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Best March Poems

Below are the all-time best March poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of march poems written by PoetrySoup members


Sweet, bitter March,
last year tears haven’t dried out up 
till now and yet you
are already at the door,
knocking lightly!

Sadness is still flapping over my head...

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Categories: nostalgia, march,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Our Month of March
Our Month of March

The month of March will soon make her debut;
     this winter month, our third is now in line.

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Categories: hope, march, spring,
Form: Sonnet
Hillside Stream In Early March
Replenished with rain, it rushes on,
Its brown water pours and spills
Like vinegar from the pickle bottle,
Tumbling over, bubbling through
The jagged jumble of rocks,
Those early plants...

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Categories: march, mountains, nature, river,
Form: Free verse
One Green Leaf
One leaf fell from a tall, tall tree
and subtly kissed gnarled roots beneath;
a lover’s kiss below sunned-sheath 
of greenest leaves, a jubilee.  

One spiraling...

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Categories: march, color, green, holiday, imagery,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Endless Love
Infinite Loves Pi
Circling souls, forever one,
Decimal twirls, a spiral kiss
Endless loop, hearts entwined
Burning bright, love's endless climb. 

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Categories: love, march, math,
Form: Tanka

Premium Member Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
-	Daniel Henry Rodgers

Beneath stardust's scattered gleam, 
Her-story, a comet’s tail, blazing across time.

Through seasons it molds
...Once hushed now bold
We rise like...

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Categories: march, freedom, girl, history, literature,
Form: Narrative
One Poetic Night
It was a cold and brisk
February night I stepped outside
To take a short stroll to the dumpster.
The sky was clear, almost starless. 
Waves of muffled...

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Categories: march, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Evening At the Home
Written: March 5, 2012
Updated: March 11, 2012

Listen to nurse's report including the news 
that Joe and Wilma like each other.

Check all rooms and find that...

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Categories: march, caregiving, life, people, light,
Form: List
Spring, Oh So Close
Sunny today
but Oh what a chill

The wind inhales and exhales
the trees bend on the hill

Winnie the Poohs Blustery Day
just cannot compete

In like a lion and...

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Categories: fun, green, march, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The 'Undred An' Fifth
The 'Undred an' Fifth is the greatest o' Britain,
They charge like the Royal Marines;
They'll shatter the shock, and they'll 'old like a rock,
On nothin' but...

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Categories: adventure, courage, war, march,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Forever Radiant

Radiant hymn's   of morning sun
of Godly words   O' how I run
to and fro
I traipse in search
in love I rest
still  ...

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Categories: march, dedication, faith, father, inspirational,
Form: Lyric
Last league of March, after spring had reached its peak,
I opened my doors to abeer.
And sunshine.

She grinned, 
And shrieked in delight when I caught...

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Categories: march, allusion, celebration, color, lust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member We Marched For the Madness of Mortality's Mayheim -
Warriors of austere adventures,
soldiers for suffering and tribe survival,
children,peasents,women & men,the penny poor & candid criminals,
proud peoples,honest heros,

we marched on all the flesh of earth,

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Categories: history, march,
Form: Imagism
I Marched On
Crushed by WII
Brutal arms of Japan
Father in prison
Brother in heaven
But I marched on

Crushed by Korean War
Brutal arms of North
Goodbye, Father
See you in heaven
But I marched...

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Categories: march, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Snowflakes
Snowflakes float
Whimsically on the wind
	Gentle merging of 
		Terrestrial elements 
	Cosmic order of
		Patterned perfection
Children frolic with Frosty 
	Making snowmen and 
		Snow angels
Snowflakes melt

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© Mel Gill  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: beauty, destiny, life, march,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things