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Best City Poems

Below are the all-time best City poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of city poems written by PoetrySoup members

My City
Of the Gods own country
of this paradise
where green and blue
merge as one
in the north is a city
that encompass the beauty
where the dream lands meet
lined by...

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Categories: beach, beauty, city, nature,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Prayer For the City
Prayer for the City

Dear God,
How heavy are my thoughts tonight!
I feel the ills of the city, pressing, pressing.
For all the young people being arrested, right...

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Categories: care, city, prayer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In This Place
I am the weed
In a crack in the pavement
Dismantling concrete
Crumbling foundations
In this man made world
Rooted in the earth
Despite the city
I am the seed


Composed for Line...

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Categories: city, nature,
Form: Free verse
The Art of Loving You

Come with me, let us rekindle love –
walk with me over bridges aglow
while rivers magically glisten below.
If you hold my hand, 
perhaps, we might spy...

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Categories: art, city, light, love,
Form: Free verse
9 11
America the Free  ~             America the Brave ~

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Categories: america, city, death, discrimination,
Form: Free verse

I Dreamed a Dream of You
Yesterday I dreamed a dream,
that had no end.
You in your white gown, and long, black hair flowing.
You were calling my name.
I heard you, but I...

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Categories: city, august, beautiful, beauty, care,
Form: Romanticism
House of the Tragic Poet
Two thousand years, a tragedy is past
Yet it's history still leaves us aghast.

On a night, dreadfully dark
A  volcano erupted, leaving it's historical mark

Mount Vesuvius...

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© Amy Green  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: city, house,
Form: Couplet
Night Driving
I want to take a drive tonight
through a maze of half-lit roads
paved in onyx shadows.
I want to follow starry streets
that roll in waves of cold...

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Categories: city,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Random Moment
--- Matamoros, 2:00p.m., December 6, 2014

I sit at this table
(as I have done many times)
wielding a ball-point pen,
with insufficiencies of
thoughts and words --
out of place.

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Categories: age, city, death, dog,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sci-Fi
Once long ago there was a clear blue sky
Where roamed free bird and butterfly
That’s when came the idea to super citify
And to pollution creators deify

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Categories: city, humanity, loss, nature,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Clubland
a city 
wakes slowly 
to silence
and lights that 
keep watch
over night

the red
and red amber
the green
on still streets with
no traffic in sight.

railings and
stone steps...

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Categories: city, morning, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Silent Sos
I strain my ears to hear you

s i l e n c e

The violence within your quiet voice

s i l e n c e

I wish...

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Categories: angst, blue, city, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crannied Walls
They cling, these city dwellers,
to crannied city walls
dusted with the exhaled indifference
of a blindly passing world.
Gasping in the fetid urban exhale
longing for the touch of...

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Categories: city, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fatherless
When a household is fatherless
desperation drips from weathered eaves
the children tend to grow wild as weeds 
slipping from rambunctious into mischievous..
People dismiss it as a...

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Categories: city,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 5th Avenue Sunrise
jampacked city streets
that jangled and banged
in the raucous jarring day
from business to boogaloo
squeezing into moonlight
party lights
gin and lime-kissed
gimlet sequined dress
in studded six-inch heels
riveting flair
provoking jive...

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Categories: city, culture, day, new
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things