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Poems by Christine A Kysely

Christine A Kysely - LIFETIME Premium Member Christine A Kysely - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Christine A Kysely. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Christine A Kysely.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/21/2011 Moments 1751 Lyric
12/21/2011 Walking 1335 Free verse
12/17/2011 Your Boat Is Your Shore 1971 Haiku
12/17/2011 Man Cannot Recall 1754 Haiku
12/17/2011 Man Cannot Recall 1412 Haiku
12/17/2011 Life 1292 Tanka
12/17/2011 White Pieces On Blue 1795 Haiku
12/17/2011 Holiday's Circle 1156 Senryu
12/17/2011 Winter Lies Quietly 1610 Haiku
12/17/2011 Years Are Standing Still 1663 Haiku
12/16/2011 In the End 1265 Free verse
12/12/2011 Passing Months 1325 Lyric
12/12/2011 I Am Not Afraid 1278 Lyric
12/12/2011 Only One Way 1238 Lyric
12/12/2011 Hold On 1240 Lyric
12/12/2011 Censorship In the Arts 2135 Lyric
12/08/2011 Read My Words 1274 Lyric
12/08/2011 The Hunger Drug 1408 Lyric
12/08/2011 Empty Tables 1501 Lyric
12/08/2011 Silent Quiet Night 1231 Tanka
12/08/2011 For Bamm 1383 Lyric
11/23/2011 My Love Has Left Me 1369 Senryu
11/18/2011 I Love You 1322 Lyric
11/18/2011 Magic 1383 Lyric
11/10/2011 Let Your Rains Fall Down 1294 Lyric
11/10/2011 Small Boats 1350 Free verse
11/10/2011 One Must Touch the Earth 1302 Senryu
11/09/2011 Put My Eyes To Sleep 1186 Lyric
11/09/2011 Tree Kaleidoscope 1582 Haiku
11/09/2011 Autumn Blows a Kiss 1956 Haiku
10/25/2011 If the Spirit Moves Me 1930 Lyric
10/24/2011 Visionary Clouds 1529 Senryu
10/24/2011 Little Tiny Thoughts 1179 Senryu
10/24/2011 Rain 1694 Haiku
10/12/2011 Sky Reflects Autumn 1198 Tanka
10/12/2011 Leaves Travel About 1327 Tanka
10/12/2011 Jewels Dance About 1805 Haiku
10/12/2011 In Silent Color 1911 Haiku
10/12/2011 Brilliant Autumn 1561 Haiku
10/12/2011 Autumn Walks Alone 1615 Haiku
10/12/2011 Autumn Sees Winter 1825 Haiku
08/22/2011 Sun Unveils Herself 1473 Tanka
08/04/2011 Empty Shoes 1518 Senryu
06/20/2011 Spotted Division 2039 Haiku
06/20/2011 Songs of Lightning 1942 Haiku
06/20/2011 Twin Souls 1315 Lyric
06/19/2011 Branches Hide Dark Trout 1294 Tanka
06/19/2011 Soft Peony Clouds 1493 Tanka
06/03/2011 Moonlight Tries To Hide 1572 Haiku
06/03/2011 Float Amongst Wet Clouds 1367 Senryu
06/03/2011 Illumination 1154 Senryu
06/03/2011 Jewels Lie About 1481 Haiku
06/03/2011 Wind Massages Mountains 1890 Haiku
06/03/2011 Wide Deep Valley Waits 1542 Haiku
06/02/2011 Rain Obscures Distance 1597 Haiku
06/02/2011 Twins Are Never One 1243 Senryu
06/02/2011 Shadows Hide Secrets 1487 Haiku
06/02/2011 Peace Floats On High Winds 1378 Senryu
06/02/2011 Strawberries Ripen 1474 Haiku
06/02/2011 Sun Treks High Mountains 1408 Haiku
06/02/2011 Curved Ruffled Beauty 1609 Haiku
06/02/2011 Flames Flicker Desires 1401 Haiku
06/02/2011 Night Loosens Sun's Rays 1410 Haiku
06/02/2011 Lilac Storms Gather 1598 Haiku
06/02/2011 Lilac's Heavy Scent 1608 Haiku
06/02/2011 Evening Arrives 1412 Haiku
06/02/2011 Sun Mounts Horizon 1429 Tanka
06/02/2011 Ruffled Parrots Bloom 1521 Haiku
06/02/2011 Soft Feathered Lips 1643 Haiku
05/22/2011 Turning Towards June 1412 Lyric
05/22/2011 You Are the Color 1300 Lyric
05/22/2011 Your Love Has Come To Me 1304 Lyric
05/22/2011 Cut These Days To Pieces 1254 Lyric
05/17/2011 When the Winds Danced 1184 Lyric
05/17/2011 Golden Wheat 1575 Lyric
05/17/2011 The Sweetest Thing 1230 Lyric
05/12/2011 Heartsongs Do Recall 1701 Haiku
05/10/2011 Some People 1270 Lyric
05/10/2011 The Periphery 1255 Lyric
05/10/2011 Some Things Are Just Not Meant To Be 1426 Lyric
05/10/2011 Something To Hold Onto 1396 Lyric
05/06/2011 In Full Bloom 1178 Lyric
05/06/2011 Two Swollen Rivers 1629 Haiku
05/06/2011 The Inevitable Always Wins 1427 Lyric
04/30/2011 My Thoughts Are As Pearls 1271 Senryu
04/27/2011 Silence Says So Much 1767 Haiku
04/27/2011 My Love, My Love 1317 Lyric
04/21/2011 Sweet Imperfection 1765 Haiku
04/21/2011 Looking Just To See 1204 Tanka
04/21/2011 Futile Resistance 1580 Haiku
02/09/2011 Somewhere a Light Shines 1444 Tanka
02/09/2011 Eyes On the Inside 1386 Tanka
02/09/2011 Heart 1304 Tanka
02/09/2011 Mist Hangs Her Body 1847 Tanka
02/09/2011 Will Strands of Thread Hold 1284 Tanka
02/09/2011 Maestro of Crazed Winds 1676 Haiku
02/09/2011 Bottled Thoughts Within 1351 Senryu
02/09/2011 Hidden In Snowflakes 1646 Haiku
02/09/2011 Dive Deep For Large Fish 1605 Haiku
02/09/2011 Thoughts Cannot Be Caged 1325 Senryu


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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry