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Hile Poems - Poems about Hile

Hile Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hile to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hile.
Premium Member April Showers
...I'll wait for you at sunset That month on thirteenth day We'll share a kiss at twilight And toast along the way Veuve Clicquot in fluted, Crystal<......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, i love you, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hog's Breaths A Star
...I met with Mr. Eastwood for the first time with both of us, and I know he's savvy about people's character. I would rate Clint as, par for the course as Pebble Beach is noted for, in due p......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, analogy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member SWING
... Spring days, as a child, While grasping the ropes tightly, I soared heavenward. Now, decades later, I love Gliding gently while I read. ......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, age, growing up, how
Form: Acrostic
Origin of the Name Swahili and Language, Bantu Name
...Origin of  the  name Swahili Or " Kiswahili" , One person  said , " Iswa ile" Another person said," Iswa iyi " Swahili is one of the  Bantu Languages Like isiZulu , Kifuliru,  Kinyindu, ......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, 12th grade, africa, arabic,
Form: Other
He Came And Not Still
...Breeze bestirred, died down, Not even a stray leaf stirred, He came to my town And left like migrating bird, Leaving me parched, my eyes blurred. _____________________ Gulzaar | 16.03.2023 | Ta......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, angst, love,
Form: Tanka

Premium Member D Riving W Hile I Ntelligent
...Greet the new year alive Remember, no drink-no drive if you want to stay free then give up that key DUI's are not worth the jive.......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, anger, anxiety, cry, death,
Form: Limerick
...Fruitful days are filling up the piles of treasure mesuring the misogyny it shouldn't be a topic of forgery while waiting for break outs throwing correction direction of stereotyping the tipicallity ......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, africa, america, art,
Form: Classicism
Naked Truth
...Fruitful days are filling up the piles of treasure mesuring the misogyny it shouldn't be a topic of forgery while waiting for break outs throwing correction direction of stereotyping the tipicallity ......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, absence, africa, art,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member New Beginnings
...New is the year, fresh is its fragrance, filling my heart with Eagerness, to walk upon the paths it has set out for me While making sure that I shall take the time to enjoy its......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, life,
Form: Acrostic
Killer Mystery
...J-ust A-bate M-orbid E-nemy's S-ilent C-ontagion L-etting E-erie R-abidity's K-iller M-ystery A-void X factor W-hile E-pidemic L-ink L-oses Topic: Birthday of poet James Clerk ......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, birthday, poets,
Form: Acrostic
Farewell To Summer
...F orming leisure into priceless summer memories A round campfires and backyard bar-b-ques R equires little but long days of June’s welcome sunshine E ventful gathering of July’s......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, summer,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member With Gratitude
...While some are sadly struggling, jobless or hungry in this world, I am feeling fortunate To simply be alive Having friends and family; with these two I thrive! G<......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, thanks,
Form: Acrostic
Poem About the Acrostic
...K-een A-uthor T-imely E-mploys P-oem A-bout T-he A-crostic W-hile A-wesome R-eader A-ccepts N-icely Topic: Birthday of Kate Patawaran (December 05) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Keen Insight
...R-egards I-n C-omposition H-appily A-pplies R-apturous D-edication W-hile L-itterateur O-f D-elightful A-crostic R-ightfully S-cribes K-een I-nsight Topic: Birthday of poet Richar......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, birthday, poets,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Twenty Twenty
...This new year I feel the tensions of taxes due While I resolve to complete them in time as Every year I procrastinate until the deadline is here. Now as this new decade......Read the rest...
Categories: hile, new year,
Form: Acrostic

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