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Long Roundel Poems

Long Roundel Poems. Below are the most popular long Roundel by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Roundel poems by poem length and keyword.

Charles D'Orleans: a Medieval Marvel
Charles d'Orleans: a Medieval Marvel

by Charles d’Orleans (c. 1394-1465)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Young lovers,
greeting the spring
fling themselves downhill,
making cobblestones ring
with their wild leaps and arcs,
like ecstatic sparks
struck from coal.

What is their brazen goal?

They grab...

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Categories: art, autumn, french, prison, spring, summer, winter,
Form: Roundel

Charles D'Orleans Translations
by Charles d'Orleans (c.1394-1465)
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

Young lovers,
greeting the spring
fling themselves downhill,
making cobblestones ring
with their wild leaps and arcs,
like ecstatic sparks
struck from coal.

What is their brazen goal?

They grab at whatever passes,
so we can...

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Categories: bereavement, depression, desire, heartbreak, heaven, romance,
Form: Roundel
Chaucer Translation: Rejection
a roundel by Geoffrey Chaucer
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Your beauty from your heart has so erased
Pity, that it's useless to complain;
For Pride now holds your mercy by a chain.

I'm guiltless, yet my sentence has...

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Categories: beauty, french, heart, innocence, nature, pride, women,
Form: Roundel
Chaucer Translation: Merciless Beauty
Merciles Beaute ("Merciless Beauty")
by Geoffrey Chaucer
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Your eyes slay me suddenly;
their beauty I cannot sustain,
they wound me so, through my heart keen.

Unless your words heal me hastily,
my heart's wound will remain...

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Categories: beauty, heart, relationship, romance, romantic, romantic love,
Form: Roundel
Rondels, Roundels and Rondeaux
Rondels, Roundels and Rondeaux

These are poetic forms similar to villanelles, with refrains (repeated lines) and sometimes double refrains.

Rondel: Merciles Beaute ("Merciless Beauty")
by Geoffrey Chaucer
loose translation/interpretation Michael R. Burch

Your eyes slay me suddenly;
their beauty I cannot...

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Categories: art, beauty, heart, repetition, romance, romantic, romantic
Form: Roundel

Oft In My Thought: Charles D'Orleans Translation
Oft in My Thought
by Charles D'Orleans
translation by Michael R. Burch

So often in my busy mind I sought,
Around the advent of the fledgling year,
For something pretty that I really ought
To give my lady dear;
But that sweet...

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Categories: blessing, christian, faith, god, heartbreak, heaven, lost
Form: Roundel
Geoffrey Chaucer Translations
Three Roundels by Geoffrey Chaucer

I. Merciles Beaute ("Merciless Beauty")
by Geoffrey Chaucer
translation by Michael R. Burch

Your eyes slay me suddenly;
their beauty I cannot sustain,
they wound me so, through my heart keen.

Unless your words heal me hastily,

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Categories: romance,
Form: Roundel
We Can Rise Above the Strain
Pain is a cruel and vicious thing
That grips us tightly in its sting
It gnaws at us both day and night
And makes us tremble with its might

It starts with a twinge or a throb
And quickly turns...

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Categories: happiness, humanity, love, success, true love,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member The labyrinth of the mind transforms into a somber temple, where glyphs of thought intertwine
The labyrinth of the mind transforms into a somber temple, where glyphs of thought intertwine,
And beneath the dome of the nocturnal sky, hearts like ancient scrolls unfold and burn in incantations.
The only enclosure where man...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: roundel, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Helena - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Oh spite, oh hell – to the Hell in my own name too!
The hell in love, the hell in romance, the hell of all men!
He being in my name as well of course… as if...

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Categories: roundel, anger,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Your Divine Worth
"When you walk across the fields with your mind pure and
holy, then from all the stones, and all growing things, and
all animals, the sparks of their soul come out and cling to you,
and then...

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Categories: spiritual,
Form: Roundel
I See the World With Open Eyes
My heart did beat,
A fortress of stone, with no retreat,
I kept the world at bay with ease,
And let no one come close to me.

But then one day, a crack appeared,
A chink in my armor, to...

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Categories: love,
Form: Roundel
Chaucer Translation: Escape
roundel by Geoffrey Chaucer
translation by Michael R. Burch

Since I’m escaped from Love and yet still fat,
I never plan to be in his prison lean;
Since I am free, I count it not a bean.

He may question...

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Categories: books, freedom, french, irony, romance, romantic love,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member Frost Like Filigree
Frost Like Filigree

Frost filigree, superb can be
     as nature weaves crystal delights.
          With varied lacey forms, we see
sculpture sparked by lights.

'Neath sun...

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Categories: imagery, winter,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member a childhood memory -
Each afternoon my mom and I would walk
          Two miles along the old lake road to meet

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Categories: appreciation, childhood, memory, mother son,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member One Last Tear For Love
It had been snowing all night-  it was bad,
you were going to work but I said stay;
you called me silly and I was so mad.
One last tear for love.

You left with a slam of...

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Categories: lost love,
Form: Roundel
What Happened
Little children don't understand 
What has happened you see.
All of a sudden they're an outcast it seems in their own
They're no longer held, cuddled, talked baby to so
They're confused as to how things changed over...

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Categories: adventure, betrayal, confusion, family, feelings, growing up,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member A Springtime Bloom
A springtime bloom with golden hue
  Swaying 'neath clouds with fluffy plume 
 Symbols of hope and all things new
  A springtime bloom

 They dare to rise in winter's gloom
  As their...

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© Joseph May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: daffodils, spring,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member Nature Will Find a Way
 "The mountains are my bones
The rivers my veins
The forest are my thoughts
And the stars are my dreams
The ocean is my heart
It's pounding is my pulse
The sounds of the earth write
The music of my soul"


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Categories: mother, nature,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member Writing Is My Prayer
"Every secret memory, every experience in life, and every 
thought can be written within the words of a poem."


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Categories: poetry, writing,
Form: Roundel
I Love Nature
My soul cries for Nature and natural things
To blend with my spirit as one
And circle this globe on powerful wings
Oh, show me all that Creation has made

I have been hidden where putrefaction clings
And where decay...

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Categories: nature,
Form: Roundel
The Roundel
The Roundel

                               From the top...

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Categories: places
Form: Roundel
Grandma What Is a Constellation
Grandma, what's a constellation of shapes?
It's the stars your looking at tonight.
See how they're shining bright,
Twinkling, and blinking across the black crape.
You'll need to read Greek and Roman mythology
They're full of legends who had escapades...

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Categories: adventure, appreciation, beauty, education, fantasy, fun, sky,
Form: Roundel
On the Eve
How does one Say even one verse, unknown to thy grace? 
Taming is not shaming, Souls, too compromising of a truce. 
We are not there, we are not, one spellbound vibrant muse  
At least,...

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Categories: blessing,
Form: Roundel
The Piper
As I lay in my bed listening to the music on my radio I 
To let my mind drift off to sleep. I see in the distance
A piper sitting on a rock playing his...

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Categories: beautiful, encouraging, fantasy, freedom, imagination, magic, peace,
Form: Roundel

Book: Shattered Sighs