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Best Chastushka Poems

Below are the all-time best Chastushka poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of chastushka poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Words From a Dandelion
I saw your other flowers sprout,

so bringing charm, I put down roots.

but hating me, you yanked me out.

You fool, I'll just bring more recruits!...

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Categories: funny,
Form: Chastushka

Premium Member Surfer Chick
He never stopped preaching
About the color of my hair
So I kept right on bleaching
and now there's nothing there 

Contest: Bad hair day
Sponsored by Rick Parise

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Categories: funny
Form: Chastushka
Then They Give Us Form As If One Three Thousanth of Us Know What the Hell That Is
Velvet fell from the SKY ON a Boston day by the bay
Cotton caressed thy lips gentility so that you might sigh
While you tried to convince...

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Categories: angst, me, night, me,
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member Indisposed
Hair there, why cry, pull it out ..try!
Pretty YES on your head but nose?
God that’s gross you’re not a guy
Pull it out you’re indisposed!...

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Categories: funny
Form: Chastushka
Premature Aging
pReMaTuRe AgInG
an older woman and a younger man
are a trix in between
because as his love blooms
he sees himself aging.
penned on august 31, 2014!...

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Categories: age, angst, bereavement, body,
Form: Chastushka

He should have gifted something else
the gifts brought her an instant fame
as she saved those on her 'blue dress',
Zippergate was the scandal name!


Placement: 6th;(March 2012)


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© Kash Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: political,
Form: Chastushka
Let Me Watch
Let me watch
Till the end. 
The world is on
Threat to the end. 
   More ambitions
Global warming
Deadly bio weapons
Increased tensions. 


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Categories: destiny, education, feelings, how
Form: Chastushka
If I Were You
If I were you
 And you were me
 i knew your sorrows 
 And you felt pains of me.

 All roots of misunderstanding 

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Categories: change, conflict, cute love,
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member You Cannot Make Us Shelter In
Not us they said.  You cannot make us shelter in!
Memorial Day they ran to the beaches for fun.
We do not buy into your story,...

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Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member Waste of Time
A long time he has hung on
It's about time he gets the boot
The rest would be glad to see him gone
They'll team up to say...

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Categories: political, time,
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member The Paradox of Fall
Fall arrives today, still clad in green,
Clear skies of impossible blue
Presage the riot of color to come;
Hot reds and golds, yet bitter cold - whom...

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Categories: funny, nature, seasons
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member Year of the Wig
(This is a true story from 2001, when I let my
hair grow back to dark, and I fooled a few people
who thought the wig was...

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Categories: funny, hair, hair,
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member Comb Over
Z Z Top and Cousin It took the right approach
     Dark sun glasses and beards detract from scraggly hair
Next time my...

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Categories: funny, cousin,
Form: Chastushka
Premium Member Pitch Man
He was an All Star Athlete,
A potential Hall of Famer.
He could have made a fortune, if,
His hair was not like Kramer's....

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Categories: funny
Form: Chastushka
A Stupid Fly
A stupid fly tried to swim
In my glass filled with a beer
But finally the beast made it to the rim
And when flying away it showed...

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Categories: funny
Form: Chastushka

Book: Reflection on the Important Things