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Long Prose poetry Poems

Long Prose poetry Poems. Below are the most popular long Prose poetry by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Prose poetry poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Starting With Beginnings
Let's start at the beginning
of your ecotherapeutic day.

I'm talking today with Fr. Time,
Earth's only fully self-ordained ecotherapist,
and recently published author of
"Journals of MotherEarth."

We have no corporate sponsorships to report,
although we are for sale
especially if you're...

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Categories: gender, health, humanity, humor, integrity, perspective,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Burning Logs
Each flame 
elegantly weaves in waves
flowing up from resources red cinder hot,
similar in warm color
temperature decrees
of beauty as integrity's truth
trust each surrounding flame.

Each flame 
unique in point of origin below
as ubiquitously flickering fading destinations above.


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Categories: caregiving, community, creation, health, integrity, love hurts,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Ecotherapist Conventions
Truth is a feather 
pushed off to the other side.

Truths are a body of feathers
within which our bodies reside.

OK, students of life’s healthiest purposes and meanings,
it’s time to regather, if you would be so kind.




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Categories: beauty, culture, earth, health, humor, nature, truth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Climates of Ballistic Management
Senator Fuller,
a permaculture designer
turned architect of exterior landscapes
then public sector architect
of EarthShip cooperative interior landscapes,
is with us today
to tell us about why he supports Sanders,
at this point in time,
although he is making no commitments about...

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Categories: destiny, earth, health, humor, peace, political, true
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Reclusive Accountabilities
I am sick of excuses to avoid responsibility
and I am, today, sick with excuses to avoid responsibility
with "I'm just a mortal human. I make mistakes.
I judge situations and relationships,
assess potential risks to care and nourishing...

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Categories: culture, health, humanity, humor, political, race, stress,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Empathy As Green Democracy
I don't think it's just me.
I find myself challenged to change LeftBrain cognitive beliefs,
languaged abstractions of personal knowledge,
perhaps because it is not possible to change Right Brain's
Elder feelings of co-empathic trust
where dipolar co-arising mutual immunity

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Categories: education, health, history, integrity, political, racism,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member What I Didn'T Know
People, Places, and Things I Didn't Know I Trusted

I rather suddenly, and belatedly,
realized I trust the highest and best use for language,
for every community and communication of faith,
for every school and pedagogical political enculturation,
for every...

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Categories: culture, health, love, political, power, psychological, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Sins of Supreme Suppression
Not to play any blame game,
in this our new co-evolutionary capacity
for LeftBrained Language Enculturation
long become YangDominant associated
with 'civilization',
co-arising anthro-centrism,
including Earth's newer history
of revolution by Empirical Elitism.

Processes of empirical empire supremacy,
kill or be killed,
became not really...

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Categories: earth, health, language, math, religion, science, sin,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Remembering Radical Relatives
Explain your historical evolution radically, inclusively, expansively, good-humoredly; 
not carefully, deductively, reductively, sarcastically.

We once had a school of thought
among up and coming geneticists and historians
that the precursor to the regeneration of a species,
or even an...

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Categories: beauty, culture, health, humor, philosophy, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Riding Time's Political Flow
We might do well
to worry less
about including the grizzly bear population
in our DNA/RNA cooperatively encultured Golden Rule,
after all,
we already would kill and eat them,
if hungry enough,
as they would like to treat us.

We could do well

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Categories: beauty, culture, nature, philosophy, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Creative Climates For Thinkingfeeling
We are each a new way of bilateral becoming and thinking
about what a mind with body is,
where these are headed,
and as a part.

Thinking about what embodied consciousness is
and where,
in what stable climates of opportunity,
and which...

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Categories: health, math, paradise, political, religion, science, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Dillen's Continuing Dmv Adventures
I wrote a sad but true urban legend called “Dillen and the DMV” last week.
Here follows an update.

Background Review:

One of my health care employees, Dillen, has wicked ADD, borderline intelligence, not qualifying for disability supports,...

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Categories: betrayal, culture, health, humanity, language, political, race,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Portraits of Racial Politics
“It is the custom of scholars when addressing behavior and culture to speak variously of anthropological explanations, psychological explanations, biological explanations, and other explanations appropriate to the perspectives of individual disciplines. I have argued that...

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Categories: culture, earth, health, love, political, race, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Polypathic Political Scientists
I have had a highly redundant,
one might even choose polypathic,
graduate studies experience
spanning my adult life to date.

This began with a semester of Philosophy.
Just enough to learn I wanted something more experiential,
a more communitarian environment of...

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Categories: beauty, culture, health, political, religion, trust, truth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Declaration of Interdependence
When in the Course of Earth’s climatic events, 
it becomes necessary for cultures to resolve political bands 
which have connected Her with human nature, 
and to assume among the powers of Earth, 
separate and equal...

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Categories: freedom, health, independence day, life, peace, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Keeping America Safe
A prayer for God to bless NativeAmericans
is also a reminder of traditional political mindfulness,
basic awareness of our economic investments in security.

No one "keeps" this confederation of uniting states
safe with alien immigrants
unless we invite them.

Second, prayers...

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Categories: culture, earth, health, political, race, religion, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Positive Political Psychology
I question my own interplay of psychology and political science.
Does this too facilely root analogy within ecology of climate health v pathology?

Intersections of sociology and psychology are at least academically commonplace.
I have a friend with...

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Categories: culture, health, political, psychological, religion, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Bilateral Creative Thinking Sequel
Last half of Edward de Bono's Lateral Thinking Summary, pp. 298-300, with bicameral ecological supplements [informed by Gregory Bateson] in brackets:

In ordinary traditional thinking we have developed no methods for going beyond the [suboptimally reasonable]...

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Categories: culture, earth, education, happiness, health, humanity, language,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Dillen and the Dmv
TO:  Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner, Chief States Attorney

FROM: Dillen Dye’s Employer


RE: Some apparent non-compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act; common courtesy, civil respect; freely accessible pursuit of health, happiness, and prosperity

I don’t...

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Categories: culture, discrimination, health, political, race, perspective, integrity,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Superior Courts of Ecological Justice
What evidence do we have that businesses receive financial as well as other nutritionally healthy benefits, 
by co-investing cooperatively within health-developing community cultures?

What are financially healthy benefits for cultural communities 
both internal to corporate identity,...

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Categories: culture, earth, health, humor, judgement, political, race,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Political Science of Organic Climatology
Political Science is the compare and contrast study
of governing authority powers
with concomitant economic responsibilities,,
speaking perhaps too candidly.

Why not other powers,
nutritional loves that can be owned only cooperatively,
can be, and would like to become, health invested,

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Categories: beauty, earth, health, love, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Balancing Work and Play
I was reading Rev. Julian Clifford Jaynes' homily,
delivered May of 1919
to the First Unitarian Society in West Newton, Massachusetts,
commenting on the 100 years since Channing's Baltimore Sermon.

Rev. Jaynes had a son, 
a second generation Julian...

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Categories: christian, destiny, god, health, history, religion, wisdom,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Alaskan Oil Pipeline
The Alaskan Oil Pipeline

Nineteen sixty-eight confirmed the year
Of discovery by ‘Humble Oil’
To North America’s largest oil field,
On the North Slope of the Brooks Range;
A west to east Northern Alaskan mountain chain.
An area forty miles wide...

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Categories: education, environment, history, technology, tribute, usa,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Earth's Humane Rights To Healthy Climates
In 1968,
a time of great concern for healthy human civil rights
for and of women as well as LeftBrain culturally dominant men,
Gregory Bateson invited a Symposium
not quite a finished Symphony
proposing Moral and Aesthetic Structure of Human...

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Categories: culture, earth, environment, health, nature, political, prejudice,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Reason I Write
“I thought about the former days, the years of long ago.” * 

If you saw something beautiful in a people, a place, a thing;
If you heard about something captivating and fantastic;
If you felt something soothing...

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Categories: family,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Reflection on the Important Things