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Legislation Poems - Poems about Legislation

Legislation Poems - Examples of all types of poems about legislation to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for legislation.

Idealism on Standby
Welcome to our generation, We hope you enjoy this fantastic nation, Kids here stand on a quicksand foundation, And fear their schools are a gunned down station. When they watch the news near and far, The horrors they witness leave...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, innocence, patriotic, political, school,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member digital identity legislation
This Wednesday morning in Canberra There will be a review of wether there Is any benefit in introducing digital id In Australia, As we know there is not.' It is a soulless thing..Completely against The Australian spirit, of new beginnings And...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, courage, education, encouraging,
Form: Narrative

Trans Legislation 2022
The self perception of any male,female or transgender is strengthen by a medical report not just by his claim that he is a man or a woman.The claim will have to be supported by any...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, books, education, gender, social,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Stricter Gun Control Legislation
Gun control measures fall on the GOP’s deaf ears As a hue and cry goes up for stricter gun legislation, Right-wing-leaning politicians have their NRA fears. I suspect we’ll see in the Congress great hesitation In the end,...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, america, how i feel,
Form: Terzanelle
Premium Member Beggars Legislation
The Beggars Legislation By David J Walker The beggars dream standing up right On the next street corner Knowing how things ought to be Knowing safe places to sleep and eat A nation of their own A kingdom unto themselves Taxing...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, analogy,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Unusual Legislation
A gentleman of Polish ancestry who came to the USA recently Took an interest in America's direction leading up the 2020 election He eyed a bill demanding reparations an unusual piece of legislation Requiring all...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, africa, america, money, slavery,
Form: Rhyme
Legislation With a Mind of Its Own
We gave it teeth, now it bites, We gave it legs, now it kicks. It was supposed to be fair, Instead it leaves us in fear. It should have given us hope, Instead it treats us like a dope. It was...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, anxiety, betrayal, blue, cancer,
Form: Political Verse
Avast Congregation Fomenting Immediate Legislation
young people all across this country (The United States Of America), this middle aged papa doth adore stand arm against pervasive...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
The quince are blooming They are blooming on their own Not because I asked, Not because a law was passed, There's no order from a throne...Read the rest...
Categories: legislation, nature
Form: Tanka

Book: Shattered Sighs