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Jennifer Poems - Poems about Jennifer

Jennifer Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jennifer to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jennifer.
My Jennifer
I float. Arms extended beside me I float towards a this house. I have never seen this house, but it draws me...calls to me, It sits alone in a field of tall sunflowers. The pull it has on...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, dream, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jennifer Aniston
Actress Jennifer Joanna Aniston ‘Rachel’ in Friends, it sure was fun Once married to an actor called Brad But he cheated on her, oh what a cad!...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, break up, tribute,
Form: Clerihew

Premium Member Happy Birthday, Jennifer
Note: Jennifer, I hope your birthday (28 August) was sweet and special, dear friend. You have given so much to Poetry Soup and the poets therein. Written lovingly in emulation of your inimitable style. Wouldn't it...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, birthday, heaven,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pleasant Power; Jennifer Proxenos of Uk, Greece, South Africa
I You all know her, love her, enjoy them poems Above all, a people-person, with three homes I mean home-countries: first is Greece, Jenn's birth Then there's England, UK: a must for mirth or rebirth Third, and where I feel...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, africa, appreciation, christian, england,
Form: Free verse
Jennifer Jennifer is a moo cow Leading me on Said she was a lady boy Show me I said No she dared reply Suck my duck! We had a big row I nailed her to a wall Stripped her naked To see all her bits There...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, fun, satire, woman,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Jennifer Wicks - Bio
Jennifer Genuine, artistic and talented genius Daughter of Dennis and Shirley Lover of creativity, globetrotting and big dreams Who feels the world is her oyster Who fears breaking promises and not making deadlines Who would like to see the end of...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, beautiful, daughter, family, growing
Form: Bio
Brain Wash
According to Dr. Jennifer Clark, our students in our public school systems. And our colleges and universities are being brain washed and indoctrinated into the doctrine of Progressive Socialism. They are being brain washed into thinking...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Satan Is Really a Sociaist
"Satan is a Socialist," by Dr Jennifer Clark on Tuesday's Sid Roth program. February 23, 2021.*** Satan, was a liar before the beginning of recorded time. The Devil caused one- third of the angels. That were placed under to him causing...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
On a cool and breezy April eve, I lay down and welcomed sleep, With no intention al all to dream. But somewhere in a lofty keep, Where it seems dreams never sleep, One had intentions for me… I drifted off in...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, allusion, angel, april, december,
Form: Rhyme
Heartfelt Mev Tannie Jennifer Lost But Found
Mejivrou Tannie Jennifer Respectfully i refer to thee as though i would a teacher Because when i am lucky and blessed enough to click upon and open up a poem such as your heartfelt loss With happiness aplenty i realise a...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Granddaughter Jennifer
JENNIFER I posted a poem on the 11th February 2019 that my Grandfather wrote to me in 1971, titled, “My Granddaughter Jennifer”. I also mentioned in my introduction to this poem, that I...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, happiness, life,
Form: Rhyme
Dear Madam President By Jennifer Palmieri
Dear Madam President by Jennifer Palmieri Will always have to make a sufficient sacrifice, We know that will be adequate and also suffice; Mind prepare; For must care; Not only that surely will encourage and entice. Even though we may...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Dearest Jennifer
MY DEAREST JENNIFER My dearest Jennifer, In your letter, You said my poem was really terrific, I say, your verses are beyond critic, Our thoughts must meet somewhere, Perhaps high in the air, Or down in the deepest seas, Or just in the...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, grandfather, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lady Jennifer Trent
Lady Jennifer Trent Here, with not a cent Lies stingy Lady Jennifer Trent Who, in trading health for wealth Invited death in stealth! Sept. 15, 2018 ...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, bereavement, death, vanity,
Form: Epitaph
Dear Madam President By Jennifer Palmieri
Dear Madam President by Jennifer Palmieri Rachel was reading some excerpts of it on her show last night on March 26, 2018 and Jennifer was on her show. Had made a comfortable place for men; Could continue to win ...Read the rest...
Categories: jennifer, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry