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Charged Poems - Poems about Charged

Charged Poems - Examples of all types of poems about charged to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for charged.
Premium Member In the Dream Foretold a Devotion Series Poem
*** In the Dream Foretold *** A Devotion Series Poem I am getting over paralysis from nerves twisted along my spine. The agonies are passing, but not gone, so I am standing, leaning over the kitchen...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, beautiful, dream, fate, husband,
Form: Prose Poetry
Inxs of Poison From Iron Maiden Scorpion Mamma and Ac Dc Charged Aries Papa
Inxs of poison from iron maiden scorpion mamma and ac/dc charged aries papa Although gainfully unemployed (fate now finds me receiving social security disability – for approximately the last baker's dozen years - the yeast divine intercession...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, 12th grade, abuse, anger,
Form: Free verse

Fully Charged
A mind realized that it had become itself, a self that had been molded by fractured hands yet somehow by the grace of time had now become itself. This self was both a shop-window and a mannikin, yet even though it was...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Newspaper
Keep your morning informed With a piece of newspaper Stay connected with the rest of the world Besides your small confined self-centred world Stay up-to-date with The critical news The breaking news The latest news The in-depth reports Like dropping a bombshell...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, life, self, truth, world,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Guilty As Charged
Never doubt the availability When looking for culpability The guilty never wish to admit They are, indeed, the culprit....Read the rest...
Categories: charged, irony, truth,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Fully Charged
This is an age old story it could be a country song. Some may find it enchanting while others say it’s wrong. I like home automation and the feeling of control the response to simple voice commands seems to satisfy my soul. I...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, 11th grade, satire, sensual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Guilty As Charged
guilty as charged four little boys start a pudding fight guilty sentenced with hose and mops...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, children, food, friend,
Form: Monoku
Guilty As Charged
A heart of dark sentiments! What did my dark periscope see? A misogynistic judge presiding over a case; An interesting case of A woman who reneged midway on a pact. I was but a witness lest you be curious Why...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, anger, cry, extended metaphor,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Guilty Under the Word Charged
I have read an article today an eye opener not even surprised remotely where the minister of justice running to a meeting hard pressed has cast vote, on and behalf of another fraud member Admitting being part of a...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, abuse, betrayal, conflict, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Charged By Phantoms
I pulled in late one night from off the pike, A manor rumored haunted, yet it seemed ...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, adventure, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
Guilty As Charged
I've been accused. Blood, Death& Hate The crimes to which my Words stand witness. I've been accused. Of imprisoning my smile In the lock of a frown, Drowning my laughter in the tempest of unshed tears. I've been accused. Being doubtful of the Benefit of...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, anger, angst, dark, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Emotionally Charged
Here I go, I'm gonna have another shot How many I've had, not sure I've forgot I'm gonna drink till it numbs the pain I'm gonna drink till I don't remember my name I'm gonna inject till it takes...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, angst, hate, sorrow, cry,
Form: Rhyme
Guilty As Charged
Sometimes men need forgiving When they don't know how to ask Words really are unmintionable If painfull the recent past A womans heart is fragile When given to the man she loves She knows she can't take it back But only be...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, allegory,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Guilty As Charged
GUILTY AS CHARGED! Justice Romantic Romeo : Stand up in court! ...Read the rest...
Categories: charged, love, romantic, heart, heart,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Charged
Back away if you want silence; Loud! I'm louder than the loudest clap of thunder Fiery lightening lights up the sky; A shield The storm my protective cover. Back away if you want calm, Charged! I'm filled with the...Read the rest...
Categories: charged,
Form: Free verse

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