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Chapter Poems - Poems about Chapter

Chapter Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chapter to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chapter.
Premium Member Jeremiah chapter thirty five k j v
The Lord is faithfull.! Thesselonians ch 3 v 3-5 Jerimiah in the midst of the rebbelious people, had taken Note of a sobdrly clad 'new group to his awareness' he made Enquiry at the market stalls, and was told...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1, verse Verse 49
“There is no body made up of five elements; nor is there anyone who is disembodied. All is verily the Self alone. How can there be the three states and the fourth?” To put this verse in perspective We...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Chapter 165--DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANYA: Damian Chases a milestone-- part II
Date: August 10 2051 At the time Dolly Molly and Holly arrived at the restaurant most of the Hakims were there enjoying jazz melodies some relatives were on the second level l. Mama...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, august, best friend, birthday,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1, verse 39
“Even my natural self appears to me as non-distinct from the supreme Self; it appears to be one and like space. How can there be meditator and meditation?” beginning at the end of our understanding globe of...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1, verse 36
“Some seek nonduality, others duality. They do not know the Truth, which is the same at all times and everywhere, which is devoid of both duality and nonduality.” everything everywhere, all at once the pulse of life in...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1 verses 31-33
“31. When the pot is broken,/the space within it is absorbed in the infinite space and becomes undifferentiated. When the mind becomes pure, I do not perceive any difference between the mind and the supreme Being. 32....Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1, verse 29
“There is no substance whatever which is by nature unlimited. There is no substance whatever which is of the nature of Reality. The very Self is the supreme Truth. There is neither injury nor non...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1, Verse 26
“As the self is filled by the Self, so is all filled continuously by you. There is no meditator or meditation. Why does your mind meditate shamelessly?” to behold its own reflection living light takes on myriad...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 165 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA; Damian Chases a milestone?
Date: August 2025 Mama Lucinda spoke with Delilah and Mallory briefly Regarding Damian's 50th birthday celebration. While Damian was across the road visiting with DJ and the Rest of the older kids. 11 morning...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, august, birthday, black love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1, verse 23
If it is of the nature of the not-Self, how can there be Samahdi? If it is of the nature of the Self, how can there be Samahdi? If it is both "is" and "is not", how...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1 verse 21
“Know that which has form to be false, that which is formless to be eternal. Through the instruction of this truth there is no longer rebirth into this world.” ephemeral is the manifest universe held in the womb...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1 verse 15
”Union and separation exist in regard neither to you nor to me. There is no you, no me, nor is there this universe. All is verily the Self alone.” Hiranyagarbha, the cosmic egg splits thus in this...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1 verse 13
You are not born nor do you die. At no time do you have a body. The scripture declares in many different ways - the well-known dictum: "All is Brahman." looking back our life lived thus far we...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 164-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: All The Little Children II
Date: August 2051 "Holannya's new born baby girls!" Dolly exclaimed 7 Friday morning. Molly watched Holly sleep saying, "Yeah finally and everybody's joyful right?" Dolly replied, "Yesss so we'll continue With party preparations properly after We...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, anniversary, august, beautiful, beauty,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1 verses 10, 11
10. “I, the One only, am all this, beyond space and continuous. How can I see the Self as visible or hidden?” 11. “Thus you are One. Why then do you not understand - that you are...Read the rest...
Categories: chapter, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

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