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Mite Poems - Poems about Mite

Mite Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mite to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mite.
- I broke horse backbone You are a cheater bro blah A mite on the bard...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, poets,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Human Mite Sight
How long is a short time, a hairs breadth above never Seen within one eye blink, the lash will move forever Perception throws curveball's, upon prismatic minds Yet outside double slits, life-forms live completely blind And...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, analogy, dark, humanity,
Form: Quatrain

Courtesy Google, I Learned Dynata Mite
Courtesy Google, I learned Dynata...mite! Constitutes the world’s largest first-party data platform for insights, activation and measurement Earlier today August 28th, 2022, a representative from aforementioned market research company fielded political questions to yours truly. The young lady at other end of telephone (little...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, 12th grade, america, animal,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Widow's Mite
When the rich made gifts to the Temple two coins from a widow did resemble all that she had to keep herself clad, while the rich gave from wealth that was ample. Luke 21.1-4...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, bible, christian, gospel, poverty,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Her Gingerbread Dust Mite Snaps
her gingerbread dust mite snaps under couch with bands that zaps hiding between bottle caps folded with my city maps under phone with oldie apps her gingerbread dust mite snaps try to locate them with claps hear a ringtone, sounds like raps lift...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme

Mite Makes Right
now, take this world disassemble thoroughly here come the dust mites...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, world,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Just a Mite
Gold, silver, and other precious metals are seldom to be found on the surface of the earth. ...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, perspective,
Form: Couplet
Third Mite the World Leggiest Mocker
lame outward appear pinnacle plentiful feet dang it! that is thread dang! hundred plus legs! that is sin to let the pig into a clean Church!...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, bullying, hate,
Form: Senryu
Another Mite Poet
white or gray or black an Acarina poet cute tiny squeezed hugs...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, allegory, analogy, bullying, hate,
Form: Senryu
Mite On the Bard
-I broke horse backbone You are a cheater bro blah A mite on the bard...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, adventure,
Form: Senryu
Silver Mite
light of Silver mite Had been seen all the daytime Under the clear sky...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, insect,
Form: Senryu
The Dollar Worth a Windows Mite
What's a dollar worth? Well years ago it was worth a dollar. Now it's worth a lot closer to two cents than a dollar. The reason....www....can't be put any planner... More and more people go on line www daily... The...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, assonance, christian, computer, internet,
Form: Free verse
A Matchless Mite
My love looms still in your room, a carousel billowing in boundless bloom, watch it like the dew distil before dawn; in a dream of passion before roses yawn. My love commits one common crime, it steals through your...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, autumn, beautiful, best friend,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Dinah-Mite
Hi Dinah-mite! What a doll you are! Dressed in your purple outfit With your long blonde hair, you are pretty! You play in your beach house, or your ski chalet You can ride your bike, or drive your car With many outfits...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, nostalgia,
Form: Rictameter
The Widows Mite
The Vicar’s sermon Frank and forthright Raised the question Of the widows mite Quite unnecessary In my humble view Because in our parish There are only two And I know for a fact That they both do...Read the rest...
Categories: mite, funny, religion,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry