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Margaret Poems - Poems about Margaret

Margaret Poems - Examples of all types of poems about margaret to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for margaret.
For a few seconds, I can forget the human, I can just know the humanity. Margaret from across the street is eighty-three, My mother is fifty-three. Sweet tea is eternal, it would seem. They're talking candy for Christmas: Peanut brittle and...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, autumn, friendship, heart, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poor Margaret
Poor Margaret fell from grace; for months she wore it on her face. She tried to keep it out of sight, but it quickly came to light. The urge she should have saved for him to whom engaged, she gave to...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher thought no one could match her. Her hair was laquered, never a mess; she bought her knickers from M&S. She did as she wanted to do - and love her or hate her it's true - she thought...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, political,
Form: Clerihew

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Margaret Count your blessings every day Take your baby steps every day There is no need to walk fast Also you not alone Our father are watching out for you We are all children of God Soon will be time to plant Perennials...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, inspiration,
Form: Verse
Pearl of the Orient
See Saw, Margery Daw, Marguerite - a pearl of a name… stateswoman, socialite, singer? No, a servant, soldier, and spy. Could she be a latent Margaret Thatcher? No she's clearly a servant, a nurse to prisoners of war. Margarita, clearly a...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, 11th grade, books, war,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Queen Margaret
Queen Margaret, of four year rule... I learned about you. Never knew! ...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, woman,
Form: Couplet
Book - Gone With the Wind By Margaret Mitchell
True love does not come in chariot ~ it walks until it finds its way....Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, love,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Margaret Molly Corbin
Mrs. Margaret 'Molly' Corbin: A true Revolutionary War heroine. When her husband in battle fell dead, Though wounded, she fired his cannon instead....Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, america, hero, war, wife,
Form: Clerihew
Margaret Dared
Margaret dared to poke the bear She thought she was so smart With eyes of coal; she lacked a soul And shot him straight through the heart She sat and laughed at what she’d done Because she thought she was...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, death, evil, mental illness,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Margaret Atwood's: the Testaments
Margaret Atwood's: The Testaments Offering to surf a periwinkle wave with broad sets of sprawls, entertaining a receptive ivory sea of crested puffiness, wooing anointing doves to joyously immerse creation, toward its pure dawning rise of scriptures souls. ***I...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, analogy, destiny, future, perspective,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Margaret Thatcher - the 'Iron Lady'
Politician Margaret Thatcher No man could match her First lady Prime Minister at number ten It had always been a man till then! Clerihew Contest Sponsored by Andrea Dietrich She was nicknamed 'the Iron lady' during her term in office...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, humorous, political, power, woman,
Form: Clerihew
It’s me. Margaret. My parents’ gave me this proper name Always wondered from where it came I never liked it while in school Just didn’t think that it was cool Cut it in half and added an i Now I’m wondering...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret,
Form: Light Verse
Making Taffy With Margaret
Sugary mix roiling in a saucepan in the heart of the house: a light-filled kitchen where family meals were taken in lieu of the dining room, thought of by me in two words: 'formality' and 'dark', whereas, windows and...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, for her, friendship, girlfriend,
Form: Free verse
For Margaret, Another Christmas Letter
In a bliss of restful solitude on this most blessed day, my mind goes back in time to how we celebrated our ways I remember the laughter and love that flowed around the room, the excitement and...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, christmas, i miss you,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Love Letter To Margaret
Nowadays I'm awake before the light. My talons are sore with over-use. My beak is shattered in 3 places. My feathers, thank God, still look amazing. Though I've been flightless For four days now... Starting to see ghost worms. Hobbling around in...Read the rest...
Categories: margaret, humorous, nature,
Form: Free verse

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