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Matt Poems - Poems about Matt

Matt Poems - Examples of all types of poems about matt to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for matt.
Premium Member Chew Chew Matt Kung Fu Cat
Chew Chew Mat the Kung Fu Cat Was roly, round, rotund and phat She challenged every cat around. Threw them into the air and onto the ground. She was as fierce as any feline I had ever seen. Her face...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, cat,
Form: Rhyme
Republican Matt Gaetz and His Being Currupt
In the halls of power, a name does arise, Matt Gaetz, they say, with dubious ties. A Republican figure, some claim corrupt, In shadows of scandal, he's often been swept. His constituents' trust, he seems to neglect, For personal gain,...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Any Idea Where Matt Is
The massive head came out of the water hard and fast. This shark had a blood red mouth and killer teeth! “It is a great white!” Matt yelled. We rushed to see. “Look at those serrated teeth!” “I am...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Matt Was Needed In Heaven
Matt was needed in heaven, to lead the ones who were lost. His smile, those blue eyes, that lively look. Who would not run to him? He helps children cross over. Tiny angels are confused at first. When they...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, angel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Cousin Matt
The sun it shines upon my face, Again, as was the day before, It rose and crept upon my space, And set as always on my door. Enclosed I’m not, my spirit thrives, Enjoying past and future times, I feel and...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, grief,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Matt Gaetz
Matt, I really hate what they’re reporting about you, And the current investigation finds it is entirely not true, That you may refurbish your professional career The impact of the charges alone could ruin you,...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, character, conflict, how i
Form: Acrostic
Matt Mcconaughey
Hickory Dickory Matt McConaughey Player of bongo drums But only nude Masterly achieving Verisimilitude Blue-eyed, Irish actor Very cool dude 01/21/2021 Double Dactyl Poetry Contest (for paid membership) Sponsored by William Kekaula...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, beach, celebrity, character, devotion,
Form: Double Dactyl
She Calls Herself Matt Gratt
She calls herself Matt, because she is a prat, and she's getting sacked, and that is a fact!! ha ha...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, hilarious,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Nirvana Sunrise and Matt Amish
A Nirvana Sunrise and Matt Amish Cat whiskers, pen, notebook. Brain flowing with ideas blending with hazelnut coffee drenched scents. Soft notes of Miles Davis...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, baseball, feelings, heaven, loss,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Matt and Dot Missed the Mark
Matt is a freakishly neat male His kitchen is spotlessly clean Almost made his date Dot want to bail Clutter free to her is utterly obscene. To live here would feel like jail. Matt felt it was amazingly keen. His minimalism...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Deal With Magic Matt
Full scale sleep. Where is it? What is it? Can you buy it at a grocery? Oh, wow, magic Matt. You are selling it! Today, but only to the first customer! And this one is a worry-free pill? It does...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Homage To Walt Sing Matt Tilde
~ Homage to Walt Sing Matt Tilde ~ The art of the "FAKE" deal (according to Walt Dizzy Take a Knee Sing Matt Tilde)...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Dialect Tickle Matt Arial Hiz Im 1st Sentence
Courtesy of Marx (albeit Zeppo, Harpo, Groucho, and Chico), whose acts (along Seuss iz Zacks Fifth Avenue) brought generations of laughter to Vaudeville, and then the Silver Screen adlibbed, linkedin, and ransacked skits zoid material...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, 11th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Dialect Tickle Matt Arial Hiz Im - 2nd Sentence
I gotta n itch) Lenin, where alien archeologists from outer limits of the twilight zone unearthed (com) bust stubble rubble yes likeness of Guy Richie Rich Noir, whose couture, the best skid row wardrobe. He sported...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
More of Matt Lauer Limerick
More of Matt Lauer Maybe Megan possibly is some plant; Determine Matt's misconduct and slant; On not rely; Roving eye; God never agreed and did rave and rant. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: matt, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry