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Ibis Poems - Poems about Ibis

Ibis Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ibis to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ibis.

Premium Member Wild Birds
I am an Ibis, a wading bird. Times have become quite absurd. My family used to enjoy the wetlands. The cool fresh water answered all our demands. The global weather patterns have all changed. The water situation is definitely rearranged. Water...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, bird,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Ibis
wetland water whirls an ibis searches for crabs ~ foraging ballet white feathers emerge standing tall on bright pink stilts ~ bill crab prize displayed grunts and cooing sounds echo the wet marsh at dusk ~ ibis courting chant...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, beautiful, bird, nature,
Form: Haiku

Guara Brazilian Ibis Bird
Guará, the Brazilian Ibis as our guarana... from the atlantic forest ...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, allegory, allusion, beauty, bird,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Young Ibis
young ibis soon to mature - patchwork ...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, animal, appreciation, nature, poems,
Form: Haiku
Bin Chicken
oddly they swim where only yesterday grass laid down and withered having been subjected to the slasher’s blade “Them be bin chickens” me mate once said as we walked past them at the airport not far from Tweed Heads “bin chickens?...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, christmas,
Form: Free verse

Sacred Bird of the gods Long legged wading fowl Live in wetlands, forests and plains Ibis...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, animal, basketball, beautiful, tribute,
Form: Cinquain
Idolized by pharaohs, monarchs and kings; Bird of the wetlands, marshes and swamps. Interesting forager with long bill and stilted long legs; Sacred icon of the dynasties of yore....Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, animal, appreciation, dedication, nature,
Form: Acrostic
Ibis 101
He's treading the shallows at the border of the lake like a house cat kneading your lap, his neck like radar, scanning a map for morsels disingenuously believing the borders of the lake are Zen, that the mire in...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, bird,
Form: Rhyme
I Am the Ibis
I am the Ibis a sacred bird, from distant lands of the ancients. the land of pyramids, lands of Arabia and Africa. Bird of knowledge that is friend to the Gods. Brave during storms my will is as strong as a...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, adventure
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Have Met the Ibis
I have met the Ibis The Sacred Bird of Knowledge The reincarnation of Thoth Whose Wisdom knows no end. I now know why Theuth loved you as I do Why Socrates used you as his Muse For Arithmetic and All Calculations For...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, philosophy
Form: Lyric
Ibis Ad Crucem
The day that Pilate helped sentence Jesus to the cross --- People were proclaiming, that Ceaser was their only boss --- Although Pilate argued for Jesus life to be spared --- Few showed any mercy and even less expressed that they cared...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, faith
Form: Narrative
The Scarlet Ibis
national bird of Trinidad and Tobago Caribbean Isle the scarlet ibis it is a tropical bird bright red in color it has a long neck and it's bill is long and curved feathers are black tipped feet are slightly webbed it's legs are long...Read the rest...
Categories: ibis, animals, nature, bird, bird,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry