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Isaac Poems - Poems about Isaac

Isaac Poems - Examples of all types of poems about isaac to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for isaac.
So restless was Isaac Newton with physics laws had so much fun Defining the inertia of truth shows he was quite a sleuth...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, science,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member A Difficult Decision for Isaac to Make
Esau, a fierce hunter; Jacob a Torah scholar Isaac had to make a difficult decision To blend Abraham’s kindness with ...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, bible, cry, father son,
Form: Rhyme

Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac once sat in the shade, When an apple fell, so he swayed, He thought, "What a sight, This force must be right," And thus gravity’s laws were portrayed....Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, appreciation, hero, math, memorial,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Isaac Newton
There was once a great scientist named Newton, apple fell on the head of famed Briton. Lest the spark of gravity escapes from brain’s...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, funny,
Form: Limerick
Ultimately, it's a matter of seasons, waiting for dawn. Through the skylight, tiny as it is, my hope resides. It's a glimpse of the hope I eagerly yearn to meet from my room. I've longed to find belonging,...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, dream, fate, sorrow, stress,
Form: Free verse

I decided to keep watch on you from walls, I moved my shoes away to give you a breath, Nevertheless, have I ever moved miles away, I kept a moderate distance to watch every step of you, Look all...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, beautiful, february, first love,
Form: Rhyme
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah our God ! Creator of the people of  colours. We pray to You on the mountains We pray to You in the valleys We pray to You on the seas You are our Father. The...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, prayer, religious,
Form: Free verse
A Letter To Sir Isaac Newton
Living without a father wasn’t a good fate This in the future could bring about immense hate But this did not stop your talent and purpose Although you were a premature baby This would not stop your mental development...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, education,
Form: Free verse
Jehovah El Roi
I I am good seed, by Grace Seed of Abraham The new testament says One seed, many fruit in the nations (ethnoi) But is my fruit good By worldly terms, Yes By biblical standards, No - And does it hurt Sometines, for...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, abuse, bible, character, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Living God
I am serving the living God A God like no other The Creator of the universe Omnipresent Omniscient The beginning and the end God who says what He means And means what He says I am serving the living...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, birth, blessing, christian, confidence,
Form: Free verse
Life's Shadow
Life's shadow leaved for centuries before Christ and Anno Domini. maneuvering again and again and its delighted in that. That it's irreversible. Life's shadow moving on waters on mountains on fire and in valleys. free and easy making sure every micro second is felt. Life's shadow moving...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, adventure, destiny, encouraging, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
missed whips of Egypt missed share of bread and water— stillborn golden calf 9/29/2021 *Perhaps you’ll read the companion poem THEY WERE NOT GROWN...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, bible,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Sir Isaac Gravity
Sir Isaac Newton was a cantankerous old soul But more importantly, was known for a different role When the apple fell It's gravity he telled His fame has lasted four hundred years or more...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Sir Isaac Newton
SIR ISAAC NEWTON Sir Isaac Newton Seventeenth Century Born Renaissance Man ...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, 10th grade, appreciation, science,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Isaac Albeniz's Asturias, Three Versions, Three Instruments
Isaac Albéniz's Asturias, Three Versions, Three Instruments I By Andres SEGOVIA, guitar, 2006 Man lopes up mast-pole Man lopes up mast-pole Man lopes up mast-pole And finds no maiden fair Who mimes his Asturian air II By Andronicus, piano version Man bikes...Read the rest...
Categories: isaac, how i feel, muse,
Form: Free verse

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