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Meadowlark Poems - Poems about Meadowlark

Meadowlark Poems - Examples of all types of poems about meadowlark to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for meadowlark.

Premium Member Song of the Meadowlark
Song of the Meadowlark In the air, a lark on wing, Who lightly perches On a ranch fence wire Then softly sings With heartfelt desire, and intensity That catches my attention; Its feelings extended And plea unreturned, Like so many Gifted warbler of vocal sound Yearning for...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, bird, nature,
Form: Verse
Goodbye to the Meadowlark
the lake where they hid a memory their song sublimated a cattail beaten remnants taken by wind a semi roars past someone calls progress someone says ninety percent chance of rain someone says dance barefoot through puddles a murder of crows shadows skies someone looks to the sun the...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, bird, earth day, nature,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Meadowlark
meadowlark singing happy songs early in morn ~ cheery yellow notes FIRST PLACE WINNER written August 12, 2021 for “Songbird Haiku” Poetry Contest by Tania Kitchen Syllables checked by PS Syllable Counter...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, bird, nature, song, summer,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Passions Beats My Heart Sounds of the Meadowlark
Categories: meadowlark, allusion, analogy, appreciation, bird,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Talking Blue Meadowlark In the Dark
Categories: meadowlark, adventure, confidence, engagement, journey,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Meadowlark
There is a lark who is born to live in the meadow, perched far above the smooth mountain stones. She will rise from fields of the cloverleaf cradles, with a foxglove petal, riding her wings. A feather she's worn,...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, bird, nature,
Form: Personification
Premium Member I Am a Meadowlark
When I first flew the nest, my spirits were low; how my world has changed from one year ago. Now fully fledged, I spread open my wings! My voice, once a whisper, now gently sings....Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, bird, me, writing,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Can the Meadowlark, Lark
For William and Laura Nance if the jabberwocky were a clock would it talk in jabberese or simply be right twice a day in order to sometimes please what if ants were big as horses and horses could take to...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, fantasy
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Meadowlark Song
I heard a meadowlark today, The first one I have heard Since I left Dakota prairies. That cheery little bird Brought back so many memories Of childhood young and free. Sing on Songster and take me back To how it used to...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, naturesweet, time, child, sweet,
Form: Rhyme
The Meadowlark
In a field both sere and stark, stood a forlorn Meadowlark. Motionless, he eyed the ground, ears alert for any sound. Unaware, an insect stirred, deep in dust and cockleburs. A grain of sand became dislodged and rolled between the lone bird's...Read the rest...
Categories: meadowlark, allegory, animals, funny, naturebird,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things