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Funny Senses Poems

These Funny Senses poems are examples of Senses poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Senses Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Just say NO
I simply must say No to wearing body spray
Or else I'll be allergic to myself ALL DAY! ;-P...

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Categories: senses, body, funny, giggle, self,

Premium Member Stripe of a Different Color
there once was a skunk named Pepé Le Pew
when he came near, well, everyone knew
	Penelope, his chérie
	to her, he was smelly
odorous advances met pooh pooh!...

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Categories: senses, animal, emotions, funny, humorous,

Premium Member Unbefitting
I was drawn to you, from the first instant
something about you aroused my senses
a message unspoken, and insistent
that could somehow bypass my defenses.

I couldn’t show...

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Categories: senses, boyfriend, emotions, feelings, poetry,

Premium Member Fizzling Fizgig
There once was a young man named Rig
his rectum two sizes too big
	whenever he farted
	his two cheeks they parted
expelling a fireworks fizgig

The fizgig it fizzled...

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Categories: funny, humor, senses, silly,

Premium Member A Skunk's 'Tale'
,A Skunk’s ‘Tale’,

Twas a puzzling mid-summer’s eve
When I became acquainted with Steve
Bear with if you can
For Steve’s not a man
He’s an odd little skunk who...

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Categories: senses, animal, car, conflict, fantasy,

Premium Member The Man With a Bad Toothache
There lived a man named Mcavity
Who had a bad aching cavity

He fell from outer space
In a pool on his face

And it was gone thanks to...

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Categories: funny, hurt, missing, senses,

Dawn of the Woodpecker
Swaying and shuffling to the bathroom,
		once again,
			I hoped this time that I’d summon the wherewithal 
		to finally start my Saturday.
  	But my visit was...

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Categories: senses, bird, drink, funny, good

Joker's Hoax
Clumsy knock about clown endears
Bubble blown, unicycling, tightrope dance 
Underneath charisma, after the cheers
Grinning sinister inkling stirs up fears
Guise causes unnerved scare's enhance

Aside from a...

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Categories: senses, abuse, betrayal, candy, evil,

Premium Member Maze
Where did the paths take you,                   ...

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Categories: senses, beauty, day, garden, humor,

Crazy Sensible Love
Crazy Sensible Love

I agree, a person without a story, and ??
I disagree, a person without a love story.

When I was young and cherished, I loved...

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Categories: senses, confusion, crazy, cute love,

Premium Member April Fooling Around
April Fools is on the new horizon 
When the next time the sun rises 
There will be innocent fibbing and lying 
Is it a prank,...

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Categories: senses, emotions, fun, funny love,

You Have Nothing
A 35% of you is for the taxman
Twenty days left to own your grind
A 10% of you goes to tithe
For a salvation to find
Leaves you...

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Categories: senses, funny, growing up, growth,

I think its funny how when I go to sleep 
there are animals that are just now waking up

Stretching their muscles
Tightening their senses

In life there...

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Categories: senses, animal, environment, metaphor, nature,

Premium Member One More Delivery
One More Delivery

Please wait at the door. 
I told the man holding the package. 
He smiled, 
not unkindly, 
but as patiently as one might expect,...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: senses, childhood, christmas, december, endurance,

Premium Member Rebecca

Daughter of The King. 
Your namesake blessed a nation, 
be proud. 
You began life, 
ahead of most. 
Already you were glorified, 
held high by your...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: senses, confusion, emotions, friendship, friendship

Book: Reflection on the Important Things