agitation. Perhaps we can find a situation wherein we voice our refutation of their personal preoccupation, without instigation or castigation.

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Categories: preoccupation, conflict, feelings, leadership, patriotic, people, perspective, political,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Desire and Obsession

                            covetous, thirsty

                 arousing, enticing, pursuing

eagerness, ambition, madness, preoccupation

                stalking, fixating, concerning

                      complex, pathological


Date written: 04/30/2023...

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Categories: preoccupation, creation, poetry, words,
Form: Diamante
Dive deep into my thoughts 
And tell me what you’ll unravel.
Have you lost your way in your search 
Or got tangled in a tight web?

“The mess is my fault, I know,
I’ve been there.”

You see, the seeds that I’ve sowed,
Oh, how they have sprawled - relentlessly.
Beyond the control of mind,
From where they were conceived.

“To be lost in in your own thoughts,
Is to be absorbed in preoccupation.”...

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Categories: preoccupation, introspection, psychological, stress,
Form: Free verse
The nations
Down hill slide

Other countries
Causing harmful
Loss of pride

Will the donor
Give me back
My heart inside

Is there no peace
All the weapons
Try to hide

Is there only
My salvation
In my hope
Is it a lie?

Can there be
A place to where
Laws are written

Will there be
A place where only
Words are spoken
From inside...

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Categories: preoccupation, angst, people, war
Form: Quatrain
Mr. Goodbar
Teacher, teacher what are you doing there? 
You'll never find Mr. Goodbar in that snake pit.
Preoccupation with admiration is making you late.
Stop this insanity, madness abate.
Anticipating a prince but getting a frog
Absence of clarity
Walking into a thick, dense fog.
Trusting and naive
The amphibians deceive
And take your very breath from within you
So much strife, the end of life
And never finding that Mr. Goodbar....

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Categories: preoccupation, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Clarify Your Perspective
Worrying about today
Unaware of the now
Such a travesty in life
It makes you wonder how

Preoccupation of a thought
Infectious cognitive disease
Autonomic habitual patterns
Dire; never pleased

Clarify your perspective
Learn to trust your gut
See through a clear glass lens
Rest assured - you’ll have good luck

The sky begins to open
Miles and miles of clear blue sky
Deep breaths in troubled moments
No more need to wonder why...

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Categories: preoccupation, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Sell their bodies and their souls
They've lost all control

Their eyes are glazed with a film of desperation
Agitation, preoccupation

Basic needs no longer shelter or food
Only one avenue is pursued

Begging, stealing, money is air
How it's obtained, they don't care

Health and hygiene gone with the rest
Nothing matters they're obsessed

There's no love to give family or friends
All their love goes to the ends

Everlast - Ends...

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Categories: preoccupation, addiction, betrayal, body, culture, health, mental illness,
Form: Rhyme
My Mortality
I wonder if I’m the only one who smells the fetidness of dead daylilies, carrion that lies concealed off the beaten path. Could it be my preoccupation with death lately? Reviewing my will, perusing my prepaid funeral expenses and life insurance, that have acutely enhanced my sense of smell for the morbidities of death. It’s not a pleasant state of mind to live with and act unconcerned concerning the inevitable conqueror worm.

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Categories: preoccupation, age, , cute,
Form: Free verse
Surrounded by adulations, you flaunt your expectations. 
Undue repercussions, desiring gratuitous acknowledgement of your affluence and good fortune. 
Reminders of turbulent open tribulations, slamming the door and watching you crestfallen as you fall from grace. 
What you call a miracle intervention when really you should do penance for the chaos unleashed.
Pedantic overflow snuffs out my exhilaration.
Is my preoccupation really but a side effect of my own disgrace?...

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Categories: preoccupation, angst,
Form: Couplet
Epanalepsis Poetry Fear
fear we have too...  it is called self-preservation... fear

scared all the time... in daylight and in darkness... scared

women forced to live with this preoccupation...

in certain countries a way of life for all women...

discrimination in all its forms a fear that should never be

inadvertently enforced by governments ... maybe... discrimination

a life of solitude... once did exist in until the west invaded

distant lands where we killed... enslaved... solitude decimated......

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Categories: preoccupation, abuse, anger, anxiety, discrimination, fear, solitude,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things