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Long New years day Poems

Long New years day Poems. Below are the most popular long New years day by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long New years day poems by poem length and keyword.

New Year Poems I
New Year Poetry

Auld Lange Syne
by Robert Burns
translation by Michael R. Burch 

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And days for which we pine?

For times we shared, my darling,
Days passed,...

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Categories: new years day, birth, celebration, change, firework, january, new year,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Party In the Snow
2020 has been a year of blue,                            ...

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Categories: blue, christmas, cry, fun, new years day,
Form: Rhyme
New Year's Eve 2022
New Year's Eve 2022

Yours truly riddled with social anxiety,
hence (billy me) he will idle away
December 31st, 2022 
sequestered (with the missus) 
hunkered down in his mancave
while madding crowd  
entertains reckons partition of time 

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Categories: new years day, adventure, celebration, dance, december, holiday, january, new
Form: Free verse
Premium Member That Spark of Hope
A little girl lost her home this year, for her, Christmas wouldn't be there.
Her family was angry from all the troubles, they simply couldn't repair.
Don’t bother us about presents her parents said, they were depressed...

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Categories: new years day, christmas, conflict, confusion, depression, devotion, dream, emotions,
Form: Narrative
POTD 8th Jan 24


The ambushed night when all was still,
Amidst the gloom, anxiety took my will.
Though the moon cast its calming glow,
shadows lurked in the night's dark flow.

As the final...

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Categories: deep, emotions, inspiration, new years day,
Form: Rhyme

New Year's Eve 2021
New Year's Eve 2021

December thirty first
two thousand twenty one countdown
will transparently and seamlessly stream into
simultaneously linkedin January first
two thousand and twenty two,
whereby the Ball a geodesic sphere,
12 feet in diameter,
and weighing 11,875 pounds.

The aforementioned Ball...

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Categories: new years day, adventure, culture, dance, humanity, inspiration, new years
Form: Free verse
Premium Member New Year in Retrospect and Prospect
Written 30 December 2023

                             New Year in...

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Categories: new years day, humanity, inspirational, life, men, new year, new
Form: Quatrain
Obtain a Peek To the Long Term Associated With Swtor
The actual area 1. 0. 1 had been performed this particular Wednesday currently about the server. But instead compared to relaxation, believe the actual designers associated with SWTOR and additional say right now the state...

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© Lea Hela  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: computer-internet, may, new years day,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member New Year Wishes
Written 29 December 2023


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Categories: new years day, happiness, humanity, inspirational, men, new year, new
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member New Years Day 2017
New Years Day 2017
A New Year, a New Start
St. Francis Hospital

Blocked from my memory is a segment of time. (a few days) I retain only angelic sounds from six songs, running not in succession but...

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: christian, death, god, inspiration, new years day,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Prayers for this New Year, 2024

I pray for the empathy,
Compassion and understanding,
To give someone besides just me,
Music of light and laughter,
Notes of joy and peace,
A sense of assurance that love,
Yes, love can overcome anything!

I pray for the silence,
Still as the...

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Categories: new years day, appreciation, hope, january, light, new year, new
Form: Free verse
Premium Member St Francis Hospital New Years Day 2017
St Francis Hospital
New Years Day 2017
A New Year, a New Start

Blocked from my memory is a segment of time. (a few days) I retain only angelic sounds from six songs, running not in succession but...

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: new years day, death, god, jesus, life, prayer,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member New Years Eve In the Er
The doctors and nurses in the Emergency Room prepared themselves for the 
longest night of the year – New Year’s Eve going into New Years day.

As morbid as it may be, they even had a...

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© Joe Flach  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: new years day, sadson, husband, time, wife, eve, husband, social,
Form: Narrative
Nope Not Even a Brief History
Nope Not Even A Brief History...
About Month Named December

The Latin root (albeit - lo'
(mein lee) first two syllables
i. e. decem) - no
joking - translate to mean ten,
where millenniums ago
this delineation quite apropos,

cuz (wade back in...

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Categories: new years day, creation, fate, january, meaningful, moving on, new
Form: Free verse
Premium Member New Year Resolutions Everyone Should Share
Have you ever read the same book but a different story, there's a saying for that phenomenon
Scatter brained
I just finished my Saturday morning coffee and chocolate chip muffin complimented by my current read
It's that time...

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Categories: new years day, encouraging, endurance, growth, mental health, new year,
Form: Rhyme
Love Is
As I lay down a year and stand at the threshold of another
I look back at an eventful year
It had ups and downs but I am grateful you were always there
Never let go, never left...

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Categories: new years day, husband, i love you, inspirational, love, marriage,
Form: Ballad
New Years Day 2016
Commodities calmly caressing. Calling carrots. Calling capers. Calamity is not an injested window wiper nor a window sill so dare to jump off a pinnacle to declare justice. Arachnid akmed. Duty done. Swerved to serve....

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Categories: age, angel, new years day,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Parrot Ting Reflection From a Barry University Graduate
There has been much about being on a stage 
Since I started dealing with that adult style wage 
The Orange one used to welcome the new year 
With an evening date filled with cheer 


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Categories: new years day, football, games, holiday, how i feel, judgement,
Form: Rhyme
A Bizarre Naked Dance
In Ongata Rongai's club, a memory song weaves,
A tale of Newton Karish and daring thieves,
Late '90s, New Year's Eve, a lively show,
A sold-out crowd, in high spirits, they'd go.

Karish, unlike modern stars who mime,
With a...

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Categories: celebration, humorous, new years day, sad,
Form: Narrative
Ring Ring Ring
Since I meet you in trinidad
Its like I'm living in a melody
Its like a whole new jolly person
Seems to take over me

My brother Azad asking me 
Boy " how I so happy all the time

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Categories: new years day, appreciation, beautiful, crush, cute love, romantic, women,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member My 2013 New Years Resolution
For my 2013 New Years Resolution
I'm going to lawfully and legally purchase myself a gun.
I've never been pro or con regarding guns.
I've always remained very indifferent towards them.
I'm not buying a gun because I feel...

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Categories: political, world, new years day,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Orange You Glad I Graduated From Barry University
It was 1988 
And things seemed great 
I walked off the stage 
With a degree at the right age 

There were changes abound 
As I entered life’s next round 
One happened a few years later...

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Categories: football, french, fruit, holiday, new years day,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ode To Joy of Changing Seasons
Sunlight at an angle dancing through colored leaves
Cool nights to snuggle beneath the sheets; warm days of ease
Last of gardens harvest; goodbye to summer's bees
Joyful time to harvest soon days a breeze
Pumpkins, winter squash, turnips,...

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Categories: new years day, animals, happiness, hope, life, nature, seasonswinter, joy,
Form: Sestina
New Years Day 2021
New year's day 2021

Disinclination regarding tradition
to make resolutions stance
adopted courtesy yours truly.

Though such proclamation
may smack of high treason
no matter convenience to season
and ideal time to leaven existence,
I discern no rhyme nor reason

to make a promise...

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Categories: new years day, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, confidence,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wealthy 2020 Climates
What do I mean
when I struggle to define my vocation
as a Climate Activist?

How am I anxious
and how might I more positively

An Activist,
hoping for resilient interrelationship
and resonant communication equity,
feedback and forth loops,
is, first, a listening contemplative,

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Categories: green, health, new years day, peace, psychological,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things