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Will You Tie My Shoes When I Grow Old

You were beautiful, my tiny child, wrapped tightly in my arms, close to my heart. I listened to you breathing. I counted your fingers and your toes. Helpless, you cried out to me and I loved you with every ounce of my soul. Will you hear me when I cry out? Will you hold me close as I held you then? I remember the day You took your first step. There was no stopping you. Your feet gave you freedom to explore the world like never before but danger lurked. I opened those doors anyway, cautiously, and introduced you to the world. Where will you be when my legs no longer run? no longer work? Will you realize that I love freedom too? I laugh about that day you first tied your shoe. We tried and tried to get that rabbit in that hole and you finally did it. You pointed your toes for everyone to see how proud you were. I am proud too, of my writing and my drawing, of my needlework and my cooking. But my hands are beginning to ache and my fingers will not bend. I will lose the things that make me proud except for you. Hopefully not you. Will you let me brag on you? Even tell wild stories that are a bit beyond the truth? Will you be proud of me too? I waved good-bye that morning when you left on that large, yellow bus. I was so scared. I know you were too. You waved at me bravely through the dusty window but I saw the water forming in your eyes. You came home, however, full of pride and joy. You sang the alphabet song and got most of it right. You practiced for hours until you could sing it even in your sleep. But I'm afraid. I forgot whether I took my pills today or not. I forgot if I told this story before. I even forgot once who you were and it terrified me. My mind is my treasure the only thing I have left, and I heard you make fun of me for not remembering that I gave you the same gift as last year. Will you love me when I no longer know who I am? You came home blushing from the glow of your first kiss. Your first love, the one you thought was real. You talked about him non-stop. You changed for him. You gave. But he left you anyway for a blue-eyed girl and I held you while you cried for him. I too have a broken heart. The love of my life left me after fifty-six years. He left me here to live life on my own while he moved on to another realm And I cry for him too. I long for his shoulder and strong embrace. I feel betrayed because he and I made a deal that we would never leave the other alone. Yet I am alone sitting in an echoing house with no hands to hold. You welcomed her home today- your tiny baby girl. She has your eyes and possibly your toes. I see you counting them as they roll me into the room. You finally came to visit. It has been a while. You look up at me with tears in your eyes and ask almost desperately, "Will she tie my shoes when I get old? "

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 8/8/2024 4:55:00 AM
Excellent writing. Getting old sucks. Luckily my daughter took me in after my husband passed away. She has been so good to me. I couldn’t ask for better or more. I haven’t forgotten her yet and I fear for the day I might. My writing has slowed as well as my Painting. My mind was always my best feature, and I feel it slipping away. A brain tumor earlier this year was removed and it has helped. You don’t realize how hard it is on the elderly, Until you are one. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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Date: 3/4/2024 7:48:00 AM
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Date: 8/26/2023 11:03:00 AM
Beautiful poem. The question always remains. In Indian subcontinent, any one younger in family will do it, here I don't know who will.
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Date: 8/25/2023 1:36:00 AM
God.. It is one of the most beautiful poems I have had the chance to read.
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Date: 4/8/2022 1:41:00 PM
i carry with me in life a great love for mother....and you have written the ode in my heart i carry...thank you
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Date: 6/14/2021 3:50:00 PM
O Rachel, what a beautiful and poignant poem of pure love. A FAVE for me ~
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Date: 2/21/2019 2:31:00 PM
Hello Rachel Kovacs, a beautiful created poem. i enjoyed to read. Have a nice day my friend.
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Date: 2/19/2019 10:23:00 AM
Hi Rachel, have never read a poem that tore my heart right out of my chest and wept. you are a master poet to me. This is beyond the horizon of beauty. Thank you for touching my my inner most being. You are magic.! I am blessed with a daughter who while a human, is a true angel, as I age. Her helping me and endless love, is a wonder. As she was to me. God's gift! With respect and love, Panagoita Romios
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Date: 1/25/2019 12:56:00 AM
No words and that's odd..Brillant and breathe taking
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Date: 7/19/2018 12:38:00 AM
Sorry Rachel I forgot I had already added it to my favourites-old age and short term memory loss I’m afraid-But I hadn’t expressed my admiration before for this wonderful piece which is something you deserve.
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Date: 7/19/2018 12:26:00 AM
This is really wonderful.It is so moving and beautifully written.It was such a joy to read I would like to have it please Rachel for one of my favourites.
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Date: 3/8/2018 11:32:00 PM
We give our children everything that we can, to see them growing up to be what we couldn't, to have the happiness that we didn't have, to be speared from the mistakes we fall in to. I hope your child will grow up to be the person you wished to be. Great words you wrote, I can tell they came out from good heart.
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Date: 1/11/2018 11:07:00 PM
Came across this poem as I’m getting ready to sleep. Ah, the memories of raising tiny tots ~ though related, not my own ~ I am well-pleased to have shared their “firsts”. Thank you for articulating so well the thoughts that come as many of us lay our heads upon our pillows. I am now a follower and will enjoy reading more of your poems. ~ BD
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Date: 12/13/2017 6:52:00 PM
Very heart felt poem. Thank you for sharing your talent: From Peggy
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Date: 12/11/2017 4:33:00 AM
Wow...amazing poem, Rachel...I care full time for my 88yr. young Mom now....3 strokes, new heart valve, independant! the biggest thing I catch showing frustration with her building memory issues...I want her to remember such simple things....but need huge working on my shortcomings, thanks for daylight on issue...james
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Date: 12/11/2017 4:20:00 AM
Rachel, a touchingly beautiful write that left a tear spilling from my eye.
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Date: 12/11/2017 3:49:00 AM
This was absolutely beautiful Rachel!!! So poignant yet filled with love! I was swept away with recognition into emotions that every parent can relate to. I’m very happy your piece was featured so that I have discovered you today:). Best , Judy
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Date: 12/11/2017 12:33:00 AM
Very good work. Linear projection through anecdotal material every parent can identify with to a conclusion we are forced to dwell upon. Refreshing to be confronted with such talent.
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Date: 12/11/2017 12:09:00 AM
Rachel, I think this is a really beautiful poem with a message that should be shared. Outstanding! A Fave for me! : )
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Date: 12/10/2017 11:57:00 PM
I Am A Fan!!! That poem is amazing! 10/10 that's awesome I have to say on of the best poems out there
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Date: 12/10/2017 11:13:00 PM
Hi Rachel....So lovely poem....and a lovely request to the child.................Love to Mom and DAD when they grew old and we normally ignore them.... ""Will she tie my shoes when I get old? "
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Date: 12/10/2017 9:20:00 PM
Dear Rachel Kovacs, Simply splendid poem,depicting the reality! But it's said that 'love begets love & hatred begets hatred'. If we'll take care of our parents & their needs,our progeny is supposed to follow suit. On the contrary,if we'll ignore our parents, then our children shall forget us also.
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Date: 12/10/2017 6:08:00 PM
Certainly makes you wonder leaving much food for thought! Thank You I found it most enjoyable
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Date: 12/10/2017 5:49:00 PM
Rachel, This speaks of facts that most will face in their lifetime..You have captured the emotion of life so well..I am at the point in my life where anything can happen and I do not know if my children will be able to care for me and that is a scary thought..Sara
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Date: 12/10/2017 5:25:00 PM
Rachel: You have put into elegant words that "elephant" in every grey hairs lonely room. Thank you for sharing this with all of us on the soup. Perhaps it will catch the eye of someone's son or daughter and awaken in them a desire to visit. oldbuck
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry