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Long Doodling Poems

Long Doodling Poems. Below are the most popular long Doodling by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Doodling poems by poem length and keyword.

Increase In Head Size
Increase In Head Size

impossible mission to encapsulate notion 
flitting hither and yon, to and fro
within cranium attached to mine body,
whereby irrefutable proof prevails
predicated when yours truly
scrutinizes other people visibly aware,
I a modest married male 

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Categories: doodling, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, absence,
Form: Free verse

Goodbye Six Pack Hello Poetry Scribes
Goodbye six pack hello* poetry scribes

My poetic side COSMOFUNNEL
wordsmith thanks tumblr in his noggin
ofttimes triggering babbling brook 
to swell after deluge
becoming stream of consciousness runnel
carving, gouging, and liquidating topography 
qua zee mow toe natural formed...

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Categories: doodling, adventure, angst, april, body, father, hair, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Speaking With Donald John
I was speaking with my good friend
Donald John
the Evangelist for AntiChrist
the other day.

And I had to ask,
Donald John,
Why are you so against health care
for all our not yet slaughtered
and otherwise dead already?

Except perhaps health services...

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Categories: doodling, earth, education, faith, health, integrity, psychological, trust,
Form: Political Verse
In America June 14th Equals Flag Day
In America June 14th equals flag day
and in Pennsylvania a federal holiday.

"...I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands. One nation under god...

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Categories: doodling, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th
Form: Rhyme
A harrowing drive on the Schuylkill Expressway
A harrowing drive on the Schuylkill Expressway
(route 76) both heading into
(and a small number of hours later
exiting) center city Philadelphia
to Schwenksville on May 19th, 2024.

Yours truly (a doodling Yankee), and the missus
went to town, NOT...

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Categories: doodling, adventure, america, angel, anger, anxiety, atheist, blessing,
Form: Free verse

Self Help Addict Needles Unsuspecting Reader
Self help addict needles unsuspecting reader 

Expounded late today April 27th, 2023
since being written
countless years ago
maybe a baker's dozen
as thee doodling cock doth crow 
scouting about for carrion 
scavenging for dead animals 
and rooting about...

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Categories: doodling, 12th grade, abuse, anger, angst, anxiety, april,
Form: Rhyme
I Relished Being Hungry For Thanksgiving Pop Slop Gloppy Grub
I relished being hungry for Thanksgiving pop slop gloppy grub

whereby the missus didst potchke
created whirling dervish hubbub
after enjoying repast, 
(fit for a tarnished king),
yours truly able, eager, and ready
to soak my ego freezing carcass in...

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Categories: doodling, abuse, adventure, appreciation, autumn, blessing, drink, thanksgiving,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Drawing My Own Conclusions
I'd been caught up in the middle, of one of those awful days,
When nothing seems to go right, with glitches and delays.

I was having a rough day at work, and the boss was now irate;

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Categories: doodling, adventure, fantasy, humor, imagery, life, magic, nature,
Form: Couplet
Jinxed Jesting Jejune Junior Jobber
Jinxed jesting jejune junior jobber...
just jabbering gibberish (A - J)

Again, another awkward ambitious
arduous attempt at alphabetically
arranging atrociously ambiguously
absolutely asinine avoidable alliteration.

Because...? Basically bonafide belching,
bobbing, bumbling, bohemian beastie boy,
bereft bummer, bleeds blasé blues, begetting
bloviated boilerplate bildungsroman,

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Categories: doodling, 1st grade, 2nd grade, adventure, age, birthday,
Form: Free verse
Creative Cerebral Craftiness Coaxes
Creative cerebral craftiness coaxes...

Childhood campy chimera curtain call
subsequently hinting (based on accuweather)
the approach of blizzard squall
so burrow under quilted cover y'all
until warm temperatures arrive when springtime
ushers social media platforms 
buzzfeeding earthlinked instant karma 
jump/kickstarting linkedin...

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Categories: doodling, 12th grade, adventure, age, baptism, business, creation,
Form: Rhyme
Wordsmith's Veneration
Wordsmith's Veneration...

Methinks, I post literary endeavors inxs
but tis with blood, sweat and tears
in case ye did not guess,
who struggles to craft reasonable rhyme
ideally read by a pleasing poetess.

Aye willy nilly understate (trying to)
tantalize, hypnotize, galvanize...

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Categories: doodling, 12th grade, america, books, family, flying, garden,
Form: Free verse
A Trite Nihilistic Occasion
A Trite Nihilistic Occasion   

This doodling Yankee 
(boot noah dandy) 
doth newt lack chutzpah, 
tries to finagle Fitbit 
fitting figurative footwear, 
that ideally Fitzhugh 
like custom made glove snugly, 
terrifically, unequivocally matching, 

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Categories: doodling, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, absence,
Form: Free verse
Gratitude For Running Water On Tap
Gratitude for running water on tap... 
and heat flowing with a snap

After shaving and showering,
yours truly feels winsome
though morose seeing
unwanted adipose "love handles"
inflating mine abdomen and tum
unanimously decided courtesy quorum
losing washboard stomach
finds me uncomfortably numb,

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Categories: doodling, 12th grade, america, angel, appreciation, blessing, business,
Form: Rhyme
Doubting thomas doth hanker to live in or share
Doubting thomas doth hanker to live in (or share)...
a house without gossips nor gonifs with the missus

Maybe a pair of stray eyes
will alight on my post
might subsequently manifest destiny
as a positive force
to help me secure

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Categories: doodling, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th
Form: Free verse
A Trite Nihilistic Occasion - Part One
This doodling Yankee (boot noah dandy) 
doth newt lack chutzpah, 
tries to finagle Fitbit fitting figurative footwear, 
that ideally Fitzhugh 
like custom made glove snugly, 
terrifically, unequivocally matching, 
thence handily solving Finger hut issue, 

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Categories: doodling, deep, earth, fantasy, goodbye, holocaust, humanity,
Form: I do not know?
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Oh! It has been often stated and said throughout all of recorded history that, "truth is stranger than fiction." Fiction is a by product produced in the overtly active minds of the writers of creative...

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Categories: doodling, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Thru An Opened Bedroom Albeit Screened Window
Thru an opened bedroom (albeit screened) window...

Accessible twenty four hours a day
seven days a week,
fifty two weeks a year.

Spring 2022 Curtain call at
Highland Manor Apartments unit b44
framing Mother Nature nook
ever changing scene unfolds
analogous to storybook.


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Categories: doodling, adventure, america, animal, appreciation, april, beauty, bird,
Form: Free verse
Nothing But Chalk
She sits there in the back of the class, doodling on her paperwork. Getting lost in 
the scribbles, tuning out the teacher, forgetting all the madness around her, her life 
fading in the paper. Slap!...

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Categories: doodling, angst, confusion, life, sadgirl, teacher, woman, girl,
Form: Prose Poetry
Poet Who Exhibits Panache Meant
Poet who exhibits panache - meant...

to tickle your fancy dear reader rabbit,
perchance European G-man double agent
regarding the following poem
with kick a$$, je ne sais quois
ingenious, humorous bent
even though reasonable rhyme
mebbe worth no mo' than ten...

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Categories: doodling, 12th grade, confidence, endurance, hello, humorous, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Serious Sibling Subluxation
Serious sibling subluxation... 
rapprochement somewhat salvaged dislocation

Truth be told about following poem 
mostly written quite some years ago, 
and revisions made to recreate
and revise a more satisfactory literary product.

This trademark ungainly, unsightly,
and unwieldy title essentially

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Categories: doodling, absence, age, angel, appreciation, betrayal, childhood, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Fascination With Etymology
the roots – i.e. genealogy of words long held me 
   (no pun intended) held spell bound
e'en upon fertilization of ova and sperm viz – conception, 
   an acute sensory means...

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Categories: doodling, addiction, age, appreciation, boy, creation, fantasy,
Form: Bio
Harris Fortitude Went Awol
lest ye seek alms
with outfaced palms
just imagine
how the lantern shone  
against the knees of Archelaus, 
and lit up the check-board pattern 
of the eleemosynary trousers

Fatigued civilian attires reasonable rhyme
challenging readers to dare themselves
question yours...

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Categories: doodling, 12th grade, adventure, analogy, confidence, fate, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Wordsmith's Veneration
Wordsmith's Veneration...

Aye willy nilly understate (trying 2)
tantalize, hypnotize, galvanize...
with "FAKE" trumpeting
spellbinding, rambling, quivering...
intoxicating, hallucinating, gyrating,
stop to take a breather...

English Language vocabulary, a
fascination, intoxication, provocation...
upon me ocular, neurological, mental...
faculties of this nattering nabob
from outer limits of...

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Categories: doodling, angel, appreciation, crush, education, friend, inspirational love,
Form: Free verse
Hurricane Harvey Landfall August 27th 2017
This long time doodling Yankee 
(who calls Southeastern Montgomery, Pennsylvania LV
plus III four seasons visited 
   upon swath of topography to see
and hear flora and fauna over run 
   via industrialization...

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Categories: doodling, america, courage, environment, loss, lost, planet, weather,
Form: Imagism
The Four Stages
Life is a playground, the fun never ends.
Not a care in the world, just run around with your friends.
Doodling on the walls
Playing house with your dolls.
Chasing boys around with cooties
But only those you think are...

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Categories: doodling, age, granddaughter, identity, life, teenage, time, youth,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Shattered Sighs