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Priority Poems - Poems about Priority

Priority Poems - Examples of all types of poems about priority to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for priority.
Urgent Priority
Urgency lead Time for yourself Big prime concern. Helping others Keep heart's duty Great self reward. Loving others Firm second law Carves every heart. Loving yourself Thrive with loving Your enemy....Read the rest...
Categories: priority, giving, love, self,
Form: Than-Bauk
Priority And Gameplan
In life, love isn't everything It's a priority and a game plan You can sacrifice something For personal reason and affection You can't promise everything in life But you can give a word and consulation An action that would...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, life, love, trust,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Priority Report
I came home to find that my door was ajar And someone had stolen my keys and my car “I’ll just get a new one tomorrow,” I said And then told my wife that I’m going to bed She...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Religion is the priority
Religion is the priority I don’t want man-made science in my life. I believe in God And in the Satan No psychology! In my life! I come from the Nature Driven my life By Love By God Leader is The Satan ...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A honey baked life
Promised a honey baked life by Uncle Sam, a V.A. loan, and a mini-van. Three kids and a fenced yard. It should be attainable to those who worked so hard. They served, they sacrificed as mother's wept, came home to be...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, america, military,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member artistic priority
What will truly make ART great again, is when people return to the critical realization that it is not about quality, it is about expression, and more importantly, JOY. Don’t be too concerned what others...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, analogy, art, beauty, creation,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Thoughts About Time
I have no time; I can’t do it. Let’s take a moment, take a sit, Think about time for just a bit. Relax for now, don’t throw a fit. It’s not the time that holds us back, And not the...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, change, day, dedication, life,
Form: Rhyme
The Fall
Planning for my fall was a priority Trying to destroy my purity Forgetting about my ability Their act of inhumanity Made me discover their inferiority And decided to bring it to reality Had to work hard to strengthen my security Since all...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Priority Poetrix
I'm always so urgent I'm top priority doubtless In the relentless pursuit of me...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, allusion, appreciation, metaphor,
Form: Light Verse
Never Be the 2nd Choice
You are not a pick You are the lick! The real Bag! Don't think otherwise!...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, 12th grade, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member On Prioritizing
What things are most important to me? Things that I must give rapt attention to We must all consider this individually, Deciding for ourselves what is right and true And prioritize our days accordingly. Written July 20, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, how i feel, perspective,
Form: Quintain (Sicilian)
Premium Member Strategy Priority
Stricter measures by most families, have to be taken, In essence with cycling, we might have to reckon, We must most certainly cut down on our bacon. To price hikes of food, medical costs and fuel awaken, Don’t let...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, poverty,
Form: Rhyme
Holding On a While Longer
Holding on a while longer I wasn't your first priority, but I endured... Holding onto you a little while longer... You got angry easily, I apologized and pacified... Holding onto you a little while longer... My efforts weren't fully appreciated,...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, break up, feelings, heartbreak,
Form: Lyric
Like Petrol, Unlike Petrol
Like petrol, coming from a place of refining, from crude to refined. Like petrol, propelling others, burning yourself, using every energy to the last pint. Like petrol, when you are done burning yourself, they refill, pick another petrol. Unlike petrol, never leaving the place of...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, encouraging, growth, motivation,
Form: Free verse
In my finite life I have a pressing urgency priority in knowing me...Read the rest...
Categories: priority, allusion, appreciation, inspiration, wisdom,
Form: Light Verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry