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Long Judeo Poems

Long Judeo Poems. Below are the most popular long Judeo by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Judeo poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Empathy As Green Democracy
I don't think it's just me.
I find myself challenged to change LeftBrain cognitive beliefs,
languaged abstractions of personal knowledge,
perhaps because it is not possible to change Right Brain's
Elder feelings of co-empathic trust
where dipolar co-arising mutual immunity

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Categories: judeo, education, health, history, integrity, political, racism,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member In This Taoist's View
Could we be doing our best
to invest in Earth's cooperative health markets?
While you sell our most competitive killing machines
to our Saudi Arabian cousins.

Referencing this touchstone as an ecopolitical WinWin,
unlike Parisian multicultural investments in climate health,

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Categories: judeo, destiny, earth, fear, hate, health, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Abnormaloriginals
Setting aside richly incorporated through homeless economies,
we have three political ways
to compare a population's internal status:
a. Aboriginal populations,
b. Immigrants--sometimes appearing as multiculturing creolic waves,
c. EmPowered Natives.

Natives are aboriginals
unless a more self-centered wave of supremacist immigrants

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Categories: judeo, betrayal, christian, health, humanity, humor, immigration, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Manic Depressive Climates
Depression is like dying
without hope this process will end well,
without remediation
at least not for my closely held ego-identity,
and despair 
this turning inward
creates a cocoon by avoiding outward.

Focal awareness of ego mortality, 
immanent and emanant,
turns inward,

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Categories: judeo, beauty, culture, depression, health, mental illness, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Watching Isms
There is a world of difference
between schism and jism,
but they both end up the same.

Just as patriarchal Roman Catholicism
overpowers living and breathing Christianity,
so too does Capitalism
overpower cooperative capital co-investment,
so too does autocratic rationalism
overpower syncretic enculturing...

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Categories: judeo, culture, earth day, health, philosophy, psychological, religion,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Niitthaar Perumai, the Fundamental Role of the Ascetic, Canto 3 of the Thirukkural By Thiruvalluvar
Niithaar Perumai, the Fundamental Role of Ascetics, Canto 26 of the Thirukkural, the Tamil Classical Treatise on Ethics, Translation and Commentary by T. Wignesan 

[Given the scarcity of information (mostly conflicting even then) on the...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: judeo, education, humanity, life, philosophy, retirement, tamil,
Form: Epigram
Easter as interpreted by one
Easter as interpreted by one...

rebated, rebelled, rebirthed, rebooted, 
and rebuked courtesy 
one ill shod Unitarian atheist,
who means NOT to affect
any sacrilegious fallout
nor offend devoutly religious 
man, woman, or child,
when the most important 
Christian holiday notated,...

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Categories: judeo, adventure, bible, celebration, christian, easter, family, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bornagain Grandkids
Your grandfather wants to apologize
not just for voting for Donald Trump,
but also for praying he would continue in Presidential Office
with YHWH's fertile blessings
of sacred ChristCentered Hearts and Minds,
economic and political leadership of divine Retributive Judgment.


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Categories: judeo, bible, christian, health, history, humanity, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A Prayer For Reformation In America
Dear God, on this Reformation Day,
I pray for a reformation in America.
The founders of our nation,
acknowledged you as Creator, God,
and trusted you to preserve and,
prosper the nation they established.

Though imperfect, they did their best,
To establish...

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Categories: judeo, america, culture, god, prayer, religion, religious, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Light Systems
It was Economic Earth
Gaia who taught WinWin me
Yin-diminished Taoism.

It was ego/eco-centric Permaculture Designers
WinWin DNA-with-RNA CoGoverning HealthCare Workers,
and not so much
Competitive FIGHT-MAKES-RIGHT retributional politics.

Instead, restoration
resiliently healthy love
WinWin GoodNews theology
deep listening with inside Sacred Ecology
of YangGod with...

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Categories: judeo, caregiving, environment, gospel, health, integrity, power, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Silence
We define it as the complete absence of sound but this definition fails to capture the profundity of the subject.
As humans, our earliest existence is shrouded in obscurity and silence. 
Sperm penetrates ovum and...

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Categories: judeo, religious, silence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Niitthaar Perumai, the Fundamental Role of the Ascetic: Canto 3, K29 and K30 of the Thirukkural
Niitthaar Perumai, The Fundamental Role of the Ascetic: Canto 3, K29 and K30 of the Thirukkural by Thiruvalluvar
(In these kurals, I give both the "unrefined" versions using connective particles and modified post-positions (in Tamil: according...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: judeo, dedication, devotion, spiritual, tamil,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Patriotism As Anti-Otherism
Paul Tillich wrote 
"nationalism hates and must always hate Judaism and prophetic Christianity."

When he spoke of nationalistic patriotism
he was thinking of fascism,
as the logical conclusion
of those more loyal to a specific supremacist space and time

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Categories: judeo, earth, health, history, nature, patriotic, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Easter As Interpreted By One
Easter as interpreted by one...
rebated, rebirthed rebooted, and rebuked
ill shod Unitarian atheist

Though avast percentage
of stonehenge temple piloted ghosts,
harking back millennia
constantly zip unseen thru aerospace,
they unwittingly espy
woolly sheep hush fleeced herd
profoundly religious peep pulls
plodding fast as...

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Categories: judeo, allegory, angel, appreciation, body, celebration, creation, easter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Nationalist Committee Problems
A problem for more successful Nazi leaders
during the early exterminating 1940s
was what would they be
should they no longer have any reason to war against
the soon to be extinct Jews.

Yes, they were a nation of Aryan...

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Categories: judeo, earth, health, humor, success, usa, vanity,
Form: Political Verse
Me very late mum, a funereal day
Me very late mum, a funereal day...

courtesy latitudinarian, nonestablishmentarian, 
sexagenarian, and Unitarian son
and modest mastermind maven maverick.

Another anniversary of her death occurs
upon advent of 
May fourth two thousand and five,
not quite seventy years since her...

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Categories: judeo, absence, age, america, anniversary, atheist, birth, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Christian-Taoist Continues Standing
I was baptized as a Christian,
once or twice.
It's not so much that the baptism ritual malfunctioned
in some series of unfortunate events;
It's more like Taoism as my primary ecopolitical health system,
or religion,
or metaphysic,
or whatever kind of...

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Categories: judeo, baptism, community, culture, earth, health, humor, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Cadaverous Climate Controlled Cave Creature
Cadaverous climate controlled cave creature 

(Idea birthed, engendered, and germinated 
from Lombok Indonesia earthquakes
On 5 August 2018, 
a destructive and shallow earthquake
measuring Mw 6.9 
(ML 7.0 according to BMKG) 
struck the island 
of Lombok, Indonesia),

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Categories: judeo, adventure, anxiety, august, conflict, crush, dark, grave,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Creation Stories
A Taoist Creation Narrative
begins with healthy win/win feel this
and sick unwealthy win/lose don't do that
too capitalistically patriarchal
Yang dominant

Including do not begin with YangGod Words alone
creating Earth
from chaotic 
unYintegrally segregated
dualdark Ether

And every polypathic
Both/And multiculturing providence,

Although a...

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Categories: judeo, creation, culture, environment, health, language, senses, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Easter As Interpreted By This Atheist
though avast percentage 
     of Stone Temple Pilots, she push peep pulls 
     viz vernacular speaking population
     to most pious take as gospel...

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Categories: judeo, 11th grade, 12th grade, bible, celebration, chocolate,
Form: Free verse
The Dignity of Living Beings With Regards To Plants
(The Silent Screams of Asparagus)
4th place in contest

The Swiss, those bastions of “Pease, Not War”
That neutral country to the core
Have gone to the edge – then one step more
On the Dignity of Plants

The killing of...

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Categories: judeo, health, nature, philosophy, satirerights, , western,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Redeeming Days and Darks
When each day begins
and each evening ends
knowing Earth is within our redemption intent,
our commitment to Sacred Earth's restoring Grace
within ourselves,
within our families,
within our communities,
within our humane-divine
nature-spirited species,
within our multi-species relationships,
within Earth,
upon Earth,
around Earth,
through Earths emerging...

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Categories: judeo, beauty, god, health, integrity, love,
Form: Political Verse
Ban Backwards North Carolina: Psa

deep in the belly of the empire
where “fights between cats and dogs are prohibited,”
“women must be covered in AT LEAST 16 yards of
cloth at all times,”
“bingo games cannot last over 5...

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Categories: judeo, life, rights, together, , western,
Form: Free verse
Like Daisies On Stalks
Besotted winged pollinators
roistering barrage drowned
amidst general insectivorous cacophony
indistinct auditory signals communicated

intermingled with bounteous wafting fragrance
midwifed edenic floral pullulation
sensate admixture viz colored spectrum
amidst unrehearsed extemporaneous

orchestral suite bedded lambs
amorous ewe man like bleating songs
nature all aflutter actively...

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Categories: judeo, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, color,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member America's God
It must be clear that God's involvement with a nation or people does not exempt them from their insistent practice of human frailties and evil deeds.  Moreover, as one of his many mortal creatures,...

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Categories: judeo, america, bible, christian, courage, creation, faith, jesus,
Form: Prose

Book: Reflection on the Important Things