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Best Engagement Poems

Below are the all-time best Engagement poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of engagement poems written by PoetrySoup members

Now I Am Back To School
Many a year so far
a sweet sensation would within surge 
as back to school season 
has just begun..
The feelings of a child 
eager and joyful...

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Categories: confusion, devotion, education, engagement,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Ha Moment
Sometimes I feel lost and unappreciated
I ponder why I am here?

Sometimes I look for approval from
I want someone to give me a pat on
the back...

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© Alexis Y.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: engagement,
Form: Free verse
If Love Were Enough
If Gratitude were enough, 
I’d fill the oceans with mine for having you
If laughter were enough,
I’d make you laugh till your last breath,
Just so I...

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Categories: anniversary, engagement, inspirational love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member At the Pawn Shop
I met her  in a pawn shop on a warm summer night
When running from the rubble of  my shattered life
To sell a broken...

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Categories: beauty, change, engagement, imagination,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Great Contest Expectations, the Folly of Man
Place parsed pennies, purposely upon pretty porcelain palms.
The wanderer, restrained her raised ranting wrists!
She fell to her Humpty Dumpty position,
unable to ever be put back...

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Categories: engagement, angst, dark, death, desire,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Do It Again, Please

Roll back the joy of golden, painted years.
Hold me in that rapture, of joyful cascading tears.

Place the engagement ring on my soft hand.
Allow me to...

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Categories: engagement, lost love, relationship,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Wild And Free
Psyches on the edge
Psyches going wild
Wild child oh so daring 
Wild one hellish bold 
Bold and downright brazen
Bold though fiercely blind
Blind to subtle logic 

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Categories: engagement, birth, care, deep, destiny,
Form: Blitz
Premium Member Move the Clouds,A Reason For Rainbows
      ~~Move the Clouds~
      (A Reason for Rainbows)

When you left, you took my heart!
It was...

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Categories: depression, engagement,
Form: Free verse
A Different Love Story

She was beautiful within and without,
He was handsome, there was no doubt,
Engaged to be married, they were in love,
He knew she was pure like a...

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Categories: engagement, love, marriage,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hope Chest
This once was an empty hope chest,
All my wishes it was waiting to hold,
Now it keeps the things I love best,
As my life begins to...

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Categories: nostalgia, remember, engagement,
Form: Quatrain
Working In the Hospice
To Work In A Hospice Just Be There and Care.

Bring yourself, It's all that you have and it's real,
Everyone needs to be understood and to...

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Categories: caregiving, grief, loss, engagement,
Form: Acrostic
Painting Our World With Love
When held in your arms
I'm crowned by your love
I know I am now safe
Your warmth empowers my inner soul
as I'm wrapped in your sweet embrace

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Categories: engagement, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Give the Government Back To the People
We went all our children
To be in land of the free
We want all our children
To be, to be
Live in a land of liberty
By our consitution...

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Categories: engagement, america, change, community, corruption,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Relatives Re-Inact a Romantic Reconciliation
Oh, yes, Darling! Please meet me up the street, in fifteen minutes, right past the old tan house with that porch, bamboo.
We need to talk...

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Categories: engagement, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Satin and Old Lace
Bent fingers trace embroidered leaves
on satin and long lacy sleeves.
Blush roses, twenty-six she counts--
A French word she can't now pronounce.

She blows dust from old envelopes

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© Ann Peck  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: age, clothes, emotions, engagement,
Form: Couplet

Book: Shattered Sighs