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Ideas Poems - Poems about Ideas

Ideas Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ideas to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ideas.
Premium Member Her Axiomatic Ideas are Bizarre
Her axiomatic ideas were bizarre She thought she had invented a flying car Nothing could convince her she might be wrong Her absolute conviction in herself is super strong Her arguments and statements need no evidence She has decided she...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member good ideas only come at night
I tore the page from its binder and ripped it to pieces, not wanting to be associated with the scribbles I had left on the sheet. To call that abomination 'art' would be an insult...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, inspiration, muse, myth, mythology,
Form: Haibun

Premium Member she will not give up her absurd ideas
She will not give up her absurd ideas No matter how strange, bizarre or unplausible they are Holding them in her wheel well, ready to toss them out to everyone Defending them up, down and sideways She learned this...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, humor,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Visions for 2025
As the years roll over and a new one takes its place. I grow with apprehension of the successes I can make. Because of my age, my life is a shorter span. But I have...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, beauty, blessing, celebration, change,
Form: Free verse
Work Smarter Not Harder
It is ridiculous to think that being peaceful implies weakness. If you want your peace, you must be willing to fight for it. As in protests. If you want to lead a war, you must be a pacifist. As...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, words,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In the deep silence of my thoughts, where ideas float like leaves on a silver lake
In the deep silence of my thoughts, where ideas float like leaves on a silver lake, I feel my political opinions dancing on the edge of a dream of anarchy, Not the anarchy of men with bombs...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unspoken ideas are art galleries in ruin, frescoes on the walls of our weary minds
Unspoken ideas are art galleries in ruin, frescoes on the walls of our weary minds, From them were born the wars that tore humanity apart through infinite epochs, Unspoken words melt into the air like musical notes...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member New ideas
I open my mind to fresh new ideas letting old fall through the cracks...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, words,
Form: Senryu
Three minutes to let the words take flight, I set the timer, heart racing with delight. Thoughts scatter like seeds on the breeze, Each one a whisper, aiming to please. Tick, tick, the seconds pulse in my mind, Ideas tumble...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, emotions, imagery, time,
Form: Rhyme
emotional truths evoking memories insights of discovery in palettes of sensory enchantment diffused in exploration languish in fragility & wither in ...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, surreal, word play, words,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Flowering Ideas
spring splendor wait and see between each breath nature’s flower vase filled with budding beauties morning dew drops glistening unquiet trees reach for the sun confessions of happy thoughts and joy a blissful season that is never lost...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, encouraging, happiness, nature, spring,
Form: Etheree
Premium Member wondering why I am out of ideas
I stare at the page where I have written one word it is the word I usually start with when I am out of ideas the word is jumping it’s not complete I stopped at jump feeling stagnant, thinking this...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Master
Master spoke before creation began Crafting seeds to birth each plan, Including the universe and little Man. Walnut seeds sprout trees and embryos sprout you and me In our Master’s grand design, He seeded us free will to love or...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, creation, health, joy, love,
Form: Suzette Prime
Ideas To Reality
What you read will shape the mind and heart, form into Core reality....Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, imagination, mental health, perspective,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member In the quiet corners of thought, where the stars of ideas flicker and bloom
In the quiet corners of thought, where the stars of ideas flicker and bloom, I hold a belief, a sacred mantra whispered to the winds of destiny: The free, exploring mind of the individual, a treasure beyond...Read the rest...
Categories: ideas, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

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