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Long Self governing Poems

Long Self governing Poems. Below are the most popular long Self governing by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Self governing poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member This Is Feminist Us
It's peaceful here in my backyard.
The crows sound happy
with warm October sunlight.

I just read about a deadly gathering in Las Vegas.
Absence of sun-drenched peace.
Inconvenient this time of lost loss.
Death is always inconvenient,
even when invited.

A veteran,

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Categories: self governing, anger, fear, humor, integrity, mental illness, military,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Restoration Towns
I was skeptically listening 
to a retiring social researcher,
and problem-solving imaginer,
from the American Enterprise Institute;

An Institute
I usually find more destitute
of bicameral consciousness than not,
and thereby with less healthy resonant imagination
than more pathological dissonance.

But, I found...

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Categories: self governing, community, culture, earth, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Custody of 2020 Eyes
Monks and nuns,
ascetics and miscellaneous humble proletariat folks,
were taught custody of the eyes,
to show respect for those older
and/or wiser
and/or more supremely royal,
and/or in other positions of merited or inherited authority,
to avoid appearing too curious
too available

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Categories: self governing, games, gender, health, poverty, psychological, racism, slavery,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Life Through a Thousand Deaths
Here life waits
with a thousand little discontinuous deaths, again,
right here in The Evolving Self's
sixth principle of preferable options for more humane revolutions
of evolution,
lurking behind Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.

I had seen this life coming
when he began by rooting...

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Categories: self governing, blessing, freedom, health, humanity, humor, science, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Portraits of Racial Politics
“It is the custom of scholars when addressing behavior and culture to speak variously of anthropological explanations, psychological explanations, biological explanations, and other explanations appropriate to the perspectives of individual disciplines. I have argued that...

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Categories: self governing, culture, earth, health, love, political, race, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Polypathic Political Scientists
I have had a highly redundant,
one might even choose polypathic,
graduate studies experience
spanning my adult life to date.

This began with a semester of Philosophy.
Just enough to learn I wanted something more experiential,
a more communitarian environment of...

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Categories: self governing, beauty, culture, health, political, religion, trust, truth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Declaration of Interdependence
When in the Course of Earth’s climatic events, 
it becomes necessary for cultures to resolve political bands 
which have connected Her with human nature, 
and to assume among the powers of Earth, 
separate and equal...

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Categories: self governing, freedom, health, independence day, life, peace, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Polyculturing Education
Polypathic conversation with David Holmgren:

Today it is common to hear the suggestion
[cooperative] education and [therapeutic] training
is the [mindful] key to allowing people to contribute
to a more sustainable [ecopolitical] future.

Although I recognize the value of formal...

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Categories: self governing, culture, deep, destiny, earth day, education, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Abnormaloriginals
Setting aside richly incorporated through homeless economies,
we have three political ways
to compare a population's internal status:
a. Aboriginal populations,
b. Immigrants--sometimes appearing as multiculturing creolic waves,
c. EmPowered Natives.

Natives are aboriginals
unless a more self-centered wave of supremacist immigrants

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Categories: self governing, betrayal, christian, health, humanity, humor, immigration, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Love Lesson Planning
First, imagine, if you can,
"Love" is not just a many splendored thing,
although it is that,
but behaviorists and existentialists behavioralize
the complex of emotions and consciousness
wearing that synergetic label
as active, sometimes spontaneous
an antonym for "competition."

Imagine you grew...

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Categories: self governing, conflict, culture, discrimination, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Follow the Nutrient Stream
Regenerating light
reiterating bright as dual dark
fertile shadowing sighted polypathic light
when notnot night.

Healthy sight
as notnot dissonating blight.

Languaged cognition, thought, beliefs, ideas,
a LeftBrain Yang capacity
to extend internal emotional life,
evolving shared eisegetical stretch across a range
of empathic-trust to...

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Categories: self governing, culture, earth, education, emotions, happiness, health, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member That Gratitude Attitude
A co-empathic sense of trust,
appreciation of echo-resonant
deep-listening resolving life.

Autumnal taproot harvesting spring-hope,
just as summer's nutritional maturation
unfolds Origin of fertile decomposing mindfulness.

Why Thich Nhat Hanh thinks it important to smile
Why Positive Deviance works.
Why Positive Psychology...

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Categories: self governing, beauty, culture, happiness, health, heart, humor, love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Cooperative Powers
Power to condemn others, and oneself,
is weaker than power to help others, as oneself.

Power to destroy others, and oneself,
is lesser than power to regenerate others, and oneself, 

Powers of fear and anger management,
with terrifying consequences...

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Categories: self governing, anger, culture, earth, fear, health, political, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Choosing Where To Hang Out
What lies between extremes of boredom and bliss
for you
and those you most love to work and hang with?

If your Business As Usual day
sends messages within
redundantly reiterating how life is always coming too fast
too needy
too deprived...

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Categories: self governing, beauty, education, games, health, political, trust, truth,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Three Faces of Wisdom
I am reading minds and potentially wise political bodies
with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, again.

He speaks of three interdependent aspects of wisdom.
The first is rooted in ecoconscious comprehension
of how and why knowledge, deductive information, facts, beliefs
may be both...

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Categories: self governing, earth, education, health, nature, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Thanksgiving Dialogue
ThanksGiving advances

Arising thoughts about boundary breaching risks
and perennial partisan issues
and deep listening opportunities.

Perhaps only the Othering
and Othered One Percent
instilling in their children
and future grandchildren
that extended family meals
are never an appropriate time
or sacred space
to speak of...

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Categories: self governing, humor, light, political, power, religion, senses, thanksgiving
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member National Public Radiators
All this long week
of early spring head colds
our National Public Radio informants
and performers,
speakers and listeners,
have been about the business of raising capital investments
preferably in their corporate direction,
to support further public broadcasting
for the benefit of our...

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Categories: self governing, conflict, crazy, creation, earth day, environment, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Public Sector Predators
I have lately noticed
WinLose bottom-line business competitors
lead within for-profit rabidly accelerating circles
and are not thereby well prepared
to produce effective robust outcomes
in a more WinWin democratic public service role,
elected or appointed.

I have further noted
general decline of...

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Categories: self governing, bullying, caregiving, health, humanity, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Golden Opportunity
Myths of deductive distinctions,
like white could not come from black,
are disinformed 
when severed from contrasting inductive integrity,
greyscale dualdark co-passions 
within light's future shadows 
of golden opportunity.

RightWing patriarchs oppositionally forget
we are LeftWing matriarchal-appositional reborn
within cooperative health...

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Categories: self governing, earth, education, games, god, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earthmother Teachout
Earth offers outdoor organic classes
in Cooperative Health Proposal Design
and Revolutionary WinWin Research Writing
for restoring WinLeft/WinRight nutritional justice
and co-empowering bilateral peace.

Earth rises and sets permaculture designers
for ZeroZone Ego/Eco nondual-centric revolutions,
cooperative journal-writing and bodymind-map making,
Golden Rule health...

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Categories: self governing, earth, education, gender, health, humor, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Grand Old Trump Party
President Trump, 
shortly after his singularly smelly election, 
declared emphatic comparisons with Elder Republican
Abraham Lincoln.

Early on,
he described Lincoln as his kindred political soul,
admired mentor,
and the former President he was destined to most resemble
in spirit and...

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Categories: self governing, bullying, earth, health, humor, integrity, passion, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member God's Utopian Church
I was listening to a Christian theologian friend of mine
speaking about the Messiah's,
and St. Paul's,
original intention when singing praises of God's here/not-here Kingdom,
and potential as a multiculturally inclusive Church,
as a countercultural extending family,
creolizing out to...

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Categories: self governing, christian, culture, education, health, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Redeeming Genesis
We have an enemy within called the ego
who prevents us from using our mind intelligently.
It hides deep within our heart
and emerges with regularity
to challenge and consume our will.

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Categories: self governing, humor, integrity, love, nature, philosophy, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bicameral Gratitude
OK class, now listen up and down,
in and out,
said Professor Fuller Watts,
professing political philosophy 404.

We begin with a deductive
object lesson,
then spread out across inductive intuition
universal information 
and self-governing intelligence
through co-mentored gratitude.

I will speak in bipartisan...

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Categories: self governing, culture, peace, philosophy, political, thanks, thanksgiving, time,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Michael Collins
It has often been said that empires come and go
And from the beginning of time that has been so
Empires ruled with terror and an iron fist
Taking brutal action against those, who tried to resist.

On the...

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Categories: self governing, england, ireland, soldier, war,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs