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Bicycle Poems - Poems about Bicycle

Bicycle Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bicycle to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bicycle.
Premium Member Beach 1 School 0
Youth, I think it's time, on your bike to climb to rapture sublime. Feel wind on your face, freedom to embrace, so that you may fly. Watch the world go by - on your two-wheeled high! Turn left or turn right to a newfound...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, beach, sports,
Form: Rhyme
Bicycle Riding Excitement
Life is like bicycle riding To keep you from balance You must keep moving You should pedal in advance So you will not fall in rough In life always be on guard  Even when things get tough Keep moving forward Keep pushing Keep...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, analogy, courage, life, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Exercise Bicycle Poem One
Tomorrow, l'Il try my exercise bike. No, not that expensive, complee doozy! I'd fall down and be a fallen, poetic lollapaloozy! My glory days of riding a real bicycle have long past. But all our bodies need exercise, as...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, encouraging, giggle, health,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Bicycle Wheel - Duchamp
secured in place upon painted seat spokes crisscross at its heart neither useful positioned to gain dismissed attention the 'art', of course, is a parody of itself named a 'readymade' a concept - to...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Halloween on the Hill
Sit still in your chair, little one, and I'll tell the tale of my true Halloween story and my sad travail. I was a kid just like you, eating my frosted flakes. I asked mom for more sugar,...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, child, halloween,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member The Bicycle of Life
'Twas once the bicycle of life, started down a cheerful lane, past daisies beneath the sun, when Mary waved at me again, just as my bike hit a bump, And I flew end-over-end, landing hard upon my head - thump! Oh...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, humor, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Weekend Warrior on a Bicycle
I cycled to Hawthorne before the dawn, Saw a deer on Taxter Road leading a fawn. I reached a field of the kids little League. Waited for the train, too pumped for fatigue. The train passed by lakes of...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, adventure, nature,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member There Are No Hard Days Riding A Bicycle Across The US
I've spent a great deal of time riding alone this last week. Many of the roads we have been on do not have a shoulder making it impossible to ride side by side. There have...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, adventure, blessing, cancer, encouraging,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Doctor Said I'm Suffering From 'Bicycle Face'
I said I ain't been on no bike He said, 'Well, there it is.' Premature baldness and popcorn muscles I told him I got a B in History He said, 'What a life you're gonna have.' This is what I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, baseball, boxing day ,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Powered by Peanut Butter
Years ago, a young man in Brooklyn wheeled his bike out the gate. His plan, to cross the land, exact route left to fate. The first week was the hardest, scared, he doubted his quest. It took all...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, adventure, america, courage, endurance,
Form: Verse
Summer by Bicycle
How far did you ride your bike In the summertime before they turned out the streetlights With mates no matter the weather To each one that you were tethered Around to the local oval ground Where you kicked the football...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, childhood, summer,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Grumpy Ollie
The grump got out of a lumpy bed, Slipped on his slippers, scratched his head. Stood on the scales, saw what he weighed, Then made some toast with marmalade. The grump then cycled down the lane, He moaned and...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, angst, anxiety, education, good
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Just Retired My Bicycle
I ride a bicycle just retired my tricycle No stove, no oven, no range Some folks think me strange 'cos I use the sun for cooking ...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, fantasy, hero, nature,
Form: Couplet
Love Songs On a Bike, In the Cold, and At Night
I was listening to some songs of love On my way home from work It was dark And cold I just had my little phone flashlight No coat And about two miles of hills ahead of me And it turns out When you...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, dark, loneliness, love, music,
Form: Free verse
A Bicycle Bell
A bicycle bell very clearly does say, Melodiously, “Please get out of my way!” It isn’t as jarring as honking we’d hear From taxis or cars warning us to steer clear. It doesn’t disturb like a grating alarm And the...Read the rest...
Categories: bicycle, sound,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry