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Rottweiler Poems - Poems about Rottweiler

Rottweiler Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rottweiler to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rottweiler.
Premium Member If I inherited Millions
...I will build an art center for those who like to play Hope to have it finished by next April or May Will invite youth and others who are merry and gay. Will throw out contenders who are bullies li......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, money,
Form: Rhyme
Shaggy Dog Limericks Vi
...The Rottweiler I wouldn’t provoke a Rottweiler Not unless I were prepped like a miler Seems a little inbreeding Done without heeding Has turned Benji into a Sieg Heiler The Saint ......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, animal, cute, dog, fun,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Dogs On Vacation
...dogs on vacation filling up the beach with warm barks dobermans, german shepherds, prissy poodles that cause sparks husky and rottweiler are sharing a purple lounge chair in the sun excited corgis......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, dog, fantasy,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Bobo's Comeuppance
...A Rottweiler Shepard mix longsuffering had proven to be With the Doberman pup, a red one, won on a gambling spree Rocky the mix and BoBo coexisted for a time As any two male dogs can manage......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, animal, planet,
Form: Rhyme
...5/16/22 Here let me paint you a drawing My skin crawling Something stirring and calling As the leaves begin falling It's appalling That people are always squabbling And gossiping Yet an......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, dark, deep, life, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Dramatic Rottweiler
...A rottweiler with a dramatic flair is a thespian beyond compare He roams through Poughkeepsie as the resident gypsy always laying his emotions bare......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Brutus
...Brutus, my slavering Rottweiler, growls He knows he's tougher than pooches with tails The long pointed studs on his black leather collar Are matched by his canines which make poodles holler The......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, animal, dog, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sweet and Sour
...[Postscript: Ah, the vagaries of English. In England, your bum is your bottom... not the scruffy bloke who lives in your shed!] I got up and Daddy said Good morning Sonny Sit down for breakfast, ......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, food, humorous, kid,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wisdom Spoke
...foot in a blender skin sliced thin, jagged bicycle spokes spinning how i learned to wear shoes dad’s rottweiler-yelling as mom assesses claustrophobic on commode dinner would get cold cut......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, children, emotions, hurt, parents,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lilly the Bugs
...I have a friend Lilly, she's a dog She jumps and plays when she jogs She's a pit bull and sweet, she is quick on her feet It sounds strange but she likes to eat frogs She has the prettiest eyes......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, best friend, dog, love,
Form: Rhyme
I'M Inferior To Flora
...I'm from human the best Fauna! I hate black skin I love aristocratic white I'm with my favorite rottweiler puppies by the flowers garden where I find beautiful flowers are liberal, lav......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, irony, racism,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Just Not Your Year
...Life is full of surprises, as you recognize your fear. An adrenaline fueled fight or flight puts your behind in gear. You’d like to think that you are brave. You have no problem facing fe......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, funny, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Sensible Advice I Suppose
...I hate parking in supermarket car parks, with scrapes and dents, or scratches common place. They’re a request to join demolition derby, and some of the parking is a damn disgrace. To find a pa......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Love At First
...Love at first That's how I felt Like a rottweiler Wagging its tail And my crush Disappeared in a flush From that sec I knew it was she First time we met A woman I'd wed someday......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, blessing, crush, happiness, love,
Form: Bio
St Dobpitrotger
...'Whiskers'! That's who we called him and he passed through once a year with his swag and billy; this time with a 'heeler' dog close near. Our 'oldies' always said when 'Whiskers' camped beside the ......Read the rest...
Categories: rottweiler, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

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