Mythology Poems - Examples of all types of mythology poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for mythology.
Freyja put to shamepale blue
Polar vortex/
pre-dawn light, puce, gold glow/
no match, She trades Her mere myth for
the Depth...
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mythology, beauty, faith, growth, january,
Form: Cinquain
All Is FairAll is fair in love and war,
For love and war are lovers.
War and Love, those deities so fair,
Aphrodite and Ares belong to one another.
All is fair in love and war,...
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mythology, beautiful, heart, love, myth,
Form: Free verse
Sea of Roses
Asleep, lost in rapid eye movement,
my soul awoke in a state of disequilibrium,
yearning for the comfort of bosoms.
In its vertigo,
it perceived a path towards the myths of lovers,
searching for stories of devotion -
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allusion, love, mythology,
Form: Free verse
The Knave Of Bellschief of disguise
collector of masks
the King wears his
as a helmet to scare
off enemies
the fool with false nose
the jester in chains
remains in oubliette
singing in his screams
impossible to forget
the old men who come...
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mythology, allusion, bereavement, death, fairy,
Form: Lyric
War Fought In The ShadowsThe War Fought in The Shadows
It’s one that little spoken of
Many are the lives we’ve lost
Many are the Valliant soldiers
Who soldier on in the Gods abode
They have made Genna their home
It was and still is...
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mythology, community, conflict, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Love BornBorn of Aphrodite,
in every life graceful.
Born of Aphrodite,
in every life loving.
Bound to children of war,
Sons and Daughters of Ares.
In every life devoted,
To loving and...
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mythology, beautiful, beauty, birth, child,
Form: Free verse
War BornBorn of Ares,
In every life violent.
Born of Ares,
In every life brave.
Bound to children of Love,
Aphrodite’s daughters and sons.
In every life devoted,
to affection and protection.
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mythology, appreciation, beautiful, birth,
Form: Free verse
What Leave the Fates DecreeTo Hades, black as ink, our souls shall sink,
And all our lives are gone within a wink!
Yet fleeting! E’er so fleeting! Though it be,
So well we love what leave the Fates decree.
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mythology, angst, courage, dark, death,
Form: Couplet
Voyage to AsphodelListen to this grief I tell,
How love away from me didst wind.
And though in time, I think she’ll find
I loved her better – never mind –
The whole of life, its parts combined,
Are only sorrows intertwined....
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death, grief, life, mythology,
Form: Rhyme
Chinese Twelve Zodiac2025.2.2, CNY 5th day
There are twelve Zodiac in Chinese Fung Shiu.
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon and Snake
Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar.
There were terms "Tam hop, Tu s/xung.
Meaning three for, four against.
Best matches are...
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mythology, culture, fate, happiness, health,
Form: Free verse
SteampunkIn the copper-clad cradle of time
where gears whir fugues to forgotten dreams.....
the fog—a somnolent specter—drifts.....
veiling the calculus of progress
a manuscript etched by steam and soot.
Hark The hiss of pistons proclaims
a triumph—or perhaps a dirge—
for we...
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literature, mythology, technology, time,
Form: Narrative
Themis’ Echo: Women as Architects of ChangeIn the ethereal realm, where Themis holds sway,
A cosmic ballet of justice, a metaphorical play.
Yet, in our earthly sphere, reflections intertwine,
Empower women—the catalysts of progress divine.
Like Themis, with scales, a celestial display,
Let women’s worth twirl...
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inspiration, mythology, symbolism, women,
Form: Quatrain
Kelpie ShoreDo not stop to dip your toes
or heaven knows to swim
within this sea of winds
where waves are whipped to horses ears
and tails of white among the foam
foolish child go home
retreat, and walk no more
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myth, mythology,
Form: Free verse
The Dance of Silent EchoesThe Dance of Silent Echoes
Somethin’ tender whispers—
In shadows thick with night—
A heart’s soft Reverberation—
Chasing, burning bright.
Each brush of fleeting breath—
A warmth—against the chill—...
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mythology, adventure, art, desire, fashion,
Form: Personification
What MenaceI saw ten ships departing north,
From out the grand Canal.
They each were armed with cannons four,
With mighty rationale.
Atop them flew my country's flag,
A phoenix white in pride,
It struck about the side of crag,
The first ship...
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adventure, dark, mythology, sea,
Form: I do not know?
Specific Types of Mythology Poems
Definition | What is Mythology in Poetry?
Poems Related to Mythology
lore, belief, tradition, legend, conviction, mythos, myths, stories, folk tales, mythicism,