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Sky Night Poems

These Sky Night poems are examples of Night poems about Sky. These are the best examples of Night Sky poems written by international poets.

Roamer in the Sky
Till the time comes

darkness entombed—opens, unveils
a sky unrayed—blank, solid black
the time
the time comes.

wandering star when will you fill such emptiness?

When the time comes
the skies...

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Categories: dark, longing, night, sky,

Clouds and moon II
Single silver eye
peering through the foliage
beaming monochrome

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Categories: moon, night, sky,

Sun's Mandate
The sun, a brass gong,
a brassy, blazing command,
it wakes the world,
with a fiery, golden hand.

The air, a hesitant breath,
in a nascent, cool embrace,
now exhales,
warming with...

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Categories: night, day, earth, sun,

Premium Member Solitary Walk
Solitary walk beneath a moonlit night sky.
Sparkling river reflects moonlight as I walk by.
Geese are flying in the clouds so high.
I also see the northern...

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Categories: imagery, moon, nature, night,

Premium Member Cafe Terrace at Night - Van Gogh - draft
tonight I will not be absorbed by the blue/black 
I'm in the gaslight
the hum of people, protecting me, unbeknownst to them
as undercurrents don't grab, for...

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Categories: night, art,

Passenger Station
Anew, a dazzling comet passed by.
Carrying a mass of dreams, 
To a harbor at the edge of universe, 
To another space.
Fulfilled wishes, 
Gather dust, 

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Categories: dream, fantasy, night, planet,

The Moonlight Fairy
The Moonlight Fairy sits outside in the darkness
on a rock
reflecting on life each and every day

Above her the stars
Are twinkling cheerfully
in the sky

And straight ahead...

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Categories: moon, nature, night, stars,

Premium Member On the Edge of a Wintery Night

Falling, falling, falling
Always calling – softly, breathless,
On wings of flakes, so quiet,
Silence drifting, hallucinating,
Dreaming of the moments,
When heartfelt prayers are answered…

Falling, falling, falling,
Drifting in from...

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Categories: night, appreciation, god, joy, snow,

Fewer Neutrons
1 am
Stars out; twin bed 
       walked Gemini
close as space ceiling
on her bones —
with scars tight,
blood liquid fine —

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© Paige Hind  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: night, dark, identity, introspection, longing,

Premium Member Memories of Autumn Nights

On Autumn nights, under the watchful 
eyes of stars, we shared fun and laughter 
beneath their glow,  
Listened to Crickets serenading the 
Hours upon...

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Categories: night, autumn, children, firework, fun,

Blanket of stars
sky get dark,
for stars to let shine
I'll be your darkness
if you say you're mine

the way the stars appear
and the thoughts of holding you near

if you...

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Categories: night, beauty, feelings, for him,

Ghostly crowns
Darkness emerged from a creepy black shadow,
Bringing along silence with its spooky loads,
If not for the scary croaks of flirting toads,
The loud silence would have...

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Categories: night, dark, fear, loneliness, scary,

So dark,
Shadows creeping,
The moonlight drifts away,
Stars flicker dim against the sky,

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Categories: moon, nature, night, senses,

Premium Member In an endless night, under the velvet sky, I lose myself in reverie
In an endless night, under the velvet sky, I lose myself in reverie—
A map spread out before my eyes, white as an untouched manuscript,
For those...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: night, fantasy,

Premium Member In the deep night of my soul, when the world offers me a separate realm to dwell
In the deep night of my soul, when the world offers me a separate realm to dwell,
A blessed curse, having only myself, I find myself...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: night, fantasy,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things