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Best Degeneratively Poems

Below are the all-time best Degeneratively poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of degeneratively poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Let Us Speak Clearly
Let me speak clearly with you
dear religious and atheist Trumpians,

A fool in executive office
is a leader
only in foolish directions.

A rich thief
is the worst thief
as survival...

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Categories: degeneratively, caregiving, culture, education, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Wisdom's Marching Council
I know you invited the Brothers to side-line along,
but only if we are here to listen;
Don't speak.

Yet I may have credential for qualifying voice.
For I,...

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Categories: degeneratively, deep, health, poverty, race,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Answers Without Questions
Why do questions hope to end with answers
while answers seem to never end 
without yet more questions?

As a case in point...

How are the Case Studies...

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Categories: degeneratively, feelings, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Wise Elders
Wise Elders are patient,
fully embrace non-violent communication
and health care
of climates and landscapes,
and planet,
and dreams
rebuilding positive faith.

Wise Elders non-violently listen
for karmic grace of love
sometimes overflowing.

If Wise...

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Categories: degeneratively, 5th grade, caregiving, class,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Everyday Christians
I would imagine Adam Smith's invisible cooperative economic
self-and-Other-investment hand,
at least during Christian Sunday morning services,
looked and sounded and felt very much
like the One Invisibly-Organic-Holistic-Enlightened MindBody...

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Categories: degeneratively, body, christian, culture, earth,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Following Earth's Light
Borrowing from David Holmgren, Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond [Win-Elite v Lose-NonElite] Sustainability, 2002, p. 1

Health ethics are Beloved Community normative principles
used to guide action...

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Categories: degeneratively, creation, destiny, earth day,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Genesis of Integrity
Who died
and made God the Father
the Christian Fundamentalist Law of Cooperative Redemption?

Well, dear, that was Jesus of Nazareth,
your CoMessianic Avatar of regenerative health trends,

OK, so,

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Categories: degeneratively, america, christian, creation, earth,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Positive Political Psychology
I question my own interplay of psychology and political science.
Does this too facilely root analogy within ecology of climate health v pathology?

Intersections of sociology and...

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Categories: degeneratively, culture, health, political, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Manic Depressive Climates
Depression is like dying
without hope this process will end well,
without remediation
at least not for my closely held ego-identity,
and despair 
this turning inward
creates a cocoon by...

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Categories: degeneratively, beauty, culture, depression, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Problems of Success
Old misunderstandings of how Earth
and Her species
regeneratively and degeneratively change,
sometimes in revolutionary expansive/implosive quick and great transitions,
but more traditionally in slow-grow emergent spacetime development,
are often...

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Categories: degeneratively, culture, earth, health, mental
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member God As Brown As An Egg
If God is EggWhite
then Tao is His embryonic EarthYolk.

Why would you say such a confusing and silly thing?

What is the difference between a Paradise Tree...

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Categories: degeneratively, earth, god, health, history,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Jesus Christ As Climate Savior
To my sisters,
and narrow-way brothers,
in Jesus Christ
as Supreme U.S. Savior,

I reached U.S. voting age during the 70s.
During this time,
the Religious Right
and Republican Party Center
were about...

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Categories: degeneratively, appreciation, christian, culture, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Feministas
Cooperative Feministas
are not quite so much Competitive Manifestos.

In David Holmgren's introduction to Permacultural Therapeutic Design,
he contrasts "Industrial Culture" with "Sustainable Culture"
kind of like comparing masculine...

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Categories: degeneratively, anti bullying, caregiving, destiny,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Wind Whispering
Mentors with the BeeTrees

From NorthWinds
come darkening winter
as newborn discontent
waiting to spring forth.

From SouthWinds
come summer's diastasis
climax of full-born wisdom,
contentment for and from all four directions
spread across...

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Categories: degeneratively, happiness, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Empowering Regenerative Healthcultures
is our shared regenerative tradition
as Earthlings,

And dying
is our autonomously
fading degenerative position
as former organic life systems
living ego-identified upon
and economic-ecologically within
an organic Sun/Earth Revolving HealthSystem
spiraling through Time

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Categories: degeneratively, culture, earth, health, history,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things