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Aries Poems - Poems about Aries

Aries Poems - Examples of all types of poems about aries to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for aries.
Premium Member Aries
I ask myself what I want, as if the veteran doesn’t long to return to the battlefield March me into the wilderness of your body suffocate me with your hot breath burn me with your heat suppress me with your arms of fire run me ragged make me...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, crush, longing, lust, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
My aries love
1. In reflecting upon our relationship, I find myself grappling with the stark contrast between your professed affection and the deceitful actions that have characterized your behavior. Initially, I was optimistic about moving past a...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Look To the Stars
Young and naive, she fell for an Aquarius, over time he grew nasty and quite nefarious.. A little later came her next heart pang. He was a fiery Aries man. With time his habits she just couldn't stand. A long-term...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, fate, love, relationship,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Inxs of Poison From Iron Maiden Scorpion Mamma and Ac Dc Charged Aries Papa
Inxs of poison from iron maiden scorpion mamma and ac/dc charged aries papa Although gainfully unemployed (fate now finds me receiving social security disability – for approximately the last baker's dozen years - the yeast divine intercession...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, 12th grade, abuse, anger,
Form: Free verse
Saving Or Killing the Aries
Settle this score, Once and for all. Murder or Make Love I haven't quite Decided. Or perhaps Neither. Terrified, Tortured Aries. Do I Destroy Myself to Rip off your Mask of masculine apathy, Of Denial of your Maker?...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, anger, angst, passion,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Aries
Astonishing self-assured warrior.  Rough acts entail his mettle and...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, blessing, confidence, destiny, fate,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Aries
A dventurous impulsive fire sign R elentless in pursuit of lofty dreams I dylls best outlets to be creative E ver so passionate and true in love S piritual giving meaning to life Submitted on March 29, 2021 for contest...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, adventure, introspection, perspective, self,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Aries
A dark night on the 4th day of April, Rising in the East waxing crescent moon, In a room they heard a little voice cry, Enters the world another life, that’s me! So began my journey! Oh Lord, thank...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Bio Modified Aries Ram
Aries husband, father, doctor, and cricketer, Lover of poetry, photography, music, in a World divided by arrogance, ignorance and greed! Dream of a world without borders, of happy children without starvation, I fear world is consumed by prejudice, selfishness...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, baptism, birth, blessing, dad,
Form: Bio
The Kiss of An Aries and Capricorn
Say a prayer for me sweetheart, Be my salvation in the darkened night- For you’ve been my light since the start, Yes, that brilliance shining so utterly bright. I need not the shadows lingering in mist, Just the hope...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, love,
Form: Rhyme
This Aries Loves Her Capricorn
was it last night I saw the stars realign, where Aries and Capricorn became one constellation- where brilliance of glittering blue shined like the renowned hope diamond had shattered and scattered across the milky way, only existing for love’s...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, love, stars,
Form: Free verse
Aries of Avidity
When I gaze deeply into your heart, I see my own strength staring back I see that I am worthy Hugged in the warmth of its beat I am attracted to your integrity To your passionate journey Of your...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, devotion, heart, love, magic,
Form: Ode
God of War Roar Hear my Whine Pine Soft belly ambition Attrition Aries hot breath Death His long fight Contrite My lack thereof Dove Will soft mushy Puppy I need berries Aries...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, america, angst, war,
Form: Free verse
The Aries Ram
Categories: aries, stars,
Form: Rhyme
Love songs and empty words curled Around ideas of what love Should be, like horns that ram the unsuspecting, Shaking and shattering bones And all expectation of the Normalcy in past, weak coals that don’t smolder. Life as it should be...Read the rest...
Categories: aries, fire, love, snow,
Form: I do not know?

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry