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Pom Poems - Poems about Pom

Pom Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pom to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pom.
Ra Pop Pa Pa Pa Pom
Repeat The Sounding Joy, Little Drummer Boy. Up on the housetop 4 calling birds sing, Why does she wear 5 golden rings? ...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, christmas, heaven,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Everyone Has Pom Poms
loud exuberant cheering the hats are on everyone has pompoms every time their god opens his mouth they go nuts shades of Hitler they are so loud none can hear what he says he makes all kinds of claims mostly lies they hear him...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, america, political,
Form: Political Verse

Poetry Is Part 1
Poetry IS the Mother of ALL art. The completion and the part. A private punchline-divine. Be it the fruit or be it the vine. It is The IS, sometimes the Music, sometimes the Muse for us. The usery that uses us. The...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, art, inspiration, inspirational, poems,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Tiddley Pom
Pom Tiddley Om Pom Buddha says to me Pom Tiddley Om Pom He flips me in a tree Pom Tiddley Om Pom I get stung by a bee Pom Tiddley Om Pom So meditatively....Read the rest...
Categories: pom, fantasy, fun, games, insect,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Pom Poms For Maureen and Jan
POM POMS FOR MAUREEN AND JAN Maureen’s titillating poem, tit for tat. Excitement of goosebumps, sure as tease, shown in verse. She has Jan’s front and back. An exclamation - a sisterhood shout: what’s this all about - birds or not? Unfortunately,...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Pink Pims and Pom Poms
pink pims and pom poms An alabaster in a tight fitting top cannot squeeze into a convertible Mercedes Benz as fitting a box into a circle is not a pleasantry nor a pheasant flap. Peace be...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, angst, appreciation, aubade, baptism,
Form: I do not know?
My Contst Pom
my contst pom - compliant son! Oh son, I pity you try but fail In Biology, lizards, rats have tail I told, mug up ,vomit words You'll pass, you'll fly high as birds In quiz, Madam said, you spit up...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, animal, funny, son,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
In front of a blackboard I walk Around in my classroom and talk Of motion and fall, Gravity on a ball, My hands and my shirt full of chalk. October 12, 2016 For vivs missing lttr contst Sponsored by Viv Wigley...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Contst Pom
Last Christmas an ugly old frog got fat drinking holiday nog. But I saw him this fall looking not fat at all - in bright shorts out taking a jog! Writtn Oct 10, 2016 for vivs missing lttr contst...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, animal,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Zip lining across the blue sky, I thought I saw Miss Piggy go by, wearing a pink boa, yelling out "amore,'" realized now that pigs can in fact fly! 10-12-16...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, animal, humor, star,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Contst Pom
Climb to a high mountain shack Pot and good **** in my pack A hot Navy flick A hot busty chick My pants captain said, "Up stack!"...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, funny, sexy, silly,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
My Contst Pom On day I saw a dog, Who’s mug was that of a frog, His bark was a croak, That astonishd the folks, Who stood by th swamp aghast. Written: 10/11/16 Submitted for: vivs missing lttr contst - Potry Contst Sponsored...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, animal, humor,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Bounti-fall By: Blake Myers Blowing trsss, sounding of rain, It is that timn of yr again, Crisp air, cool brzzz, soon to b night, Hay and pumpkins always in sight, If ol' scaircrow only had a brain....Read the rest...
Categories: pom, america, autumn, travel,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
A silly tall man from Walsall Thought that climbing high on a wall And standing on top By starting his drop That this fall would turn...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, silly,
Form: Limerick
My Contst Pom
Good morning ma’am, how do you do? How I wish I was going with you On a trip on a boat With a sail for a coat Crossing rain, sky, and windy storms too...Read the rest...
Categories: pom, humor,
Form: Limerick

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry