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Elisa Poems - Poems about Elisa

Elisa Poems - Examples of all types of poems about elisa to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for elisa.
These Are the Days of Elijah Collections
...OH! These are the days of Elijah! In the midst of the Jordan river! Elisha watched as his mentor was taken away into the heavens. In a fiery chariot! The Lord God took the tired old prophet ho......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Remain Alert
...F-rontliners R-emain A-lert N-icey K-eeping & E-veryone's L-ungs I-n S-afety A-s S-ilent I-nfection M-ysteriously M-akes O-ne N-asty S-pread Topic: Anniversary of Frank & El......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic

Spiritual Warrior
...E-merge successful, Q-uitting not the clash or fight, D-efend your true faith. Topic: Birthday of Elisa Q. Demillo (March 11) Form: Haikustic......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, birthday,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Exceptional Line
...E-xceptional L-ine I-s S-hared A-s D-elightful E-xcellent M-essage I-s L-ived L-iterally O-ftentimes Topic: Birthday of Elisa Q. Demillo (March 11) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Once Newness Starts
...E-arly L-ight I-s S-hining A-s S-un I-s M-eeting M-orn O-nce N-ewness S-tarts Topic: Birthday of Elisa Simmons (October 03) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Poor Elisa
...My friend was on a big ship; She had fallen off, and broke her hip! Her name is Elisa; And always ate pizza, Until she extremely burned her lip!......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, funny,
Form: Limerick
Dawbreak With a Noble King
...Since you left us, Each morning I awake precisely At dawn. Snatched from my troubled attempts at sleep, I'm suddenly, acutely lucid and aware. This in itself is odd, given, Dawn and I rarely ......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, absence, appreciation, art, beauty,
Form: Prose
The Greatest Affliction
...Addictions, restrictions, afflictions, decisions, A needle, a bottle, step down hard on that throttle! Disaster, no more laughter, destruction for years after. Placate, eradicate, fornicate, mastu......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, addiction, body, corruption, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Blossoms and Bubbles
...Elisa is very beautiful and young, but her silly mind isn't that strong; yesterday she marked age thirty on her calendar not feeling gritty. In a lively garden with blooming April flowers, she b......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, april, fantasy, lonely, youth,
Form: Sonnet
Debs Rattle
...Acrotic? Bored, I got sunburnt, Evidently, I learnt, Across the road , Cantered cane toads, Henry thought it’s fine, Bull mastiff Jerry Hog's, Laugh's at every bodies dogs, A growling all th......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, adventuredog, dog, time,
Form: Acrostic
Beach B B
...Beach, I went sunburnt, Evidently, I learnt, Across the road , Cantered cane toads, Henry thought it’s fine, Bull mastiff Jerry Hog's, Laugh's at every bodies dogs, A growling all the time . ......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, adventuredog, dog,
Form: Acrostic
...Subtle humor is the game, words can drive you quite insane, till the master calls a halt n says repent, a little sad but wiser, never mind Elisa, so he tiptoes back to his own little tent:) ......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, adventure
Form: Rhyme
Lake Elisa
...Lake Eliza Out by poor old Lake Elisa lived a moody ancient miser. Who bemoaned his fate throughout the livelong day. lived further west than Isa out where the heat and flies are. So he plotted ......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, adventure, angst, cowboy-western,
Form: Epitaph
Hiv Aids 2007
...Anorexia, weight loss, fever Frail frame of weakness shiver With collapse of castle of immunity Opportunistic infections eager TO prey on the victim Whose eyes in deep socket gleam ......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, caregiving, inspirational, introspection, ,
Form: Free verse
Logophobia (Fear of Words)
...Words are vile worms Worse than pathological germs When I see them on blackboard Or behold them on computer screen They pester and prick like pointed pin And make me scream and writhe in pain S......Read the rest...
Categories: elisa, art, imagination, inspirational, passion,
Form: Heroic Couplet

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry