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Guyana Poems - Poems about Guyana

Guyana Poems - Examples of all types of poems about guyana to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for guyana.
Premium Member Life's Untorn Page
...I moved to San Francisco from across the bay in early 1977. At 19 years old, dad got me a two-bedroom house in the San Francisco suburb known as the Ocean District. It was the type of home that adjoi......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, america, analogy, bereavement, children,
Form: Other
Who Invented the Coolie
...I retired from education, sharing with (not scaring) OUR YOUTH oblivious of persistent prejudice, labor migrant past piercing the present until i left America for South Africa, returning to Nat......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, absence, abuse, africa, america,
Form: Rhyme

Us Residency Yet Delayed Year 9, But Jesus Is Real To Me
...I wanted to write & testify, one-time suicidal Dr. Anil Deo, is reborn during second half-century on earth! Yes, Jesus is real to me, to revive hope and the desire to live or write, or preach ... whe......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, child, education, endurance, family,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Guyana Georgetown Guyana, Sunday morning the market is bustling with people voices buying vegetables and other food items a variety of different brands and choices as the sun shines in the s......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, appreciation,
Form: Ballade
Slavery and Reparations All Done
...SLAVERY AND REPARATIONS I am a descendant of slaves - from India! Anyone who demands REPARATIONS shake & quake at my words Competition? So, we have competing tales of bondage? The Jewish people's......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, africa, america, analogy, black
Form: Bio

Transported: 15 Year Old Poems and Older Number 4
...TRANSPORTATION, A POETRY LESSON OF HISTORY Transplanted, unwittingly, an invasive plant Transported – the ship itself – to foreign port Far, far away from welcome, the known – So far and foreign,......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, africa, america, career, hate,
Form: Rhyme
Kaiture Falls: Longest One-Drop In the World
...I heard and pledged, that one day this natural wonder, will be experienced by me. Thunderous, Roaring from af......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, 4th grade, beauty, desire,
Form: Fibonacci
Ancestors and Us
...ANCESTORS Lady Liberty And the Lady cries: "Bring me your lame, maime, Your poor, your Refugees." Came by the Mayflower And others like her, The first Settlers came from near and far; ......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, appreciation, beauty, blessing, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Evil Prophet
...Evil Prophet There was a megalomaniacal man, his ministry in Indiana began, a man whose heart was not so pure and lead a most tragic event to occur. His narcissistic personality, hid many dar......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, dark, evil, truth,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Evil Exists--Utopia Does Not
...EVIL Exists; Utopia Does Not You may remember them-- a wildly-diverse band of individuals-- a strange ensemble comprised of various races, age brackets, backgrounds, and philosoph......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, evil, murder, suicide,
Form: Free verse
History's Sad Song
...History's Sad Song (Revised) throughout my life I've heard many a sad song relating to the lyrics that seemed to play too long way back during the Crusade where religious debt was paid by the blood......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, introspection, life, , western,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Antichrist In Guyana
... In San Francisco, he started his crusade to teach the word of God and all good He made. His followers, even though penurious, gave him all they had; they were oblivious. He taught them how t......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, death, history, death, death,
Form: Rhyme
The Caribbean
...small islands surround by the caribbean sea from the greater and lesser antilles Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Guyana just to name a few the place where tourist comes to see the caribbean view music, bea......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, sea,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Squirrelly Squirrel
...I reckon you'll find this tale of romance less fact than fiction, But please bear with me as I try to give it plausible depiction. I was about half asleep, musin' on the patio the other day, When ......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, animals, funnyme, me,
Form: Rhyme
Letter To Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf
...I rather watch a kestrel to see Her swoop and swirl The skies invisible maze To feed the inhabitants of her nest Her milk of gratitude Morning begins with a bright darkness And the beckoning ......Read the rest...
Categories: guyana, black african american, history,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry