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Anaya Poems - Poems about Anaya

Anaya Poems - Examples of all types of poems about anaya to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for anaya.

Update You Requested: Thanx Family -- Proxenos, Ricci, Anaya -
Thanks LORD JESUS, Saviour -Redeemer-King, for my survival. I am in Pretoria, the once pristine Capital of South Africa. I took back a flat/ apartment rented Toba Nigerians refugee when I returned here from USA...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, abuse, africa, violence, world,
Form: Free verse
Craftspeople, Creativity, Family - Happy Bday Mom
I You have a vivid mind, heart, vocabulary A lover of God, I make excuses (true, right) Yes, South Africa fails us in electricity Still, Shakespeare worked by candlelight II I admire my sisters who do romance Sometimes sultry, often beauty in...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, absence, america, art, blessing,
Form: Rhyme

For Harry Horsman Lisa Ricci and I Am Anaya and You - Judging2
Dedication is to my Friends who avoid judging: You are not the judge But judge you must For earthly matters and such Leave hell to satan or demons But Heaven in fragrances of your words: Epitaph, apology, poetry, piety, congrats -...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, art, baptism, bible, discrimination,
Form: Rhyme
I Am Harry Anaya Brian Ricci
R recently, power outages takes us BACK - ward E ven reading & commenting here is rare A naya & Harry Horsman, Brian Sambourne, Lisa D Do remind me how comments feed poets' souls P.S. This is a thank you...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, africa, art, environment, feelings,
Form: Acrostic
Rico L and Ree Ko - Thanx Anaya
I If any writer here didn't like him -- If Souper One, or 2023, dislike Rico, Please correct my notion: Rico made you smile Even when you hated to smile or laugh ThanX Rico for leaving your fingerprints here More respectful...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, anti bullying, best friend,
Form: Epitaph

Premium Member Anaya
Anaya writes the greatest stanza and she’s won many a bonanza my link to her is broken with PS I have spoken It’s hard for me to understanza! Every comment that I write is always met without delight desirous that she knows my...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, funny, humorous, poems, poetess,
Form: Limerick
Anaya and Ann Foster - Thanx - Nationalism Exposed By Me Alone Here
In 1897 Theodr HERZL created the Zionist Movement, but his great work helped create the State of Israel in 1948. Where is the State of Zion? Perhaps he meant the Israelist Movement rather than Zionist? Long...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, america, appreciation, bible, character,
Form: Didactic
For Anaya, Anil, Anyone I Am
I A day I do not feel shalom Note it, not knock it, gloat over it Between His promises & impatient me Time knocks on my head, my entirety I say: the symptoms are not ME I am somebody being remade...Read the rest...
Categories: anaya, 12th grade, angst, christian,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs