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Ripper Poems - Poems about Ripper

Ripper Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ripper to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ripper.
Rise of the Ripper 3
Is it nature or nurture This Larry wants to know As a genetic researcher His life has taken a blow Could he be related To the beast of Whitechapel Is his life ill-fated Something which he must grapple His ghostly grandparents say it’s...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, history,
Form: Rhyme
Rise of the Ripper 2
You’ve heard of Brady and Hindley And I'm sure Poll Pot too You've heard of Fred and Rose West and the evil that they do Jack the Ripper had a son Did he follow in his steps? Find out about the...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, father son,
Form: Rhyme

Rise of the Ripper
Through the streets of Whitechapel A monster roamed them all He left behind a history Many to enthral But who knew the romance The lover behind this affray He may wield a knife but in fact ...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, betrayal, history, romance,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper has not mended his ways Continuing search for unwary prey This time around, his weapon is poison Extinguishing lives of poor, his mission ‘The weak must perish’, Jack the Ripper says Homeless vagrants at food bank, to...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, dark, murder,
Form: Rondeau
Premium Member Jack's Choice
I've spent the evening hunting, as I'm wont to do and choosing for tonight an older lass, I hold the shop door open while she passes through and as it closes, watch her in the glass Her face is...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, city, death, desire, england,
Form: Imagism

Whitechapel, London 1888
Wanton women of Whitechapel Desperate and destitute Weakened from want Shrunken stomachs barren of bread Dying from disease in dingy dosshouses Selling themselves on the streets for shillings to buy beer, a bed for the night or a bonny new bonnet to enable...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, death, england, history, london,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jack Speaks
Although intoxicated within ethereal madness; bound within the chains of this soulless prison. I'm desperately in love with this Gothic sadness; whilst staring into a fog of disheartened reason. Walking and stalking through dark rancid streets; stopping for pints, now...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, 12th grade, dark, death,
Form: Rhyme
Whitechapel You Must Watch For Me
Whitechapel, you must watch for me. Your streets unlit, they are dark and dreary. Those ladies of night go passing by. I’ve chosen my victim, the one to die. I Lurk, I follow, I know this place. I watch this...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, dark, death, england, evil,
Form: Verse
Jack the Ripper
I Jumped up suddenly out of my bed With Jack the ripper spinning in my head And the word cabinet kept floating in my bed I had a very serious message to deliver But I don't know who to...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, america, angel, beautiful, culture,
Form: Narrative
Tacita Pruval Learns the True Identity of Jack the Ripper
Tacita leaned in close and lowered her voice a tad. “So tell me, Jack. What’s your real name?" "You don’t really want to know who I am. You just think you do. Aye, the public loves...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, humor, murder, science fiction,
Form: Narrative
Jack the Ripper
Aaron Kosminski, you were not Jack the Ripper as many would have thought. You have not kept a dissecting knife under your coat as Raskolnikov had kept the ax. You were not addicted to opium. ...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, death,
Form: Verse
A Real Jack the Ripper In a Small American Town
Gladys was a devote Baptist and a Sweet old lady who never had anything Bad to say about anybody so when this Young man moved into the neighborhood They said you can just look into his eyes And see he's...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, death, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Shadow-clad, softly he treads, a harbinger of death, and he's out hunting. Stilettos in a leather belt, his weapons keen and gleaming in the gaslight; skulking in concealment there he waits. Patience; his bloodlust can't...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, murder,
Form: Verse
Jack the Ripper
The man in the alley is insane. Syphilis eats at his brain. All dressed in black, he is ready to attack. He stalks in the dark of night, trying to stay out of sight. A certain type he wants to find. Whores,filthy...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, crazy, dark, death, evil,
Form: Rhyme
Reaching to the sky in terror, another helpless victim of an Inconceivable crime cries out for mercy. Blood curdles as screams Pierce the night of London town. Who is the madman on the loose Preying on...Read the rest...
Categories: ripper, dark, death, murder, mystery,
Form: Acrostic

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry