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Mandrill Poems - Poems about Mandrill

Mandrill Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mandrill to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mandrill.

Strike At There Hearts
...In the region of a French king's kingdom introspecting his sheepish, forlorn verdict. The decision he made was to excommunicate the son of his spirit and expatriate him from his manor. His son had at......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, fairy, faith, fantasy, heaven,
Form: Free verse
Brimstone Reign
... Goodbye, *****Erectus! Talking monkey with the rainforest tan Bent knuckles scarred ... low brow crouching, and arched eyes wondering — Looking at the bright yellow rock dusk paper mo......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, allegory, dark, memorial, visionary,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member Jungle Orchestra
...Music dissolved all enmity, Annulled natural chemistry, All regardless of consortia, Came to hear the jungle orchestra. Maestro King Lion got all in tune, Baboon was superb on the bassoon, ......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, animal, fun, hope, hyperbole,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Androgyny Grief
... You shake your mandrill fist angrily towards the sky Epithet accusations hurled at God Unrighteous indignation rest uncomfortably within your flat bosom Testosterone milk feeds......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, angst, gender, truth, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Old Great Grand Olympiad
...OLD GREAT GRAND OLYMPIAD Acrostic Ocean creatures organized overwhelming Olympiad. Land animals appreciated, approved courtyard. Dreadful dragons, dare......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, celebration, old,
Form: Acrostic

Courage Vs Conflict
...COURAGE VS. CONFLICT The history of man defines Ape as a primate. Man seems to be in that mind-set today. He lives life as pent because he denies himself religious f......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, conflict, courage, culture,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Recoil of Mind
...Recoil of stone winds is like life force dream Like a crocodile with its almost surreal force as through everglades will swim, extreme It’s like a mandrill colorful in every scheme Like neural flame ......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Z Is For Zaria , Abc of Disney Characters Contest
...A is for Akela of Jungle Book fame B is for Baloo from Jungle Book the same C is for Cinderella what a pretty sight D is for Donald Duck, hope he doesn’t bite E is for Eyore the lovely donkey......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, children,
Form: Couplet
...Childrens of mother land! Citizens of mother land! I call upon you my fellow neighbours! Hear my concern my fellow neighbours! We heard reports about your Africans around the globe Citizens of......Read the rest...
Categories: mandrill, peoplemother, world, mother, prejudice,
Form: ABC

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry