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Mythology Poems | Examples of Mythology Poetry

Mythology Poems - Examples of all types of mythology poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for mythology.
Saint Catherine Was Excalibur
I always said tether to the void Not any idealistic reason or choice Now suspended I know why I’ve been devoid Because how can one speak with an inside voice Where no one can hear you outside yourself Dawn of...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, adventure, conflict, corruption, crazy,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Zeus's Compliance
They thought so confidently that wintry brief days would be over soon if Horae only agreed to appease; and although they constantly pleaded with deep eagerness, she wouldn't grant their wish but remained frozen by silence. They should have...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, allusion, betrayal, desire, heaven,
Form: Rhyme
A Forest Meditation
A Forest Meditation  Today I choose to meditate  Away my anger and my grief. The trees are so thick I am lost in their green grace. Black earth provides  A soft bed for my weary head. A whisper of nearby water Calms frail...Read the rest...
Categories: fairy, imagery, magic, mythology,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Siren's call
I do not know from where the cloud came -- a chilling din voice, knowing each name a phantasmagoric display the cheerful crew succumbing to primal sprite the day, soon a blaze, of stormy thickening night (darkened every Sun's ray...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, evil, gothic, horror, imagination,
Form: Free verse
The Spasm of the Soul
You see that valve beneath the tree. It is staring directly at Thee; you see the curb in the middle of the road, It is telling you how to be bold; walk a mile onward...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, america, business, confidence, culture,
Form: Prose

Premium Member Good Night Irene, Sweet Dreams
("Dreaming Gaia", 2020, original encaustic) Good Night Irene, Sweet Dreams We live in a time of two competing visions; The creation myths of sudden and gradual change, Or monotheism’s creationism on one hand And scientific materialism’s evolution the other. Both...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, perspective, philosophy, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
The Monster He Became
-For Asterion, who only became a monster because he was treated like one Throw him in the pit where he belongs, Though he was not born naturally evil: no one is. His mother had raised him with...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, child, corruption, death, innocence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member He Said His Name Was Helios
I burn, though, just for a moment, your eyes, new, on my skin, flushing pomegranate, embarrassed, as I dally, to your cue. "Helios", you said. I, the last of morning's dew. ...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, beauty, desire, emotions, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member from the bottom of tomorrow
you crawled from the bottom of tomorrow withered beneath my feet the smell of forgotten earth arose bountiful cruelty emerged my mind craved awful goodness standing before me a hidden figure moving behind the darkness...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, adventure, anxiety, muse, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Lips Curl At Your Fiddles
(Piece is intended to be the most complex vocabulary gothic ever) Grandiloquence, mellifluous pulchritudinous, gaiety of quintessential moistening serendipity, bile deluge if you show the sanguinary breath, crimson waterfall sizzling on lava rock hellscape. Yclept necrophelia maestra, macabre tableau, dips douse abyssal incarnate, now...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, anger, beauty, conflict, dark,
Form: Free verse
Ram or Ravan
Ram as we all visualize is vibrant light, purity, gentle and charming. Ravan on the other hand is darkness. evil,hatred and always harming Back in mythology we learned that it can be a choice made by our...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, mythology,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member the rain goddess
she walks on clouds becomes the river again...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology,
Form: Haiku
Silver Eagle
The eagle has grace and flair as She soars up in the clouds Up and above them clouds she climbs as she eyes a quarry Strong in her wing as effortless she spreads the swift is she A...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, analogy, animal, appreciation, extended
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Lilith
Lilith Veiled in the moon’s ethereal grace, She emerges from her shadowed place. A crown of black roses adorns her brow, Each thorn a reminder of the pain she must avow. In the moonlit meadow’s misty embrace, In the air, night-blooms...Read the rest...
Categories: mythology, dark, desire, fantasy, gothic,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lilith
The first independent woman created by God from dust, and placed in the Garden of Eden, turned into a hot fiery female of fantasy. The first wife of Adam, she got banished from Eden for disobeying his masculine domination. In...Read the rest...
Categories: evil, mythology,
Form: Free verse

Specific Types of Mythology Poems

Definition | What is Mythology in Poetry?

Poems Related to Mythology

lore, belief, tradition, legend, conviction, mythos, myths, stories, folk tales, mythicism,

Book: Shattered Sighs