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Best Nostalgia Poems

Below are the all-time best Nostalgia poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of nostalgia poems written by PoetrySoup members

One Brief Moment
Look...See how long nights are drawing in.
Dreary birdsong gradually abates -
Opaque dusk grows dim;
And just outside the creaky little garden
Stood opposite the empty wood
Where the...

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Categories: imagery, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Will You Tie My Shoes When I Grow Old
You were beautiful, 
my tiny child, 
wrapped tightly in my arms, 
close to my heart.
I listened to you breathing.
I counted your fingers
and your toes.

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Categories: nostalgia, caregiving, childhood, daughter, growing
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Amberina Ballerina
A born lioness my untamed heart? ha! 
a mouse, this pulsing token ruled by unruly wants
at times given, traded or stolen - sometimes
thrown down on...

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Categories: nostalgia, destiny, emotions, inspiration, introspection,
Form: Free verse
This Scar of Mine
There is a scar

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Categories: nostalgia,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member You Caught the Wind
I remember you, from when there was a spring
When the seasons were ripe, with verdant green
Our nimble feet danced in the wind
and on the brink...

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Categories: nostalgia, death of a friend,
Form: Free verse

Winter's Afterglow
stars twinkled brilliantly
against majestic snow-capped mountains,
delicate pure white flakes danced;
swirling, twirling, rhythmically.

she stood, nose pressed tightly
against the window pane; gazing in awe
at the magic the...

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© Lynn Marie  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: nostalgia, angst, death, introspection, loss,
Form: Free verse
This Song Is For My Mother
This song is for my mother
Let her hear me cry
I couldn’t bring myself to write it
‘Til this darkened day arrived
A song about old promises 

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Categories: nostalgia, angst, death, dedication, depression,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Stardust Road
“Stardust Road.”

"Soft defense is driven by my thoughts,
I vanish away into yesterday’s scenic road,
Set the mood among the dark clouds,
Wish I could go back to...

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Categories: adventure, nostalgia, travel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Think of You - At the Edge - 3
A reflection of the coloured pencil drawn sky
skates on the glass smooth surface below it.
While a rebellious group of shades take their positions 
on a...

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Categories: introspection, love, nature, nostalgia,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Loving Years
Dark honey tanned skin glistens
    From the moisture of humidity.
The ladies flirt shamelessly with 
    You, but your eyes...

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Categories: nostalgia, autumn, beach, husband, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When We Were Royals
Leaning against the warmth of old oak, 

I recall your sun burnt skin that summer.

As I let my fingers linger on the side of the...

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Categories: nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
Paper Boats
(Dedicated to one of my childhood friends)

You were one of those charming lilies
that bloomed, so fresh, in my springtime pond;
when my homesick wings of longings...

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Categories: childhood, memory, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
Categories: life, love, nostalgia, sad,
Form: Shape
Premium Member Who I Would Bring Back
Who would I bring back, if I had only one
Perhaps a great leader, Kennedy or Lincoln

Or I could choose a musical icon
Such as John Lennon...

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Categories: memory, mother, nostalgia, woman,
Form: Couplet
The Cold of Winters How Can My Words Perceive
The many winters I had seen
When  once I was a teen
Gathered inside our small living room
Joy and simplicity our faces illume
Warm with laughter at...

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Categories: nostalgia, age, blessing, books, family,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things