Candy Poems - Examples of all types of candy poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for candy.
my valentine's day wish
love from you my dear
pink roses and chocolates ~
a heavenly day...
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candy, flower, fun, love,
Form: Senryu
Candy Crushed - poop humour warning!
Though craving their sweet choc chip pieces
I’m boycotting candy by Meeses
I loathe, nay abhor
This global trade war
Trump's tariffs – what a crock of faeces!
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candy, corruption, political,
Form: Limerick
Valentine's DayDreams of contentment and dreams of desire,
These are the things that the heart doth admire.
Flowers and chocolates are merely to say,
Our hearts meet our dreams on Valentine's Day....
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candy, chocolate, desire, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Cravings Flaming
My cravings flaming in a dumpster fire
Ridding me of my secret heart’s desire
Every chocolate bar
All candies in a jar
Gone so the raver in me can transpire....
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candy, crush,
Form: Limerick
Holiday FunSanta sang as he approached the streets.
Couldn't wait to give out some treats.
From the window, he looked East.
He saw there was a feast.
Rode back and had all the sweets.
Frosty got so bored inside on a...
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candy, chocolate, christmas, december,
Form: Limerick
Bullseyeswhen I was a kid
molasses sweets or "bullseyes"
were a tasty treat...
you'd get two for a penny
and if you had a quarter...!
a short time ago
I had my first one in years...
just one simple taste
and my childhood...
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candy, childhood, memory,
Form: Tanka
viejo y arrepentidoMis ojos se pierden en el paisaje marchito,
en las viejas flores que susurran recuerdos,
el dolor punzante de lo que no fue,
de aquello que pude haber hecho.
Rozo los pétalos, y se deshacen en mis manos.
Extraño el...
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candy, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Treats• Pink envelopes with letters inside
• Red and white balloons filled with sweets
• This experience is not an unusual one
• On St. Val's I always get treats
• I don't know from who
• I...
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11th grade, candy, sweet,
Form: Rhyme
Some Might Say Plum TuckeredPlum tuckered from the Polar Express,
off the rails and despairing of goody-
goody gumdrops and sweet words
that impresses many a poetic treat.
Preparation of Victorian sweets, via PC,
dreaded, droll, glorious and interminable.
I’m laughing at you, if you...
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candy, christmas, food, work,
Form: Free verse
Colored lights, Santa Claus and his reindeer, holiday music floating in the air…
look around and you’ll see there are signs of Christmas everywhere.
It’s streaming on our TV’s, playing on our radios…it’s on every child’s face.
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candy, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Sugar and SnowflakesThere is magic in ...
Sugar and snowflakes,
When wonder does begin
As December awakes
Where this magic comes from
Do we really need to know ...
From first bite to last crumb
O, how we enjoy it, though
These simple,...
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candy, christmas, december, food,
Form: Rhyme
I saw in her smileChilly are moments
When I am all alone
Meaningless obsessions
When your have no one
Of your own
It's the moment that I see
My numbness fades
I can feel
I saw it in her smile
Lovers drawn together
I saw in her smile
These times...
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candy, love, lust, music, romantic
Form: Ballad
angry child
please …
I beg you, forgive me
I’ve been waiting … to grieve
to let go of you properly
but I can’t …
all this time, I didn’t know
like fingers, probing blackness
I’ve been reaching
hoping …
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analogy, candy, child, mother
Form: Free verse
GREATER-Just as sure am we're, founded
We are greater
You say because God made us
In Him We are greater cause!
Affirmation Hallelujah just so is
Greater Is He whose witin me
No greater love than Him
Not even...
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addiction, blessing, candy, confidence,
Form: Free verse
Halloween scaresShould I write a poem about Halloween,
full of psychological horrors and gruesome things?
Like deep romantic wounds getting infected,
herpe kisses or Donald Trump getting elected?
I could lean on shuddery tropes, like haunted houses
or more real world...
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candy, fun, halloween, humor, scary,
Form: Rhyme
Specific Types of Candy Poems
Definition | What is Candy in Poetry?