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Chile Poems - Poems about Chile

Chile Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chile to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chile.
Chilly Chile
Night in the Southern Part of Chile can sometimes Be very chilly....Read the rest...
Categories: chile, cool, places, seasons,
Form: Haiku
Remember Venezuela, Chile and Peru
Remember the former prosperous South American nations such as: Venezuela, Chile and Peru? When their progressive left-wing socialist communist political leaders had firmly taken over their nations! The Latin American branch of Red China...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

Endless purple flowers and salt pools like polished mirrors give color to the desert and reflect the clear blue sky--- disguising with their beauty the poor soil and salinity of wastelands inhospitable, inarable and dry. Wrapped in a serape, and sipping chocolate´, I...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, solitude, travel,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Canada, China, Cuba, and Chile
LORD, this morning, thank you. This SONnet will please, tease, release: I greet thee, having access to Your throne by Jesus And His sacrifice on Calvary: We pray against the Virus With a sunshiny name, an aura of...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, 12th grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member 2019 Fifa Women's World Cup -Usa Vs Chile
shock-and-awe soccer USA cruise to knockout-- Endler masterclass...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, football, soccer, sports, women,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member 2019 Fifa Women's World Cup -Chile Vs Sweden
rain delay in Renne Sweden's lightning striking twice- Chile swept away...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, football, soccer, women, world,
Form: Senryu
A Lad From Chile
A Lad from Chile There was a lad, who came from Chile ...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, animal, boy, silly,
Form: Limerick
The Chile Honey Bees
Chile honey bees are buzzing Up Across the U.S. nation They had to stop only one time At a local BP station All the way up to Niagra The falls are nice this time of year Adding USB's to their force They...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, cute, fantasy, humor,
Form: Quatrain
Chile ha sido llamado la "Tierra de Lagos y Ríos." Traducción: [Translation:] [Chile has been called the "Land of Lakes and Rivers."] Si tú estás en Chile, y hace fresco, ¡prueba el chile! Traducción: [Translation:] [If you are in Chile, and...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, travel,
Form: Haiku
Beans and Chile
its a meal thats the deal has a taste that don't go to waste WHEN I EAT I SLEEP and have dreams of more M my namw wille of BEANS AND CHILE...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, adventure, food,
Form: Light Verse
Hot Chile
love the taste it don't go to awaste i read the sign in the winter time that say filling means HOT CHILE...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, food,
Form: Light Verse
Hot Chile
love the taste it don't go to awaste i read the sign in the winter time that say filling means HOT CHILE...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, food,
Form: Light Verse
Hang In There Men (Dedicated To the Miners In Chile)
Hope is the greatest gift that I could give, And I pray that I can give you some hope. Nurture the thought that all of you will live, Giving yourselves thoughts that will help you cope. I can imagine...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, dedicationday,
Form: Acrostic
Hail To Chile
Not Only A Poet A Diplomat A Political Figure But Also A Nobel Prize Winner For His Literature Ladies And Gentlemen Let's Give A Big Applause For Mr Pablo Neruda...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, adventure, dedication, education, children,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chile
C herish and maintain H ope and faith I n God our Father L ord of all creation who rules E ternally in every situation FOR THE PEOPLE OF CHILE- hold on to your faith, regardless!...Read the rest...
Categories: chile, history, hope, inspirational, life,
Form: Acrostic

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry