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Headway Poems - Poems about Headway

Headway Poems - Examples of all types of poems about headway to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for headway.
Premium Member our natural state
... Pavlov’s dogs are salivating bells of nature ring as every action yields consequences stimuli evoke a response and primeval instincts dance with evolution ‘I think therefore I am’ jingles in......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, abuse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dasher and Dancer's Christmas Eve Call Offs
... Dasher and Dancer yelled midair and said to Santa, “We can't fly! Earth satellites have made a snare of wireless currents in the sky!” Then Santa answered, “Use plan B- come down one......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, christmas, funny, write,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Beg Your Pardon
...I’m in the band called “Beg Your Pardon” Our latest, “The Luddits Headway” Sells well, and the “Forest of Arden” Our hit, has got some airplay There ain’t no plans for touring though: The phase ......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, feelings, humor, music,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

For some enchanted evenings
...For some enchanted evenings... The following scenario imagined after the hoopla of Democratic National Convention miracle workers Kamala Harris and Tim Walz trumpeted politically wholesome zea......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, america, angst, anti bullying,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Walking
...Walking on eggshells Tight lipped Uncertain of every word spoken Least the tempest Will be released Roaring Waves splashing Wind storm blowing Boat rocking Turquoise water fa......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, abuse,
Form: Free verse

St Remy Wine For Enemy
...He had as a friend met Remy, Now, he is his sworn enemy: On seeing Remy would withdraw, Race towards any exit door, For if Remy did, sword could draw: A full fight or half of it sure! A frien......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, allusion, conflict, courage, violence,
Form: Rhyme
Passion and Love
...Passion and love By Michelle Morris 10/04/2022 Passion and love so often confused Only time reveals the roads we choose... Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh... Sparks with lovers can pull you down Spa......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, desire, inspirational love, love,
Form: Lyric
Into the Blue
...Blue as the ocean, Deep they penetrate. Searching for the truth behind the iris. The past is a reliance, but not the end. A swimmer he must be. To weather my storms within. Torrents of rain a......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, analogy, beautiful, feelings, for
Form: Free verse
A Psalm To Solemnize Pure Tin Forefathers Mothers
...A psalm to solemnize pure tin forefathers/mothers... Who didst unknowingly, unquestionably, and unwittingly script vitality and the prologue to Thanksgiving, (which theme poem initially writte......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, adventure, africa, age, america,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Black Widow
...Natasha Romanova, the fair 'Black Widow', In The Marvel Comis, is a superhero; Surreptitious, specific, and snake-like deadly, A one-woman army, when needed, self-medley...! Adorned with the......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, hero, people,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pervasive
...what is the true pattern of consciousness in this immense universe? how far into the overwhelming breach has awareness been dispersed? in the depths of exhaustion, the dark silent stillness nouri......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, change, creation, earth, humanity,
Form: Monoku
A Migrants Heart
...I kept drifting, drifting, drifting, I wasn’t sure where I was going but I kept drifting. The winds set in my back spinning around my new frock and I kept drifting. I kept focusing ahead of me ho......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, change, community, death, deep,
Form: Narrative
Read Poem For Title
...Rather than contact tech savvy Macbook Pro technician Computer technology a dog send boot also a source of woe, cuz prohibitive costs charged by technicians to troubleshoot Macbook Pro just re......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Violence
...Criminal reform - we think of those who deserve a second chance or are caught in a system where they can never make headway, or those who were imprisoned unfairly. But in today’s economy, we let loos......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, america, anger, corruption, violence,
Form: Acrostic
One Month Into Summer 2022 Elapsed Here
...One month into summer 2022 elapsed here... Within Perkiomen Valley, Pennsylvania, thus far marginal rainfall for season nevertheless...the hazy, hot and humid dog days meanwhile (gad) Zeus t......Read the rest...
Categories: headway, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry