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Biological Poems - Poems about Biological

Biological Poems - Examples of all types of poems about biological to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for biological.
AFTER I finish this poem and all the alphabets are in bed you can walk with me down the hill where the stream is, lady where fish dream they are stars (now this blows my mind -- but there they are) Looking...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Brolley Hit
Brolley Hit Give me something small No big bomb or aircraft carrier needed A little virus on the tip of a pin Ready to inject you viral death Not fall down dead a few days Starts with a fever then more Doctor...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, conflict, technology, violence,
Form: Blank verse

Finding Mr Lost Dad
Poem Sanged Daddy.Vibes..(written for someone I know and I feel their pain so) Listen.. hold me close and not far.. plz. hold me close to you. Don't reach for me and be too far.. I'm just getting to know...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, dad, father daughter, father
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Truth
Time is the strictest and most honest man I ever see Man like to tell beautiful lies To restrict aging, to maintain youth Amazing and wonderful But no matter what are the efforts All will be ended up by...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, age, beauty, body, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Family Isnt Just Biological
When papa brought me home, I felt loved from the start. I had no problem giving all of you my whole heart, You all never made me feel like canine, I was family. I was protective towards you...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, family,
Form: Rhyme

Mother In Biological Tongue
dear mother, your nurturing is so warm that my DNA denatures because of it, but at the same time your neutral appearance reseals it. my bonding to you is like protein structure it takes step to become strong, like...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, angel, beautiful, blessing, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Biological Byte
A glance is enough - She is hot stuff It is love of a fashion - This steamy passion She bites off his head - So he is dead A mantis is born - The next dawn...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, birth, death, insect, life,
Form: Rhyme
Dual Role
Dual Role The factory was a dual role one It was a great division of labour And of resources making double the profit On a Monday it made polonium And on a Tuesday it made baby milk And on a...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, conflict, military, war,
Form: Free verse
Biological Parents Minted Circa December 1st 1957
Biological parents minted circa December 1st, 1957 Amelie Beth Harris fresh out womb blurted "ahoy" melded as genetic deoxynucleic acid alloy awkward first time parents natural affection did employ Boyce and Harriet Harris shed tears of joy, and feted yearly birthdays, thus much appreciation ye...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Biological Love
since the birth of love- love learns to fly through the dark of night body to body, veins to veins, under the broken moonlit, crossing the owl sight, besides the bamboo bush, under the half-broken thatched made roof, in the other...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, blue, love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Our Biological Clock
We are all creatures of time: tick-tock, tick-tock A finely tuned machine is our biological clock Set into motion by the hand of God It eases us gently into the Land...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, how i feel, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
When I Am With You
When I'm with you, Time stops. The paradox: Time goes, Like the thin...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, love, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Biological
biological clock ticking away baby factory posted on August 4, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, age, baby, creation, mother,
Form: Senryu
Biological Clock Patented Before Seth Thomas Design
fertilization upon ovule via spermatozoa automatically gearing linkedin anticipated birth especially upon confirmation conception did sex seed after numerous attempts dispelled dearth as probable...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, abortion, destiny, identity, memory,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Biological Enlightenment
First off, this is not pick on George Lakoff day because I love his Political Mind like a brother. BUT, yes, you knew that was coming, so let me change it right now AND, yes, much of the proletariat-patriarchal Enlightenment Era of the...Read the rest...
Categories: biological, anti bullying, community, culture,
Form: Political Verse

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