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Piece Poems - Poems about Piece

Piece Poems - Examples of all types of poems about piece to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for piece.
Take Another Piece
In this concrete jungle where love's a game, I'll tell your boyfriend, baby, set him aflame. Your secrets, they echo through the night's embrace, Like a Motown melody, a Tevin Campbell phase. Didn't I make you...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, blessing, community, cute love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Piece Of Art
There is art in everything It can be beautiful It can be ugly It can be silly Or it can make you say WTF It can be on paper On stretched out canvas Or carved from a large stone But it always comes...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, art, creation,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Missing Piece
A memory that’s elusive On the corners of my mind I reach, but cannot touch it. I seek, but cannot find Is it coming from the future? Or somewhere in the past? I know I want to hold it But the...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Missing Piece
Missing piece I’m the missing piece that’s broken All hope gained was stolen As your token I sit and wait for nothing, as it happens. You painted me as the villain, But I never was Not fully We were both the...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, 12th grade, love,
Form: Free verse
Sea Piece
roaring sans a mouth she still grapples for your kiss — crying seagulls fly ~above the waves passing through skin like sinless sheets, my piece of the sea the swells of me camouflages our gills — heart also webbed, by salt maybe ~I cannot...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, angst, introspection, kiss, meaningful,
Form: Free verse

Don't act from what ? You hear Or see Dive in You'll always be unaware If you ain't curious about it. Act from what you know If it's not right Don't do it Even when everyone is doing it. Don't let them trigger you...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, africa, christian, community, dedication,
Form: Free verse
Last Piece
Last Piece We Are Free Not To Permit Ourselves To Be. -Gray Squirrel 10-28-2024...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, life,
Form: Free verse
A Piece Of My Gratitude: the remix
OLODUMARE In mystic realms, where secrets sleep, A tale of the creator who creates with optimum creativity. Of Olodumare, the divine vine, Who weaves every fabric of mine since before time His words, like threads, of gold and fine, Unfurl the...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, 1st grade, best friend,
Form: Free verse
OLODUMARE; a piece of my gratitude
This is a complexly simple piece, It's a creation's toil to put into words thoughts about His creator, who made the world with the words of His mouth, without precedent. Olodumare The infatomable mystery above human existence. The Lord...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, 1st grade, birthday, happy,
Form: Free verse
unnamed piece
In my pointless existence, my only purpose, you, my beloved. I peek at your lips and listen intently as if I was your devoted disciple and you the high priestess (of my heart) (...). I...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, 11th grade, addiction, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Missing Piece
Searching outside of myself Far and wide Looking into the eyes and souls of others Seeking answers Looking for my missing part Always sensing an absence Awakening one day with tears in my eyes A complete realization I had found my missing...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, animal, appreciation, blessing, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Snippets play inside my mind. Pieces of movies which I find Are ingrained; cinema projected... Dorment and then resurrected. Sometimes, just a simple thought Or action has the snippet caught. Often, in a single day They play - and sometimes on replay. Moments...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, film, image,
Form: Rhyme
Missing Piece
No one is perfect Something is always missing Find that missing piece....Read the rest...
Categories: piece, happiness, life, missing, perspective,
Form: Senryu
A natural piece of art
Helpless a stump does sit suffering from decay, on the rugged part of the hillside where loggers had cut away. Glorious the trees did stand along the rocky ridge, as long as the eye could...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, creation, environment, humanity, life,
Form: Rhyme
Just A Little Piece of Me
Just A Little Piece of Me. Judge her not for who you think she is, rather spend the time to know her soul instead. Use that time to unravel the mystery of this woman who stands...Read the rest...
Categories: piece, beautiful,
Form: Free verse

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